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The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter FreshPez
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there is one place alone in petawawa that has a list for new patients for any doctor out here...it has been at 2000 for over 2 years not budging...there is nothing i can do...

thats why the clinic has atleast a 5 hour waiting time for this small town
krysta said:

there is one place alone in petawawa that has a list for new patients for any doctor out here...it has been at 2000 for over 2 years not budging...there is nothing i can do...

thats why the clinic has atleast a 5 hour waiting time for this small town

Once again.

What did they say to you, when YOU went in? 

Did you visit other Practisioners, that are closer than the 5 hour drive to your old lazy doctor?

See what I am getting at, I think there is more to your recruiting experience than a "blip" in your medical file.....


i didnt go to a practitioner its just a general medical office that sends out new patients when i doctor is open in the area
everywhere around here is packed solid.
Hey guys,

One question.  Will my medical file (my whole medical file) be disclosed (completely) to the CF in Ottawa?

Thanks again.
krysta said:
i didnt go to a practitioner its just a general medical office that sends out new patients when i doctor is open in the area
everywhere around here is packed solid.

So you answered your own challenge.

You may want to invest a wee bit more time in sorting out your own affairs, before you claim that the system is BS, and your doctor is lazy.

I think you need to look in the mirror, to find the problem, and that is my prescription for your recruitment dilemma.


check the Centennial medical center on Civic Center road, up from the Shoppers drug mart.

They might be able to help you, atleast to get your file to there so someone can fill out your form.
Prairie Dog said:
check the Centennial medical center on Civic Center road, up from the Shoppers drug mart.

They might be able to help you, atleast to get your file to there so someone can fill out your form.

thank you, that may be my next option now if my original doctor doesnt do it
I'm going to the doctors today, picking up some medical forms the army gave me. They wanted to establish that my bouts of depression were not chronic, but situational. I think that's going to be one of the biggest challenges in my application process. Had depression/substance abuse issues throughout high school, quit the drugs, then had more depression after my father died. They said if the two could be separated & explained properly it shouldn't be that big of a problem. Still a little worried about it though.  :-\

I was honest about everything, didn't try to go around the issue. Figured it would come out eventually anyhow. But man, did I feel like an ass when that substance questionnaire was passed out! Everyone took like 5 min to complete it, I took like 15. But I'm clean now for 3 years, and I know it won't be a problem again. But yeah this medical part is freaking me out. My family doctor was so stoked I was signing up, I don't think he will make the letter bad.

Anyone else been in a similar situation? Probably making to much out of it, but yeah. I really want to be in the CF.
Chuck Sourwine said:
I'm going to the doctors today, picking up some medical forms the army gave me. They wanted to establish that my bouts of depression were not chronic, but situational. I think that's going to be one of the biggest challenges in my application process. Had depression/substance abuse issues throughout high school, quit the drugs, then had more depression after my father died. They said if the two could be separated & explained properly it shouldn't be that big of a problem. Still a little worried about it though.  :-\

I was honest about everything, didn't try to go around the issue. Figured it would come out eventually anyhow. But man, did I feel like an *** when that substance questionnaire was passed out! Everyone took like 5 min to complete it, I took like 15. But I'm clean now for 3 years, and I know it won't be a problem again. But yeah this medical part is freaking me out. My family doctor was so stoked I was signing up, I don't think he will make the letter bad.

Anyone else been in a similar situation? Probably making to much out of it, but yeah. I really want to be in the CF.

Man do not be too hard on yourself. Especially with the drug questionnaire.. When I went to the CFRC to do mine, 3 of the others that were there were writing away for many minutes while me and another were just slashing lines through most of it. You have been clean for 3 years, thats a good start and I am sure the medical staff will take it into consideration?
Yeah I'm sure that you are right. I was honest with it all, that has to count for something.
Could have been worse I guess. Had a friend go there during the interview, and when asked why he would like to join the Canadian Forces his answer was "to shoot stuff, and blow things up". I don't think I mentioned weaponry in my interview at all haha.

I just needed to rant a little bit is all. Interview went really well, I think it will all work out. Just might take a little longer is all.
Marshall said:
Man do not be too hard on yourself. Especially with the drug questionnaire.. When I went to the CFRC to do mine, 3 of the others that were there were writing away for many minutes while me and another were just slashing lines through most of it. You have been clean for 3 years, thats a good start and I am sure the medical staff will take it into consideration?

Be careful in answering for Medical and Recruiters you don't belong to either group and thus are straying outside your lane. Its great that you are offering encouragement and reassurance but be careful how you do so.

Milnet.Ca Staff
Ex-Dragoon said:
Be careful in answering for Medical and Recruiters you don't belong to either group and thus are straying outside your lane. Its great that you are offering encouragement and reassurance but be careful how you do so.

Milnet.Ca Staff

Thus my ? at the end hehe. Yeah I know it is not my place and thus I would not say anything misleading, just trying to reduce paranoia  ;D And I will be careful thanks.

I know this post is older, but how have things proceeded on your medical?

I too was diagnosed with reactive depression (same thing as situational) twice. The first time when I was pregnent with my son at 17 -, without too much detail - I was a high school drop out - things didn't work with his dad, my parents split, etc. I had my son and went on anti-depressents. I was on for about six months.

The second time - about six years later - I went on again after my divorce from an abusive man (there was a lot more but that is this is without getting into details). This time I was smarter and got counselling to deal with the situation, fix my self-esteem, etc. I feel great even though I deal with my ex husband weekly given we have kids together.

Anyway I don't know yet what their opinion will be, but my medical is next Thursday. I am hoping that it works out.

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow to see his opinion (I have never met him - my usual doctor has left her practice so it might make this difficult)

So I know your situation  - let me know how it goes for you and ill let you know my progress next week.

Good Luck!!!
Hi missmague,

I now how you feel, I am currently waiting for Ottawa to make a decision regarding my anxiety issues.
I would like to warn you, you should expect some complications and you will have to bring back some more info regarding your condition from your family doctor.
In my case they even requested a psychiatrist evaluation!!!  ;D

Be ready for a journey full of ups and downs, and long periods of waiting, and it will probably take months for you to pass the medical.

I personally did not expect it to be so complicated...
But I think that it only makes us stronger, you know if you wait 6 to 12 months before you can get in...
I think it would be harder for us to submit a VR after a hard week of BMQ, because we know how long it was to get there.

Anyway if you want more info regarding my medical... here is the link

And I think that the only thing I can suggest you, is to make an appointment with your family doctor right now for asap after your medical exam... there are so many delays in this process, when you can control them, make them as short as possible, and provide the most complete and detailed information or else they will only get back to you with more questions... and more delays...

Good luck and keep us posted  :salute:
I have an appointment tomorrow with my family doctor and am planning on getting a letter from him regarding my past to bring with me to the medical. I know they will still probably want the form filled out but I like to take a proactive approach and the more in my file that supports my good mental health the better I think!

I think both this experience (having to fight to get in) as well as the experiences that caused the problems in the first place will do us well in our careers. I always view my experiences as what have made me who I am today. I don't regret going through any of them. I am a stronger person and know that now I can go through a lot and still make it - something I had issues believing before.

I figure where there is a will there is a way - I will keep trying to get in until they finally give me an offer. I want this enough to go through whatever they require of me to get there. I will get there ;D

Good Luck with your file, let us know how it goes

Good day and good luck all,

I have been reading through ALL the posts today regarding depression and anti-depressant precsriptions.

I have called the recruiting centre and got the person who does the medical.  She was very helpful and told me she would be Purolatoring me out the "Family Doctor form" to be filled out.
I mentioned to her that I had a bout of depression and had been prescribed Wellbutrin & Celexa for a short period of time but that I have been off the pills for about a year now.  I am fine now.
She stated it "was more common than I think" when I told her I was worried about this.

What I NEED TO KNOW that hasn't been satisfactorily answered on these forums is: WHAT IS THE DEFERRAL PERIOD??
How long should I have been off this medication?
Does it hurt that I was even on this medication?
What if I had filled prescriptions but have not taken the pills?

Other than this situation, I am clear...I have never even broken a bone in my body...no alergies or diseases...great family history, etc.  (I don't even drink.)

This is my last step.  I have excelled at all other stages and the medical is the only thing left.  My interviewer said I could be off to BMQ quite quickly after the medical.

Any help will be appreciated.


Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM

Trade Choice:  RMS Clerk 

Application Date: January 1, 2009
First Contact: Febuary 1, 2009
CFAT completed: March 11, 2009 (Officer Qualified) 
References (3) called: March 14, 2009
Interview: March 17, 2009 (Was told I was the competition to beat) 

Medical:  April 08, 2009  (Worried about past anti-depressant use)

Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: N/A
This is a question left up to the recruiting, medical staff.

With the amount of medication out there, and not knowing what yoou have taken it would be like asking the following.

Hey all.

I just went to the local variety store.  I purchased some scratch tickets.

Now, I have purchased them before, however I have used Pennies, nickles and car keys to scratch them.

What are my chances of winning the big one?  Free ticket, or Play again?

Any help would be appreciated.

Get the gist of what I mean?



I'm a teetotaller...sorry... ;)

I'm just sayin',  THIS IS THE ONLY THING PENDING FOR ME...and it's driving me nuts to think it could effect my going in.


C'mon...there has to be someone out there who has gone through the medical with past anti-depressant use....what happened????
Hey ftsmith,

I know how you feel!

I do not think that there is an official deferral period, the circumstances, and the recurrence of your depression and your present mental state are more important.

Some people apply to the CF when they are just out of a depression... people that have been off the medication for like 3 months have been told to reapply in a year. It is like telling them make sure you are stable and healthy in the long run and then reapply.

If you have been off the medication for a year and your doctor thinks that you are stable and healthy... it will complicate the medical process, but the point is, you just have to prove them that you are good to go.

I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety... they requested a psychiatrist evaluation... and I proved them that I am stable and healthy and they accepted me. Generalized anxiety does not go away, you have to learn to live with it, and I proved them that I am living a normal life.

I would recommend you to stop seeing it as a barrier, start seeing it as a challenge. It is up to you to prove your point. Provide them all the documentation that they request, and as complete and detailed as possible. If the opinion of your family doctor is not enough, you might have to see a specialist... be ready to do it all!  :nod:

Good luck
keep us posted
