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The air cadet thread

Kyle Burrows said:
I'm pretty sure screwing up the plane on power and then jumping out of it to save yourself also qualifies you. ;D

Screw you Burrows(;)), I'm still here, and I have another set of wings!!!!!

EDIT: Power is the cats arse!
What happened to the last set of wings...did you break them?  Did you have to re-qualify before they would replace your wings and let you fly Mr. Birdie? (;))
Last set were nice, but with a second set you get so much more preformance, its really unbelivable. And no requalfy, just can now fly one of these......


as well as one of these......

Clearly my joke about breaking a physical pair of wings wasn't made very well.
Oh no I got it, I just decoded anything said by such a groundpounder such as yourself unworthy for my great pilot mind!! ;D

I knew I should have bought that flak cannon.
And yet you didn't. Maybe if you keep shooting that Daisey into the air you'll get really lucky.
did anyone go to rifle coach this summer? I went on the first intake. Also is anyone from 504 BlatchFord Field?
Clearly he is CaptPilk.
The pilkiest captain in the world.
So there I was on a five hour layover at Vancouver International on my way back to Wainwright.   When I stepped off the plane I encountered a sight I had not seen in many years:   The confusion and elation of Cadets returning home after summer camp.

Now I noticed a few things right away. The Sea Cadets clung on to teddy bears, pillows and loped around with headphone on, hands in pockets.   The Army Cadets were a little better, however they were racked out in all states of dress in and about the airport(must have been infantry).   The Air Cadets on the other hand sat politely and demonstated a definite higher standard of dress and deportment.  

So in short, congrats to all those in blue who continue to properly represent your organization in public.   :salute: