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The Chuck Cadman Merged Thread

What Chrétien/Martin did for seven years (’93 to 2000) was to screw Alberta...

Um as someone who has lived in Alberta for almost all my life I am curious about this?  Are there examples? 

I wonder if Stephen Harper would like it if Obama became President and mysterious leaks of alleged coversations detrimental to his campaign would appear during a Canadian election?  Probably not.  Say what you want about Dion, but at least he has the guts to libel someone to their face.   
ArmyVern said:
Am I a girl from the Miramichi (ooops--- sorry, you'd have to review my posting history to find that out)??  ;)

Wow.. really? I lived on da north shore for years, Campbellton... left there for Bathurst and then joined the military. Going back this summer for a reunion, hope the snow is gone!!
stegner said:
...I wonder if Stephen Harper would like it if Obama became President and mysterious leaks of alleged coversations detrimental to his campaign would appear during a Canadian election?  Probably not.  Say what you want about Dion, but at least he has the guts to libel someone to their face.     

- Ref leaks:  Someone should pay with their job for that, true, but at least one of his MPs didn't stomp on an Obama doll, like a GWB doll was stomped by one of someone elses MPs a few years back.

- Ref Mr Dion: concur.
TCBF said:
Has he sworn off the old-style 'big-govermnent' corporate welfare policies that have been tainted by the 'culture of handouts' so necessary to succeed in down-home politics?

so.. thats a no???  ;)
- Ref leaks:  Someone should pay with their job for that, true, but at least one of his MPs didn't stomp on an Obama doll, like a GWB doll was stomped by one of someone elses MPs a few years back.

No they stepped on his heart :(

That crazy MP was Carrolyn Parish.  Her 15 minutes have long been over.  She was kicked out of the Liberal Party for that. 
stegner said:
No they stepped on his heart :(

That crazy MP was Carrolyn Parish.  Her 15 minutes have long been over.  She was kicked out of the Liberal Party for that. 

Actually, no. She was dismissed from the Liberal Caucus some time after for making statements disloyal to Prime Minister Paul Martin. No one in the caucus seemed to have any issues with the other thing (nor did they seem to take the effect on Canada/US relations into account on any issue from softwood lumber to missile defence).

Removal from National Liberal Caucus

On November 18, a Canadian Press story quoted her as saying Martin, and those around him, could "go to hell" if they wanted her to stop making similar comments. She went on to say that she had no loyalty towards the Liberal Party and that if it were defeated in the next election she "would not shed a tear," as she had felt betrayed by Martin's lack of help for her during her nomination and election campaigns. In response to these comments, Martin, with the support of National Liberal Caucus chair Andy Savoy, expelled her from caucus.

Both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have been outed now for playing footisie with the NAFTA issue. Both are isolationist Democrats who would make hash of Canada/US relations because it is far more important for them to maintain their political base in the United States. A Republican administration would probably continue with the policy of benign neglect we have seen through much of our history. As a sovereign nation, we must take steps to protect our own interests, and given 80% or more of our trade flows to the United States, any action that impacts that would have serious reprecusions to our economy and way of life.
ArmyVern said:
But see, that is the crux of the matter ... this is sgf you're responding to -- and Chretien is a Liberal (so it's excuseable); and currently, the Liberals are avoiding bringing down the government (abstaining from votes) precisely because they wouldn't have a hope in HELL of winning an election; they are, quite simply, protecting their butts (in the context of avoiding a healthy majority FOR the Tories <-- this tidbit therefore constitutes a "good reason for everything/excusable Liberal action" for sgf).
Even though I'm a Yank and know literally nothing about Canada, I figured out that Dion had ulterior motives other than protecting Canadians from an election they didn't want. I bet Joke Lark wish he would have been so solicitous of Canadians' dislike of the polls.

Turdeau's Liberals then certainly didn't hesitate to harpoon the government over the gas tax (even though they proceeded to raise it themselves).
Actually, no. She was dismissed from the Liberal Caucus some time after for making statements disloyal to Prime Minister Paul Martin. No one in the caucus seemed to have any issues with the other thing (nor did they seem to take the effect on Canada/US relations into account on any issue from softwood lumber to missile defence).

She stepped on the doll on November 17th the day before she was booted from caucus, not some time after.   Her comments to Martin and the caucus was in response to them noting that her behaviour was irresponsible.  Her removal from caucus is a direct correlation to the doll stepping incident and her unwillingness to see this action as inappropriate. 

As a sovereign nation, we must take steps to protect our own interests, and given 80% or more of our trade flows to the United States, any action that impacts that would have serious repercussions to our economy and way of life.
Canada has no business interfering in American elections.  How would you like it if the CIA gave the Liberal Party money?  By the way, Canada survived 127 years without NAFTA.  Even if Canada gave its six months notice to withdraw from NAFTA the Americans would still need our natural resources and goods.  Our special relationship transcends politics and international agreements. 
TCBF said:
- Depends... is this a no???  ;)

"So, would you vote for Jim Prentice?"

What I would truly like to see, in the coming years are new leaders.. with no political history or baggage. Someone that can offer the Canadian public a new start. This is for both parties. I am not a big Dion fan, and when I look at the options for either party.. there isnt many that makes my heart beat faster. The answer is no I would not vote for Prentice.
stegner said:
Canada has no business interfering in American elections.  

You mean like Jean Chretein openly stating that he would prefer a Democrat versus a Republican in the White House. You Liberal supporters continue to amaze me with your absolute disregard for history. ::)
stegner said:
... How would you like it if the CIA gave the Liberal Party money? ... 

- What?  AGAIN?

“George Ball and I knocked over the Diefenbaker government by one incautious press release.” (McGeorge Bundy, J.F.Kennedy’s National security advisor)

“My brother really hated only two men in all his presidency. One was Sukarno [President of Indonesia] and the other was Diefenbaker.” (Robert Kennedy)


"In 1962, the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Livingston Merchant and his Second Secretary Charles Kisselyak, fuelled a plot among the Canadian Air Forces, Canadian journalists and others to dispose of Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Kennedy hated Dief largely for his anti-nuclear stance. Merchant and other U.S. embassy officers with extensive espionage backgrounds, met at Kisselyak's home in Ottawa to feed journalists with spaghetti, beer and anti-Diefenbaker/pronuclear propaganda. Among the many participants in these off-the-record briefings was Charles Lynch of Southam News.

Diefenbaker later denounced these reporters as "traitors" and "foreign agents." He lashed out against Lynch on a TV program saying, "You were given briefings as to how the Canadian government could be attacked on the subject of nuclear weapons and the failure of the Canadian government to do that which the U.S. dictated."

Merchant and Kisselyak worked with RCAF Wing Commander Bill Lee and NORAD's number two man, Canadian Air Marshall Roy Slemon. Air Marshall Hugh Campbell and the chair of Canada's chiefs of staff, Air Marshall Frank Miller also approved Lee's campaign. Diefenbaker's avidly pronuclear Defence Minister, Douglas Harkness, also knew of Lee's effort.

As head of RCAF public relations, Lee went to Washington twice a month to confer with U.S. authorities. "It was a flat-out campaign," Lee later said. "We identified key journalists, business and labour, key Tory hitters, and...Liberals.... We wanted people with influence on members of cabinet. In the end the pressure paid off."

In 1962, new U.S. ambassador, William Butterworth, continued what Lee called the "flat-out campaign" by holding discrete meetings at the U.S. embassy to exert influence on Canadian journalists.

Lester Pearson was the President's choice. Kennedy gave the go-ahead to his friend and America's leading pollster, Lou Harris, to become the Liberal's secret campaign advisor in the 1962 election. Diefenbaker survived with a minority government.

The plot to bring down Canada's government came to a head in January, 1963. On Jan.3, top U.S. Air Force General Lauris Norstad held an Ottawa press conference. Prompted by questions from Lynch, and other reporters briefed by U.S. intelligence, Norstad criticized Canada's antinuclear stance. On Jan. 12, Pearson announced his new policy of supporting U.S. nuclear weapons in Canada. In protest, Pierre Trudeau called Pearson the "defrocked priest of peace" and refused to run for the Liberals.

The coup's final blow came when the U.S. State Department issued a press release which called Diefenbaker a liar on nuclear issues (Jan. 30). This tactic was suggested by Willis Armstrong, head of the State Department's Canada Desk in Washington. Butterworth added his suggestions and sent his senior embassy advisor, Rufus Smith, to Washington to draft it. "With Armstrong chairing, half a dozen officials from State, the White House and the Pentagon...shaped...the rebuke." The draft was polished by Under Secretary of State George McGhee and approved by acting Secretary of State, George Ball, and national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy." ...
stegner said:
Um as someone who has lived in Alberta for almost all my life I am curious about this?  Are there examples? 

I wonder if Stephen Harper would like it if Obama became President and mysterious leaks of alleged coversations detrimental to his campaign would appear during a Canadian election?  Probably not.  Say what you want about Dion, but at least he has the guts to libel someone to their face.   

The main component of the Liberal cleanup of the financial mess into which Messer Trudeau Benson, Turner and Chrétien dumped us circa 1967-77 was to (unilaterally) change the shared programme funding rules so as to disadvantage the three ‘have’ provinces. It was voodoo economics, at best, chicanery is a better word, lies and theft might be acceptable terms, too.
stegner said:
She stepped on the doll on November 17th the day before she was booted from caucus, not some time after.   Her comments to Martin and the caucus was in response to them noting that her behaviour was irresponsible.  Her removal from caucus is a direct correlation to the doll stepping incident and her unwillingness to see this action as inappropriate. 
If I recall correctly she was given the boot after saying a few days after "doll crush" that she didn't care what Martin's reaction was to it.
- What?  AGAIN?

“George Ball and I knocked over the Diefenbaker government by one incautious press release.” (McGeorge Bundy, J.F.Kennedy’s National security advisor)

“My brother really hated only two men in all his presidency. One was Sukarno [President of Indonesia] and the other was Diefenbaker.” (Robert Kennedy)

Peas in a pod!  Apparently tensions between Kennedy and Diefenbaker heightened after Kennedy threw out his back really bad at a tree planting ceremony at Rideau Hall.  Kennedy thought Diefenbaker was too blame as he had bent to low and had done so on purpose. 

You mean like Jean Chretein openly stating that he would prefer a Democrat versus a Republican in the White House. You Liberal supporters continue to amaze me with your absolute disregard for history.

I know something like this happened.  Do you have the quote of Jean Chretien saying something to this effect?  I know Raymond Chretien, the Canadian Ambassador and the PM's nephew, said something along those lines but I don't think the PM was as explicit.  This is an excerpt from that Liberal media bastion the Vancouver Sun from today:

Insincerity runs in politics on both sides of the border
Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun
Published: Friday, March 07, 2008

Much fretting took place in 2000 when Raymond Chretien, then Canada's ambassador to the U.S., got quoted opining, outrageously, that Canada would prefer Al Gore as president rather than Bush. It was true, but not something an ambassador should say out loud.  If Bush was aggrieved at the comment, he didn't take it out on Chretien. Bush has been no more genial to Harper than he was to Chretien, aside from that one time he referred to the PM as "Steve."

The main component of the Liberal cleanup of the financial mess into which Messer Trudeau Benson, Turner and Chrétien dumped us circa 1967-77 was to (unilaterally) change the shared programme funding rules so as to disadvantage the three ‘have’ provinces. It was voodoo economics, at best, chicanery is a better word, lies and theft might be acceptable terms, too.

I hear ya.  But Chretien was actually not too bad on the west.  When Anne McLellan was natural resources minister Alberta received some very generous tax breaks that arguably strongly contributed to the boom in the oil sands today.  Actually, had Chretien won the leadership in 1984 Ralph Klein would have quit as Mayor of Calgary to run as a federal MP.  I think a lot of the "fights" between the two was politically posturing that was mutually beneficial.  Klein would bash Ottawa every once in a while and Chretien would swear to protect the Canadian health care system from those evil Albertans who wanted to privatize.  It served both interests.  Heck the recent Alberta election saw frequent mention of Trudeau and the NEP by Stelmach as he really had nothing else to talk about.  Ed, Trudeau's been dead for 8 years and has not been in power for 24 and had no connections to the Alberta Liberals.  Nevertheless, the NEP was the best thing that ever happened to the provincial Conservatives. 

stegner said:
No they stepped on his heart :(

That crazy MP was Carrolyn Parish.  Her 15 minutes have long been over.  She was kicked out of the Liberal Party for that. 
I actually admired her deep thoughts about  American-Canadian relations. I was hoping she'd be assigned to be Ambassador to US or at least to handle the US portfolio in the Cabinet.
JBG said:
I actually admired her deep thoughts about American-Canadian relations. I was hoping she'd be assigned to be Ambassador to US or at least to handle the US portfolio in the Cabinet.

- Yer a natural-born trouble maker, aren't you?  Baiting a group of Right-thinking Canucks by waving a Parilyn Carrish flag in front of us!  ;)

- Welcome aboard.  This Chapter 11of the Bankruptcy Act - exciting stuff?
TCBF said:
- Yer a natural-born trouble maker, aren't you?  Baiting a group of Right-thinking Canucks by waving a Parilyn Carrish flag in front of us!  ;)

- Welcome aboard.  This Chapter 11of the Bankruptcy Act - exciting stuff?
Actually TCBF, JBG has been playing both sides of the fence since he showed up here. Look at his previous posts. You're right though, nothing has been deep thought or relevent.

I also have suspicions about ambulance chasers from south of the border showing here, baiting and trolling. Anyone so inclined, with the slightest bit of research, will find we don't tolerate fools lightly here.
TCBF said:
- Yer a natural-born trouble maker, aren't you?  Baiting a group of Right-thinking Canucks by waving a Parilyn Carrish flag in front of us!  ;)
I actually found her to be quite reflective and profound. She made some very cogent analyses of the history of our countries' relations, and of Bush as President.
TCBF said:
- Welcome aboard.  This Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Act - exciting stuff?
It is exciting. Actually it's been the Bankruptcy Code since 1978. It was preceded by the Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and BankruptcyAct of 1938. Subsequent iterations have not been given a new name. Perhaps we'll be ready for another "comprehensive" overhaul in 2018, on the forty-year cycle.
recceguy said:
Actually TCBF, JBG has been playing both sides of the fence since he showed up here. Look at his previous posts. You're right though, nothing has been deep thought or relevent.

I also have suspicions about ambulance chasers from south of the border showing here, baiting and trolling. Anyone so inclined, with the slightest bit of research, will find we don't tolerate fools lightly here.
I'm a bankruptcy lawyer. Personal injury lawyers are generally considered to te the "ambulance chaser" type lawyers.

You can check my posts on www.mapleleafweb.com and www.bloggingtories.ca . I"m hardly a troll.