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The Chuck Cadman Merged Thread

stegner said:
So what are the daughters motivations?  She makes the same claim as the mother. 

Its her mother for f%#$ sake.........duh.

EDIT: one minute late but I had to clean up my initial reply. ^-^
ditto for Harper on the activities of Tom Flanagan and Doug Finley. 

I have no dogs in this fight except that we lost a man far too soon to cancer, but I just read the story in the Globe and I must say this caught my eye,
Mr. Zytaruk, a reporter with a newspaper in Surrey, B.C., was asked by the Cadmans, days before the MP's death, to write the biography.

Maybe the most political explosive thing that Mr. Cadman could have ever been involved in and he didn't mention it to the man that was going to write his bio or put it on paper sooner??

...not to mention that his wife and daughter are making me sick with this, nice legacy you just left for your Father/ Husband, ......that he knew something as slimy as this but did/said nothing?

I hope you both rot.
GAP said:
like the daughter is going to contradict mommy dearest.......really

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Its her mother for f%#$ sake.........duh.

I suppose that you have agreed with everything that your Mother or Father have said? Just because the daughter supports the claim does not mean that it's being done out of blind loyalty IMO.

I suppose that you have agreed with everything that your Mother or Father have said? Just because the daughter supports the claim does not mean that it's being done out of blind loyalty IMO.

Exactly.  The alleged motivations of the daughter to support the mother are highly analogous to the motivations of Harper who supports Tom Flanagan and Doug Finley when they allege that no impropriety occurred.  If the argument can be made to support one conclusion one must infer that the divergent opinion which uses the exact same argument is also a possibility.         
Rodahn said:
I suppose that you have agreed with everything that your Mother or Father have said? Just because the daughter supports the claim does not mean that it's being done out of blind loyalty IMO.

No, but if I had years to work on the story with either one of them I'm pretty sure we would make sure we marched together.........

I'm not taking any sides on this as we know nothing exept that these two "women" can kiss my #%& for besmerching a man who cannot defend himself.
Why do I feel that if we changed the political affiliations of the leading characters in this story, the most stauch defenders of the Conservatives would be all over it like white on rice?  Forget about political parties and let's look at the facts for a few moments.

Let's face it... at first blush -- it looks bad for the Conservatives... really bad.  Maybe there is more to the story, maybe not.  But as a Canadian tax payer and voter, I deserve to know the whole story.

Honestly, the people posting in this thread sound almost as rabidly partisan as some of our less temperate friends from the south.

scoutfinch said:
Honestly, the people posting in this thread sound almost as rabidly partisan as some of our less temperate friends from the south.

Totally agreed, almost makes me think its a good thing we only allow lawyers to be judges......... :cheers:
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Totally agreed, almost makes me think its a good thing we only allow lawyers to be judges......... :cheers:

I hear ya, brother!
What I have to seriously ask, is in what context was the word "insurance" policy used.  Was it as in the purchase of a "Insurance Policy" from an Assurance Company, or was it putting some funds away as "insurance" for a rainy day.  To someone listening to a conversation, from another room and not partaking in the conversation, there is a wide spectrum that interpretations that can be made.  Even in direct conversation, slight nuances may be misinterpreted to mean something completely different.  This could explain why we have Mr. Cadman saying on video one thing and denying allegations of a bribe, and his wife saying something completely different.  Unfortunately, one of the two is no longer with us, so clarification is impossible.
Either way, the offer would be illegal if intended to change his vote.
scoutfinch said:
Why do I feel that if we changed the political affiliations of the leading characters in this story, the most stauch defenders of the Conservatives would be all over it like white on rice?  Forget about political parties and let's look at the facts for a few moments.

Let's face it... at first blush -- it looks bad for the Conservatives... really bad.  Maybe there is more to the story, maybe not.  But as a Canadian tax payer and voter, I deserve to know the whole story.

Honestly, the people posting in this thread sound almost as rabidly partisan as some of our less temperate friends from the south.

Bang on!

I'm a card-carrying Conservative and a regular financial contributor to the Party but the Liberal bashing is getting has gotten pretty thick here.

Liberals are not all ignorant swine and there are very, very few angels on the Tory side of the house.

We have, for the past few years - since about 2000, I think, seen the worst sort of partisan wrangling in our political system - coincident with the rebuilding of the Conservative Party and, consequentially, the end of the Liberal Party's stranglehold on power. It's not pretty but it's the nature of the beast. We saw it during the '80s - many people voted Reform in '93 precisely because they were fed up with poisonous atmosphere in Ottawa and Parson Manning promised to "do politics differently" if he was elected.
scoutfinch said:
Either way, the offer would be illegal if intended to change his vote.

but it wouldn't be if it was to entice him to party membership.

WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............WHAT IF.............

Jeez Louise, you guys are worse than the press with an agenda.
but it wouldn't be if it was to entice him to party membership.

Um no it still will be.  See Criminal Code of Canada

Corruption and Disobedience

Bribery of judicial officers, etc.

119. (1) Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years who

(a) being the holder of a judicial office, or being a member of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, directly or indirectly, corruptly accepts, obtains, agrees to accept or attempts to obtain, for themselves or another person, any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by them in their official capacity, or

(b) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives or offers to a person mentioned in paragraph (a), or to anyone for the benefit of that person, any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by that person in their official capacity.
"being a member of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, directly or indirectly, corruptly accepts, obtains, agrees to accept or attempts to obtain, for themselves or another person, any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by them in their official capacity"

lots more "what if"

So if Chuck Cadman decided to vote with the Liberals to keep Parliament alive so would die while still an MP so he could get a double pension hit, did he bribe himself  ?

Did he tell his wife he was doing this for her benefit and is she now covering it up ?
stegner said:
Um no it still will be.   See Criminal Code of Canada

Not if they were simply laying out the parameters of the perks available to a member and not promising anything special

"Here's what every member of the CPC gets Chuck"
scoutfinch said:
...  But as a Canadian tax payer and voter, I deserve to know the whole story....

- Actually, no, you don't. The man who could have changed that - Mr Cadman - is unfortunately deceased, and well before his time, too.  Most truths get taken to the grave in one form or another.

- As for the activities of his family, only they can explain that.  However, if Mrs Cadman is indeed seeking the nomination in that riding, the riding association may deem some of her actions highly impolitic.
Not if they were simply laying out the parameters of the perks available to a member and not promising anything special

"Here's what every member of the CPC gets Chuck"

Ahh ok. 