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Sworned-In... Then Rejected...

In a worse case scenario you can always get laser eye surgery and then meet the requirements.  That certainly wont get you in the army in time for this co-op but it will allow you a career in the CF if that is what you really want.

Good luck
Was your enrolment conditional?  I know that was going on for a while.  You were sworn in, but it was conditional on medical.  They were doing this to get people on courses etc in time, as the delay would be the return of the medical cat from Borden. 
CFEdward said:
Sorry, I do not know if this is the right section to post but I need to get this off of my chest... before I burst.

I've finished my application process.. CFAT.. Physical.. Medical.. Interview.. I passed everything (Approx. 3 months). I was sworn-in on February 17th and was ready to go to my Co-Op militia placement on the 24th.

I just got a call.. about an hour ago, saying that I am not eligible for employment in the Canadian Forces and that I may not attend my Co-Op placement tomorrow morning. I was shocked. He told me that my medical papers got sent to Arm O? I don't know what that is, but he said that they determined that I am not suitable and placed me under V5.. but the medical office at the CFRC Toronto put me down as V4..

I wiped out my entire semester for this four credit Co-Op placement in the military, and I get a call the night before I'm supposed to go? I don't understand why I got sworn-in then.

My vision grade at the medical office was 6/12 and 6/120, and my corrected vision that I had a eye doctor exam me for was 6/6 and 6/120. I handed the doctor's note on my corrected vision to the medical office and the medical personnel placed me under V4 on the spot. I was taken to my interview and was given my sworn-in date.

I am very upset with myself, and with the Army. I cannot pick another four courses out of the blue for my school semester, and my Co-Op has already started a week and a half ago. (Other classmates started their Co-Op on the 17th, and I had to wait until tomorrow, which is the 24th, to start my Co-Op).

My dream career is now a no career, and my school semester is messed.

Your eye corrected is 6/120? that a bit too much no? The standard is:
V2 up to 6/18 up to 6/18
OR 6/6 6/9
up to 6/12 up to 6/30
V3 up to 6/60 up to 6/60 6/6 6/9
V4 Worse than 6/60 Worse than 6/60 6/9 6/60

You are beyond V4 corrected which is 6/60. You might have did an error while writing?
Me, currently ,last exam i did in April my eye uncorrected are 6/12 and 6/15 or 20/40 and 20/50, hopefully it didn't change.
During the application process, you would have undergone your medical examination. The physician's assistant conducts this on behalf of the RMO(Recruiting Medical Officer). Based on the examination, the PA could recommend someone for enrolment (conditionally). The condition being that the RMO concurs with the details of the medical. This process was introduced a few years ago to reduce the wait time for applicants, especially those who had a straight forward med. Now, I wouldn't presume to speculate on your situation, but it sounds like you were recommended for enrolment and, when your file was subsequently reviewed, it was determined that you did not meet the Common Enrolment Medical Standard (CEMS) and, as such, were ineligible for enrolment. I would recommend that you contact your CFRC and ask to speak with a member of the medical staff in order to confirm your situation. As far as I know, it is not possible to be enrolled into a Reserve Co-op (essentially as a Reservist), without having been assigned an occupation. Finally, I get the sense that you feel you were screwed over...however, I don't think that's the case.It sounds like the PA had recommended you for enrolment and later, based on the contents of your medical, it was determined that you did not, in fact, meet the med standards. Sure, the timing really was bad, but you need to know that your file is one of literally tens of thousands in the pipe. I know it's not what you'd like to hear, but that's what it looks like from where I stand. Sorry to hear about your semester, but still...go and talk to your med staff at the CFRC to see what options, if any, might be available.
We hear about last-minute assignment and stuff down in my neck of the woods all the time.

Every course i've ever been on had people who had been called friday afternoon and told they were going on course and to report friday evening. Forget joining instructions. ha ha.

Sounds like Toronto was rushing you along on positive thinking and beauracratic inertia. Get him enrolled, get his name in, ect.

But you sound really dedicated, if they can do anything about your eyes, lord knows we need more people who actually want to be there.
tough go, i hope things work out.  If the Army is your career goal it will always be there when you're done.  You might still be able to work something out with your school to take courses if you explain your situation to them and put in a bit of extra work to catch up.