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The choice for GOV GEN.

mdh said:
Anyone who has spent more than 10 seconds at Radio Canada is generally speaking anti-military, sovereignist and leftist.

This is a freakin big brush. Oh yeah, I remember, Alberta is part of USA... ???

mdh said:
Trudeau would never have sanctioned this appointment because he knew a separatist when he saw one

This is deep thought. Why not abolish the justice system now and hire people recognizing criminals while we're at it, would save a lot of cash. This should be moderated.

mdh said:
and he would never have allowed anyone near the federal government who had been even remotely seen consorting with FLQ.

That's for sure.

Man, he made a documentary and hired the guy to do furniture!! Anyway, there's no proof she is leaning toward separatism. That's just claims from a bunch of hardcore separatists. And now all the population in English Canada thinks the whole bunch is hardcore and on the verge of revolution.

Let me tell you one thing, Quebec won't separate, you know why? No, cuz you're not here. And you can't ponder any of the words you say about Jean, cuz you don't know her. So, Quebec won't separate cuz it's too confortable now being part of Canada. Things are not as they were even 20 years ago. This just doesn't hurt as much as it were and when it doesn't hurt enough, why change?

There's better chance now that Alberta quit and say bye bye to Canada than Quebec. Canada is going bye bye if the federal government doesn't change its aim, which is to keep and acquire as much as possible the political power in Ottawa. Leaving provinces begging for crumbs...
Anyone who has spent more than 10 seconds at Radio Canada is generally speaking anti-military, sovereignist and leftist.

This is a freakin big brush. Oh yeah, I remember, Alberta is part of USA...

May have been a bit of drool-flecked hyperbole on that one - mea culpa

How do you feel about the new tactical vest??

cheers, mdh   ;)
MdB said:
Let me tell you one thing, Quebec won't separate, you know why? No, cuz you're not here. And you can't ponder any of the words you say about Jean, cuz you don't know her. So, Quebec won't separate cuz it's too confortable now being part of Canada. Things are not as they were even 20 years ago. This just doesn't hurt as much as it were and when it doesn't hurt enough, why change?

Thanks for that comforting assurance. I'm glad "No, CUZ you're not here" and oh! yes "And you can't ponder any of the words you say about Jean, CUZ you don't her.", are your ardent reasons not to question her appointment and the looming aspect of Quebec's separation.
FastEddy said:

Thanks for that comforting assurance. I'm glad "No, CUZ you're not here" and oh! yes "And you can't ponder any of the words you say about Jean, CUZ you don't her.", are your ardent reasons not to question her appointment and the looming aspect of Quebec's separation.

I guess that's not entirely true for all people here. I'm trying to point out that she's condemned even before she's taken the job and that it was never proven that she's done anything against Canada. People won't even wait until she speak out, she did finally in a succinct written press release, and judge her with sayings from hardcore separatists.

I found out that Paul Wells' article in last issue of Maclean's was particularly interesting in that regard. He has taken the time to hear all Quebec commentators, ponder opinions and do some research unlike what I've seen here that was more like "hang her" from time to time than solid-based opinion.

Anyway, here's the link: Too Late Now
its too late now......is right.

There is nothing anybody can do. Live with it and close this meandering thread.
HFXCrow said:
its too late now......is right.

There is nothing anybody can do. Live with it and close this meandering thread.

Yes lets forget about ! it is so simple to follow the path of least resistance. Lets be good little Canadians and go along with what ever our PM dictates. In case you feel that this matter is not worth discusing you can always switch over to, WHATS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE - ALIEN'S - WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINE ETC. ETC.. Maybe those are less troubling and parallel to your line of comprehension.
MdB said:
I guess that's not entirely true for all people here. I'm trying to point out that she's condemned even before she's taken the job and that it was never proven that she's done anything against Canada. People won't even wait until she speak out, she did finally in a succinct written press release, and judge her with sayings from hardcore separatists.

I found out that Paul Wells' article in last issue of Maclean's was particularly interesting in that regard. He has taken the time to hear all Quebec commentators, ponder opinions and do some research unlike what I've seen here that was more like "hang her" from time to time than solid-based opinion.

Anyway, here's the link: Too Late Now

Yes I will agree that it certainally raises a great deal of suspicions if not evidence. Even if only part of the statements are correct and there is the slightest blemish or association, it should be grounds for re-considerations. The PM jumped before he looked and has no other avenue but to pursue it.

I guess the old saying, "It better to be Safe than Sorry" doesn't apply to politics.
we elected a corrupt Liberal party who stole our money and sorta admitted it. Gomery/adscam

the GG who has no power except for a Garden party every year...

lets get on with the show... c'mon Fast Eddy comprehension...dont be a hater!!

My fav movie is: The Rowdy Man btw and thats Canadiana at its best plus the Trailer Park Boys

yeah I am WT!!
Was the PM really responsible for the pick? Sure, he put his stamp on it and made the announcement. He's only the lightning rod. However, as with to many of the high level decisions made in this country, this one was also made by the faceless, unelected persons in the PMO's Office. These are the people that whip the Party, tell us what's good for us (and you'll like it) and force their own agenda on the country. They have more power than any MP. They are handlers, not the PM. He's really only a signing authority and figurehead for the Party, the sacrificial lamb that will take the fall, while the real people behind the throne perpetuate their will and stranglehold on the country from one PM to the next. Want political reform here? Dissolve the PMO, and let the people start to govern the country like it was meant to be.
HFXCrow said:
we elected a corrupt Liberal party who stole our money and sorta admitted it. Gomery/adscam

the GG who has no power except for a Garden party every year...

lets get on with the show... c'mon Fast Eddy comprehension...dont be a hater!!

My fav movie is: The Rowdy Man btw and thats Canadiana at its best plus the Trailer Park Boys

yeah I am WT!!

Well at least we agree on one thing, we did put the Liberals back in power, sadly enough.

Considering our ever diminishing ties with Tradition and the Monarchy its very disturbing to see the last vestage pissed away for a Political parties gain.

I presume you have read MacLeans article in its entirety. If this does not give some rise for concern, I can't imagine what would. Considering MacLeans untarnished reputation, you can bet your bottom dollar that they have done their home work on this.

On the matter of the G.G.s garden party as being her only power or real function, I think there are far more knowledgeable readers that might like to differ with you on that note.
recceguy said:
Was the PM really responsible for the pick? Sure, he put his stamp on it and made the announcement. He's only the lightning rod. However, as with to many of the high level decisions made in this country, this one was also made by the faceless, unelected persons in the PMO's Office. These are the people that whip the Party, tell us what's good for us (and you'll like it) and force their own agenda on the country. They have more power than any MP. They are handlers, not the PM. He's really only a signing authority and figurehead for the Party, the sacrificial lamb that will take the fall, while the real people behind the throne perpetuate their will and stranglehold on the country from one PM to the next. Want political reform here? Dissolve the PMO, and let the people start to govern the country like it was meant to be.

You'll get no argument on that !!!.
I think that alot of our provincial Lieutenient Governors are better then most Governor Generals. For example here in Alberta we had Lois Hole as Lieutenient Governor and she did a good job and most people had deep respect for her.
HFXCrow said:
GCS in Nov 04

HFXCrow - You will forgive me if I question your comment.

How did you get a GCS?  Your profile indicates your military experience as Navy League Cadets.  Moreover, the first GCS were not issued until 29 November 2004.

The inaugural ceremony took place on 29 November 2004 in the ballroom of Rideau Hall in Ottawa. On this occasion, Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, presented the Star to 28 representative recipients (8 with ALLIED FORCE bar and 20 with ISAF+FIAS bar), including the families of the three casualties listed above. The first presentations of the General Service Medal were also made during that event.


After the inaugral ceremony, the first CF members to receive the GCS belonged to Op ATHENA Roto 2 and they were not issued until January 2005.  Qualified recipients from Roto 0 and Roto 1 did not get theirs until later in the year.

If I am way off, fill in your fricken profile so you don't look like a poser.


I enjoy the anonymity the internet provides to post my views based on experience and TI without reprecussion.
