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The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

OK there was a mass shooting in Toronto yesterday, Five killed.

Any bets that:

a. The firearms used were illegally smuggled in from the USA; and
b. The Trudeau government will use it to justify their gun control bill.
OK there was a mass shooting in Toronto yesterday, Five killed.

Any bets that:

a. The firearms used were illegally smuggled in from the USA; and
b. The Trudeau government will use it to justify their gun control bill.
For b: Absolutely. never turn down an opportunity.

For a: Not totally convinced. One article said there were victims in multiple flats, which, I dunno, for that kind of methodical rampage I picture a guy with a legal rifle going around looking for targets, not some guy with an illegal pistol who either got pissed off or was doing a hit. But, we'll see! I hope it was illegal weapons.
Well, that's convenient for the LPC.
Yea, how much do you want to bet that if it's a legal weapon, we'll hear about it non-stop, but if it turns it out it was smuggled weapons, they'll avoid talking about it and just refer to it as "the murder weapon", or "the firearm", "the assault style weapon".
Yea, how much do you want to bet that if it's a legal weapon, we'll hear about it non-stop, but if it turns it out it was smuggled weapons, they'll avoid talking about it and just refer to it as "the murder weapon", or "the firearm", "the assault style weapon".

I'm not taking that bet. One has to think like their enemy, and that's exactly what would I would do.
Alleged shooter is a 73 year old man. I suspect that the firearm was legal.
Ooof. It was probably a legally obtained "assault style" rifle.

You guys are just going to HATE JT's inevitable press conference.

Minimum sentencing for gun smuggling apparently targeted a disadvantaged demographic unfairly.
Who gives a shit... 🤦‍♂️

Knowingly smuggling a firearm into the country? Especially for the purpose of selling it to a criminal/gang?

Then it's off to jail you go!

(Or not...apparently. Well maybe. Who knows. There isn't like a mandatory minimum punishment for it or anything...)

Yes, he did. You can read Bill C-5 here.

Those who are over represented in the criminal justice system.
Do they even really vote?
It's sad our government brought this country to a state where we obsess over gun types and magazine sizes when there is a loss of life.
Never let a crisis go to waste. At the age of 73 was his mental state degraded by dementia?

Blame mental health.
No weapons at all for those living in Condos/Apartments.
Then stop selling lock blade knives at Canadian Tire, Cabelas etc. Hunting knives are scary looking so ban them now!!

A knife sitting on a table can't kill anyone. Same with a gun. Let's have human control.