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Tattoo Photo Thread

Beadwindow 7 said:
I don't think it's just the Cadpat. The Jimmy in the middle, followed by "Signals Operator" across the top ices that cake. Or the Tattoo artist at Wasaga that laughed at him...

I think it says "QL3" and his QL3 course number as well, but don't quote me on that....

(And let that be a lesson to you kids about tattoos! "Signals Operator" will no longer exist as a trade, commemorated only by a small display in a museum in kingston, and an odd tattoo...)
BulletMagnet said:

Yeah, I was pretty drunk, but the look of pride to embarrassment on his face was one of the funnier things I remember
haha wow.. we made fun of one of the new guys in my last unit for having Velox Versutus Vigilans tattooed on him during his QL3, but that guy you guys are talking about trumps that lol
Beadwindow 7 said:
Yeah, I was pretty drunk, but the look of pride to embarrassment on his face was one of the funnier things I remember

I don't suppose that was the same place I got that (regretable) piercing?
i know a guy who found out back in the late 70s that...Far East cruise + Hong Kong + shore leave + copious alcohol consumption = Sea Cadet with large dragon tattoo covering chest  :rofl:
sunshinethewolf said:
My Two Cents

For anyone thinking of getting ink for the first time, I've noticed alot of advice that all says the same thing IE. "get something meaningful" my kids berthdate, flag of country I'm registered in ect.

I'm going to offer an alternitive idea, the tattoo you get should be entirely meaningless. Lets say you get some religious iconography proudly drilled into your flesh, and in ten years change your mind about said convictions (not my god, i voted for the other guy) well you then become a buddhist with an image of an ancient jewish guy getting tortured. However if you find a great artist and get a piece of meaningless art on your body, well then its always just going to be a piece of art, no matter how many personality changes you go through. I think most people gravitate towards astrological signs, tribal lines, or typical flash because they want a tattoo and yet possess no imagination what-so-ever; well thats why you pay the artist so much freaking money. You are commissioning an artist to create something for you. so give him/her an idea of some theme, general size and placement and the honus is on them. and if you dont like what they come up with, get em to draw it again!

But what do I know, lost count of tattoos after about sixty hours...

For my  :2c:, I beg those of you still going through training and not yet serving in the field army to think long and hard about various regimental/army tatoos. As hard core as you may be in training, 3 years down the line when you have jacked it in or VR'd and working in civvy street, you're going to look a complete prat with some capbadge tatooed on your forearm.

Like the tw*t I saw in Gagetown last summer with the Army crossed swords and maple leaf tatooed on his neck just below his ear.

....Plus you look like a loser.
My personal philosophy on tats, for what its worth,  is that now that I have two of em, One I like, one thats a little meh, and was a bit of an impulse.... is that all future tattoos must be planned, and then thought about for a minimum of one year... if after a that, I still think its an awesome idea, then I will get it....

otherwise I end up with a meh tattoo and then have to figure out how to make it less meh and more awesome....

thankfully I also follow the "keep it under a T-Shirt" rule.
Waffle said:
hey guys, whats the general rule of thumb about service number tattoos?

I don't know if there is one, but, personally, I wouldn't get one.  Kind of dumb, IMHO.  It is Protected A, you know.
Waffle said:
hey guys, whats the general rule of thumb about service number tattoos?

Are they out there... Yes

You still would have to conform with the CF dress policy on Tattoo's.
Waffle said:
hey guys, whats the general rule of thumb about service number tattoos?

"I didn't say THEY couldn't, I said YOU shouldn't"

- Marge Simpson
I've only got one word to say on getting a tattoo of your service number: "Don't."

It may seem cool and all gung-ho to own that unique soldiers' identifier, perhaps none of your friends have one, none of your family do either.  You're proud of it and all it means, it's very special to you .... now.  Once you're in, everyone has one, there's nothing special about it, and no-one will be impressed by it. Wait until after you have completed your trades training, then, if you really still want a SN tattoo, go ahead and do it.
Waffle said:
Ok, but my name is also Protected A, and yet that doesn't seem so bad
Considering all the amazing artwork out there, or the thoughts that could be conveyed using your skin as canvas.......yes, getting your name tattooed on you is just as stupid bad as your Service Number.

Based solely upon your two posts here though, at least let me strongly recommend:
a) not getting a tattoo where it shows (so as to minimize subsequent mocking), and
b) do not let the artist use green ink (eventual laser removal doesn't take out greens very well).

I'm done. Good luck  :)
Waffle said:
hey guys, whats the general rule of thumb about service number tattoos?

Probably better off getting "DOUCHEBAG" tatooed on your forehead.