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The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter FreshPez
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Not sure what acceptance you are looking for... or question you are asking.  However there are many people who are medicated regularly and still live strong and meaningfull lives. Are you looking at joining the military? Or just looking for opinions on your condition? Just to warn you an open form like this may be both helpfull and harmfull for your question, good luck.
this is the recruiting section of the board, is it not? i wanted to know if i could get recruited.
ami said:
i am on antidepressants, for being ... depressed! i didn't push to get therapy or any other more indepth treatment than a perscription, really, so i'm not listed as being anything other than having "major depression" in my med file. will i not be approved for certain positions, or all of them? i take one pill, once a day. i can go without for one day; two days i get headaches and vertigo. three days the withdrawal symptoms increase, and etc. it's bearable, just pretty unpleasant.

and my perscription is -3. and i'm 5'8" and 110pounds (172cm and 50kg) and pretty weak. (and also female... ^^)


Well I'm not expert but I'll take a stab at this.

First of all, they will ask you if you have ever suffered from depression/attempted suicide, etc. I don't know what the response is if you answer yes, except that at a minimum you'll probably need a doctor's letter to state that you are ok. I don't think you will qualify for entry if you are currently taking anti-depressents but I could be wrong. Ask a recruiter.

Also, you state you are 'pretty weak'. I'd suggest you work on getting 'pretty strong' before you apply. 5'8" and 110 lbs is not bad, but if you have no muscular strength you're going to have a pretty hard time on ruck marches and just generally having enough energy to make it through basic training.

If you are serious about joining the military, then get yourself to a physical trainer and talk to your doctor about getting off medication. Maybe once you are more physically fit, your mind will follow.
ami said:
and my perscription is -3. and i'm 5'8" and 110pounds (172cm and 50kg) and pretty weak. (and also female... ^^)


Put some weight on. 110lbs for a 5'8 is to skinny and can be unhealthy.
The prime weight for me, at 5'5, is 135-150lbs.....

Also, being female is no excuse for being weak...get working out!!
I'll give you a hip-shot answer and say "No".  Phone a recruiter to discuss details of what you need to do to be acceptable as an applicant.
I'll agree with Infanteer on this one.

They asked me about a bunch of mental problems with me, or anyone in my family. Also I'm 99.9% sure that if you're taking depressants or anti-depressants, you won't get accepted, however I'm not 100% sure, hence the 99.9%.
I'll be nice ...  ;D

Discuss your concerns with the RECRUITERS ... not in an open forum ... other people do not need (or want) to know your medical history.

(just better that way ... especially if you are behind me with a C7)

Good Luck.
Question answered. If anyone can offer more detailed advice, it is probably best sent by IM.
Thread locked.
I have been on anti depressants for about 6 months, they are very mild and I only tkae on does int he mrning. I was wondering what willt he military do about this. I also had a heart operation whn I was born, should I tell them. any info would be greatly appreciated as I go for my physical in a bit more then a month.Thanks.
I recently read I have to be off my meds for a year in order to join the CF? Thats Discrimination if you ask me. Isnt racism a mental disorder, they dont give two craps about that.Anyways,, I Am very displeased with the CF if this is the case.

You were on meds because of your race?  Kewl.  What kinda meds...what do they do..?

haha...no. I was on them for mild depression,after the split of my parents.I am going to hand my papers in, but I have read on several forums that it will take a year for me to be evaluated, and I still may not get in.

I take 75 mg of effexor everyday.THey are just your run of the mill anti depressant, and I was never,ever diagnosed as suicidal or a threat to others.

I don't think it's entirely unreasonable that before the CF trains people in efficient methods of killing, that they ascertain that:

1)  The prospective soldier is not chemically dependent, and therefore a risk.
2)  The prospective soldier is not into getting high, which makes them less alert, and therefore a risk.
3)  The prospective soldier is not suicidal/homicidal, and therefore a risk.

Life is hard.  The acceptance of difficulty with equanimity is going to be a basic part of being a soldier.  Count this experience as one of those things in life that is unpleasant, and deal.  There have been plenty of people with starry backgrounds who jumped through a lot of hoops to get in, but got in anyway (do a search, or browse the recruiting thread--there's been more than one discussion of pot/medication).  They didn't give up, they followed the rules, and they were persistent.

So add #4

4)  The prospective soldier is worth training for the long haul, because they don't give up when things get unpleasant.

I mean, can you imagine a soldier who ran away from the lines because the enemy was shooting at him, and it made him feel bad?  Or who deserted because he hated being in a wet, muddy foxhole?

Some military sayings, for inspiration:

Suck it up!

Shut up and soldier.

Life sucks, get a helmet.

Hope this is of some use to you.

I am not unsypathetic.  I have felt the Iron grip of depression myself.  I would not presume to tell you what you can or cannot handle. 

If your Doctor determines that you can function without your meds, the do so.  If daily civilian living (which no doubt can be tough), proves to be too dificult.  Then why would you deliberatley increase your stess load ten fold by taking on

the application proces for the CF
weeks of waiting and uncertainty
followed by 10 weeks of full time BMQ
then another 10 or so weeks of SQ.
To then go into an occupation that could put you in the position of unlimited liability.  (getting killed).

Taking a year, getting straightened out through proper diet, excercise and some solid reading and counseling is a solid prescription for anyone.  Don't bite off more than you can chew.  I have no doubt that you are capable. 

Take your time, make good choices.
Effexor 75mg is a pretty low dose, but my feeling on it is that if it makes you feel better there's no need to discontinue taking it.  Besides, there are lots of CF members taking much more than that.  Nobody is going to reject you solely because you take this medication.  Stay off the pot though;  marijuana use has been shown to make depression worse.  And when they ask you about your past drug use, be honest. 

The application process takes a long time, be patient.  I applied to join in August 2001, and it took until January 2002 to get sworn in.  Good luck!

Thanks alot for the advice(minus the "pharmaceuticla cabinet"remark") I have quit smoking pot and do not plan on smoking it again,my roomate smokes a lot and I have not brooken, and its been over a month. My depression is very low. I want to join the army for experience,adventure,and yes combat if the oppourtunity arises.I have completed three years of Universty, but do not wish to return as I believe that path in life is what may have caused some of the depression I am experiencing. I am in excellent shape, and not to be cocky, but probably a lot better then most peopel on this site, I go to the gym every day and jog 5-8 km a day with ease, I eat very healthy as well. Thank you for your advice and any further information would be great.

If you need pills after your parents split what the hell is going to happen to you after you do a tour and see some messed up shit....The CF doesn't need mentally weak people like yourself.

Life has alot of ups and downs and a pill is not the solution.....
My understanding is that you can't be on anti-depressants when you join but they can prescribe them when you are in. I don't think it's discrimination, who wants someone who is potentially suicidal beside them with a gun. As for being fit hehe, 5-8k runs are nothing, try 30k and come back and be that cocky.
DrSize said:
If you need pills after your parents split what the heck is going to happen to you after you do a tour and see some messed up crap....The CF doesn't need mentally weak people like yourself.

Life has alot of ups and downs and a pill is not the solution.....

Get back to me after your first detail excavating and cataloguing a mass grave in 40C temps.  You talk a pretty good game, for a guy still in the locker room. ::)
