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Swearing In & Being Kitted


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Hello all,

I have conducted a search on the thread im making and I haven't been able to retrieve any useful information aside from a few bits and pieces. So if this is a repost, I apologize in advance.

I have just recently finished the recruiting process (last week) for the PRes as an Infanteer in the Queens own Rifles. I am just wondering, when my file comes back from Borden, what happens next? I know the unit will contact me, but after that what happens? Here a few questions that I have.  ???

Where will my swearing in take place? The Unit? Or some other place/armoury.
On my swearing in date, will I also be kitted?
If so, what kit will I receive?
When will I be notified if I have been loaded onto BMQ?
What other things happen during the swearing in day?

I think thats all of the questions I have for now  :), and I realize these questions may be repetitive but I have been unable to turn anything up in the search.

Thanks in advance for your replies!
Kit list can be found here:
Can't help yopu with the rest of your question's
Yeah I've seen that list before.

Now is that list what I receive at BMQ, or from my unit? I am assuming the unit.
You will probably be sworn in at Moss Park and be kitted out a couple of days later

thats what happened with me anyways.
Greetings MikeM, im MikeC, ill be on BMQ with the Queen's Own aswell this summer, should be getting sworn in this week, and I was told its most probably going to be done at Moss Park, As for Kit, im not entirely sure, but I think we'll all be getting it at swear in.  Cya there bro. :salute:
The kit part would depend on whether your local armouries carries uniforms/clothing I'd imagine.

I have to wait a couple weeks as we were fitted for all our kit and now we have to wait for it to be brought from another city.
Hey MikeM!

I joined the QOR back in '88. They brought in my Lt right after the interview and he swore me in on the spot, handed me off to a corporal, slapped an FN in my hands and marched me off to a weapons lecture. I was 16 going on 17 at the time. I still remember the awe of holding that rifle for the first time.

As for kit, I had to make an appointment and was told that it would be better to go during the afternoon when it would not be so busy. I would recommend bringing a car as hauling all that kit on the bus/subway would be a rough adventure.

I wouldn't mind hearing more about your recruitment if you'd be so kind to update, as I'd like to re-up in January. I've had the jones to get back in for awhile now and I finally have thing in order to start again.

BTW, I'm a MikeM too!  ;D
Is the Kit has to be return after training is over or is it something you can keep even after you resign?
Yeah, I've got one of those. Anything else I should know guys? You're being quite helpful!
I'v always wanted to know something (probably a stupid question but watever) ; where do you keep your C7's? at your house or unit?
They stay at the unit, I wouldnt want to bring an assault rifle, or any firearm for that matter, home in any case.
sgt_mandal said:
I'v always wanted to know something (probably a stupid question but watever) ; where do you keep your C7's? at your house or unit?

Woah, no, all weapons stay locked up at your unit.

In a european country, forget which one, Sweden? Swissland? The reserves there keep their weapons at home along with a few magazines and ammo. Reason being, so that if they get invaded, there ready to go.
Razic and Mike M, I'm being sworn in and kitted with the Lorne Scots on thursday so I'll probably see both of you at BMQ aswell.

Shoot me a PM if you want.