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Tattoo Photo Thread

That certainly puts my bubble gum wrapper tattoo to shame! I never got a real one.
ruckmarch said:
To a lot of folks that go overboard with them, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but am sure as most of them grow older, they start to ask themselves, "what have I done"?

I'll hate to think the extremists see coolness in going nuts or trying to outdo the other person. Perhaps some hard basterds wannabes, who were bullied at school when they were younger?



Talking of wannabes, what a contrast in the tattoo and the person


how the hell do you explain that one to your grandchildren?  "Well, kiddies, it seemed like an absolutely wizard idea when I was 21 with a cerebellum full of cocaine and THC."
Kat Stevens said:
how the hell do you explain that one to your grandchildren?  "Well, kiddies, it seemed like an absolutely wizard idea when I was 21 with a cerebellum full of cocaine and THC."

I think he would have to explain to them, that just like the common garden worm, grampy is a hermaphrodite, and the Family tree is a bit twisted.....


Some interesting tats, definatelly not the most screwed up ones I have seen.  Can't/Won't post the pics, but google image search penis dragon tattoo, WTF????
RHFC_piper said:
Not that I am siding with anyone, but I find it od how a saying, placed in a certian context evokes a strong feeling.

Work makes (one) free; the literal trandslation of "Arbeit macht frei"... in the context of a concentration camp, it is horrible and very offensive... but consider it as a motto for personal dedication; the benefit of work is freedom; another connotation of the same translation.

Another example would be the Swastika; an originally sacred symbol destroyed by poor usage and context.

Similarly, a large billboard that says; Read write now! and is aimed at the illiterate... Illogical, but under good intensions... It's just poor context.

I agree that a tattoo in German stating "Arbeit macht frei" is in poor taste, but I believe that is due to the context and history of the usage surrounding it and not the message.

But I digress... I like tattoos.  I have some, but I would like more... I just need money.

I'm guessing your not a Jew/gypsy/pole/ex-POW/jehovah witness/mentally disabled/homosexual or a ww2 vet.I'm sure these "words" evoke a different feeling than you have towards it.
Yeah sure its just words.So is "white pride".Pride in ones heratige.However it isnt appropriate due to the redneck losers who use it as a symbol of hate.

I would be very interested what would happen to the guy in my unit if a jewish person were to see the guy in my units SS motto....

Imagine the media circus this one individual could cause with a SS motto tattooed on his forearm?I know for a fact he has had it there since 2003.No one has done or said anything yet.

Yeah I've pointed it out to those with much higher rank than me.He is the same rank as I.It's not something he denies or hides.Rather shows it.
hey i am thinking of joing the army and getting a tatoo of my name. it means victorious one and i was wonder where i can put it.
I am think about putting it on my left shoulder bane to my arm.
If you read through this entire thread it says once or twice what the CFs policy on tattoos is.  I will give you a hit an answer is on page 3 of this thread.
I agree with most of the posts... being on your body for the rest of your life should not be taken lightly nor a spontanious notion. I sport two and now thinking of a third.  Both my tats are sentimental to me 1 being my childs name (which will never change and date of birth) and the other celebrating my baptism. Being a professional  both are concealed unless I want to show them off and will be the same with the third. I contiplated for 3 years prior to taking the plunge into the ink world. Good Luck with your choice!  ;)

I got 7... 4 that are visible... I'm guessing I'm not professional.. Go figure.  ;D
CDN Aviator said:
I have 5, two of which are visible. Are you saying I am unprofessional ?

If the CF frowns on easily visable tattoos on the face/neck, then I think Gunshy has an argument.

He's not saying that you aren't good at your job, but at the same time a standard must be set as to what the acceptable arcs are to be inside if you're going to represent the country's finest.

As with most things though, at the end of the day it is a human conducting the enforcement of said regulations, and most will err on the side of moderation.  However, if you came to work with a giant Mike Tyson-like tribal swirl around your eye of course it would be an issue.

Culture changes though, as do dress and deportment regulations.  100 years ago you were allowed to have massive glorious mutton chop sideburns, but now you can't.  More and more people are getting tattoos (not just in the Army but the population as a whole) so eventually it may be culturally acceptable in uniform to have your whole face covered, who knows.
TN2IC said:
Get your face tattoo as CADPAT cam paint?

THIS I would love to see.

*drunken night - notices a pair of cadpat trousers in the corner*

'Man, I could really save time out in the field if I got this tattoo'd onto my face!

*runs off to tattoo shop*

*explains to artist - holds out a pair of combat trousers*

*lifetime of regret once sober; only magnified when they replace cadpat*
*For the record... Dole cocktail juice blown out through the nose, from laughing while drinking sucks...

Thanks for the laugh The Crowe.
Not that I doubt that Gunshy can speak for herself, but I suspect her point on "professional" was relating to being in a profession, as opposed to a vocation or trade. As such, there are "professional" expectations regarding dress and deportment that may differ from what is expected of a military trucker.....or even a former-thumperhead who now deploys to 5-star hotels merely because his trade wears flight-suits.  ;)

I didn't read it to imply that any of you sensitive folks lacked professionalism, in the sense of being careless or incompetent.

I mean, you may be.....but I don't think that was her intent, this time  >:D
Journeyman said:
...As such, there are "professional" expectations regarding dress and deportment...

Cheers for finding common ground on a thread, my friend.  It only took a dozen rehearsals, but we nailed it.