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Switching "Wrong" Element Wait Time?

DEU change in the Log branch have been requested and approved.  It is not guaranteed to happen if requested, but it has - buddy of mine's wife is a Cook, enrolled in the Nav DEU and after her QL5, requested a change to AF.  She is now a Cpl with a blue lid.  IIRC there are time requirements to be met before you can request DEU change after you are enrolled.  Can't recall the #s, 36 or 48 months or something.

Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but don't purple trades have an "allotment" of sorts; i.e. if Widget Tech is a purple trade with a total of 1000 Pte/Cpls in the trade, 300 are Army DEU, 300 are Air Force DEU and 400 Navy DEU?

Maybe the OP was offered Army DEU because the Navy DEU slots were full?

It can be done and has been done.  Prior to completion of occupation training, the deciding authority is CFRG in consulation with the respective Branch MA.  After occupation training, the auth is the respective Branch.  General rule of thumb is "must have completed Basic Training must have served five years beyond the successful completion of MOC training".

See CANFORGEN 029/02 for details.
Holy &(@#@, I am a bit of a Rolodex memory type...but recalling a 2002 CANFORGEN??  :salute:

Are there still different PLQ's by element within the purple trades?  For example a. AF supply tech vs navy supply tech.
Eye In The Sky said:
Holy &(@#@, I am a bit of a Rolodex memory type...but recalling a 2002 CANFORGEN??  :salute:


I have seen quite a few of these requests over the years.  You get pretty tired of seeing the reason for submission as "I identify more with the XXX element."    :facepalm:

Most requests are to facilitate future co-location postings with a svc spouse.  Nothing like having a spouse who is Inf (hard Land) and the other party is Sea.  Ouch!

At one time, you attended PLQ based on the environment of your current unit but today, I do believe it is now based on your environmental assignment.  So someone in a purple trade who is assigned the Land environment, is going to do the Land PLQ.  Same for Air and Sea.
Eye In The Sky said:
Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but don't purple trades have an "allotment" of sorts; i.e. if Widget Tech is a purple trade with a total of 1000 Pte/Cpls in the trade, 300 are Army DEU, 300 are Air Force DEU and 400 Navy DEU?

Last AMOR put RMS intake at 25% RCN, 50% CA, 25% RCAF DEU allocation.
Tks, I thought there was a breakdown, IIRC I saw something about it when ImagenTech switched from Air Ops to PA and when Met Teh switched to the Int cap badge.  X amount of people had to give up the AF deu in each trade.
Putting my 2 cents in.

Had my interview the other day, recruiter asked me which element I signed up for, I said Army. He said my file said Navy and was pondering why I wanted army as the only difference for med techs is the uniform. I explained to him I'd prefer it, and he jumped on the computer, and changed it within 30 seconds. Done.