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The Chuck Cadman Merged Thread

Wonder if it is just a coincidence that this story is getting hyped & torqued at the same time the book is being launched ?

I  mean, if I was the author or the publisher, I would consider this to be a gift horse, a herd of gift horses worth of free publicity.

But I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Uh huh, 100% sure.

Piper said:

I didn't ask if he was offered compensation for making the trip to Parliament for the vote. I want you to show me definitive proof that he was bribed with a large life insurance fund to buy his vote (the theory you believe). 

Does it matter if it was an insurance policy or another form of compensation? If it was indeed an insurance policy, there is something very rotten with the system, because there arent many terminally ill people that get a million dollar insurance policy. If it was compensation for making a trip to Parliment, again a million dollars must buy a lot of airfare. This can be spun many ways, but the facts are, according to the widow, that Tory members offered to buy his vote.  What sort of proof are you looking for?
Haletown said:
Wonder if it is just a coincidence that this story is getting hyped & torqued at the same time the book is being launched ?

I  mean, if I was the author or the publisher, I would consider this to be a gift horse, a herd of gift horses worth of free publicity.

But I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Uh huh, 100% sure.

I said this earlier, of course this story is breaking now to sell books, but that doesnt negate what happened.
sgf said:
What sort of proof are you looking for?

Personnally, I would say one of the 2 visitings persons to stand up and confirm it.
sgf said:
Does it matter if it was an insurance policy or another form of compensation? If it was indeed an insurance policy, there is something very rotten with the system, because there arent many terminally ill people that get a million dollar insurance policy. If it was compensation for making a trip to Parliment, again a million dollars must buy a lot of airfare. This can be spun many ways, but the facts are, according to the widow, that Tory members offered to buy his vote.  What sort of proof are you looking for?

Show me an insurance company that would allow a million dollar policy to be taken out on a terminally ill person. Or perhaps the insurance is a standard policy for CPC parlimentary members?

"C'mon back to the party Chuck. You'll get all your perks back, including the funds for re-election to your riding and your million dollar insurance policy that all our members have".

So inducement to return to the fold, not buy his vote. Just another point of view.

There's no proof. Just hearsay evidence, at this point, no matter who it comes from. Your persistence in taking some authors word as absolute proof is laughable. Especially when even leading opposition members are cautioning restraint on the subject.
Someone is being spoon fed here, but I dont think its me. Cadman was a very honorable man, and to slag off this man's widow is terrible. Harper said he was aware of the visit

After Mr. Cadman's death, Mr. Zytaruk heard that Mr. Harper, who was then leader of the opposition, was paying a personal visit to the Cadman residence. Mr. Zytaruk interviewed Mr. Harper in the driveway.

"Of the offer to Chuck," he quotes Mr. Harper as saying, "it was only to replace financial considerations he might lose due to an election, OK. That's my understanding of what they were talking about.

"I don't know the details," he said. "I can tell you that I had told the individuals - I mean, they wanted to do it - but I told them they were wasting their time. I said Chuck had made up his mind he was going to vote with the Liberals. I knew why, and I respected the decision, but they were just, they were convinced there was, there was financial issues and, there may or may not.

If this quote is not true,I hope to see Harper sue the author for slander.
Like I said. Perhaps simply saying that they would return his perks and status should he vote with, and return to, the CPC. That does not constitute a bribe and conspiracy.

You are being a bit cute here. Harper already has said the visit took place the day of the vote, not two day's before as claimed in the book. We have already decided that the insurance policy claim is a non-starter, or at least most of us have. That leave's the offer to cover Mr Cadman's expenses, which will be no where near one million dollars.

To suggest that the CPC would offer him a million dollars out of their war chest is just plain foolishness. First, it would take a big hunk of cash out of the war chest just before an election and second it violates a few statutes. The money just couldn't disappear from a bank account unnoticed.

This story is verging towards ufology.
Then as I said, I fully expect that Harper and the Conservative Party sue the author for slander. Its very interesting that Mrs Cadman had to watch her terminally ill husband being insulted by a bribe shortly before his death,and now be called a liar.
sgf said:
Then as I said, I fully expect that Harper and the Conservative Party sue the author for slander. Its very interesting that Mrs Cadman had to watch her terminally ill husband being insulted by a bribe shortly before his death,and now be called a liar.

And it's amazing she's now running for his riding (IIRC) and never mentioned this until now.
PPCLI Guy said:
Uncalled for.

I don't look at it that way.  She has been constantly calling down the Conservatives and the PM in nearly all her posts.  Now she is buying into this conspiracy, even when Mr. Cadman denied any such bribe live on Mike Duffy's CTV broadcast prior to his death.  sgf has been asked for proof that this was a bribe, and she hasn't provided any.   

Even though that broadcast has been rebroadcast on the news, sgf still carries on in this manner:

sgf said:
........ Its very interesting that Mrs Cadman had to watch her terminally ill husband being insulted by a bribe shortly before his death,and now be called a liar.

George Wallace said:
I don't look at it that way.  She has been constantly calling down the Conservatives and the PM in nearly all her posts. 

Whether you and I agree, she is entitled to her opinion, and, has the right to voice her opinion. As you in fact point out in your disclaimer.
Rodahn said:
Whether you and I agree, she is entitled to her opinion, and, has the right to voice her opinion. As you in fact point out in your disclaimer.

I don't mind opinions, as much as I mind absolute accusations of bribery, corruption, etc. without proof as a constant theme to one's posts.  I suspect one of these times she just may be right, just like the kid who constantly called "Wolf", and we will all brush it off or tell her to STFU because we are getting tired of her constant bit**ing and defence of everything Liberal Red.  sgf seems to be a Liberal party hack who is expert at smear tactics, and just doesn't know when to quit.  Almost every post I see her signature on, seems to be the same BS.  One can only take so much.   ::)
Corruption in goverment is so rare this can't possibly be true  >:D

But this story is a non starter as no money ever changed hands.
recceguy said:
And it's amazing she's now running for his riding (IIRC) and never mentioned this until now.

and running for the Conservatives.
Old Sweat said:

You are being a bit cute here. Harper already has said the visit took place the day of the vote, not two day's before as claimed in the book. We have already decided that the insurance policy claim is a non-starter, or at least most of us have. That leave's the offer to cover Mr Cadman's expenses, which will be no where near one million dollars.

To suggest that the CPC would offer him a million dollars out of their war chest is just plain foolishness. First, it would take a big hunk of cash out of the war chest just before an election and second it violates a few statutes. The money just couldn't disappear from a bank account unnoticed.

This story is verging towards ufology.

Or belief in Al Gore's Church Of Global Warmology 
George Wallace said:
I don't look at it that way.  She has been constantly calling down the Conservatives and the PM in nearly all her posts.  Now she is buying into this conspiracy, even when Mr. Cadman denied any such bribe live on Mike Duffy's CTV broadcast prior to his death.  sgf has been asked for proof that this was a bribe, and she hasn't provided any.   

Even though that broadcast has been rebroadcast on the news, sgf still carries on in this manner:
I only have what read  what everyone else has, the media reports, the quotes from the widow, from Harper, etc. Who knows why Cadman said what he did, maybe he didnt want to cause a big uproar, maybe he didnt want to deal with the outcome this could cause, during the last few months of his life. I dont speak well of the Conservatives for many reasons, you are right about that George Wallace. There are also many posters here who do not speak well of the Liberals and call them  and Dion down in nearly their posts. Lots of posters defend every thing Tory Blue in their posts. Many posts in here smear Liberals every day as well. If its fine for them, its fine for me.
Anyone accusing Dona Cadman of being vindictive or against the Conservatives is way outside their lane.  A simple google search would have turned up that she is the Conservative Party candidate for Surrey North. 

Just because Cadman did not admit that something inappropriate didn't happen doesn't mean something did not.    I would not simply dismiss this as crazy talk.  I would believe his wife over Myriam Bedard who testified at the sponsorship scandal with her word being taken as gospel.  We learn later that she is a bit of a nut to say the least.  For all you asking where the evidence is keep in mind there was no solid evidence that connected any Liberal politician to doing anything illegal with the sponsorship scandal.    Does that mean that they did not nothing wrong?  Guess not.  Let's be consistent with our outrage. 


Thank you for the lawn sprinkler mode analysis of political controversy.

When exactly did Miriam Bedard accuse anyone of doing anything in the Cadman case? You must have had a reason for raising it. It is too bad that the opposition paries, including the CPC, went into lemming stampede mode over her testimony, but that doesn't mean there is or is not anything to this issue. Let's all wait and see what 24-48 hours brings up.

I am hitting the pit and will be back on the net sometime after 0700.

Sweet dreams, conspiracy freaks.
stegner said:
Just because Cadman did not admit that something inappropriate didn't happen doesn't mean something did not. 

Nor does it prove anyting inappropriate did happen.

As someone has already posted, this is a none event.  We can all have a 'quick' point of view, and by tomorrow, we will all have forgotten about it.  History may sort it out in a few hundred years, when Darcy McGee, like Louis Riel before him (hero status wise), becomes a hero instead of an "enemy of the State".