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The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

Talk radio in Toronto is saying it was a semi-automatic handgun. No word on legal or not.
Looks like some or a good number of victims were members of the condo board.
Talk radio in Toronto is saying it was a semi-automatic handgun. No word on legal or not.
They are really playing up that semi automatic phrase. Much more so than I ever recall them using it before. It was simply handguns, until this incident. Now it's semi automatic handguns. Making it tie in nicely with the current liberal bullshit narrative. If it had been a revolver, they would have just said 'handgun'.
They are really playing up that semi automatic phrase. Much more so than I ever recall them using it before. It was simply handguns, until this incident. Now it's semi automatic handguns. Making it tie in nicely with the current liberal bullshit narrative. If it had been a revolver, they would have just said 'handgun'.
Blame the Vaughn police spokesperson who said that. The media is just quoting it. I heard it on talk radio here as well and that station is hardly LPC friendly.
Many condo and apartment complexes already have rules prohibiting the possession and storage of firearms and/or ammunition.
Maybe that was the issue. Looks like there was an ongoing dispute with the condo board. If people think governments have rules and regulations they should look at condo rules and regulations….
Maybe that was the issue. Looks like there was an ongoing dispute with the condo board.

It was a "torturing noise" complaint.

“He wanted his unit repaired because it was above the electrical room, he said it was causing him to be very ill,” he said.
He explained that Villi told him that he should have had a sub floor underneath his unit and that there was not one.

Politics aside, sounds like a neighbour "from Hell".

Outside the condo a neighbour spoke to yorkregion.com about the troubles she’s been facing with Villi since he moved in about five years ago.
Clutching her small white dog, she spoke while clearly traumatized about the incident that occurred just hours before.
Heidi Popara, Villi’s direct neighbour, said he appeared "unwell" and was "constantly threatening" Tower 2’s condo board members.
She said Villi’s behaviour became untenable more recently, prompting she and her husband to try and sell their condominium.
“He was screaming in the middle of the night, yelling, banging,” she told yorkregion.com, adding that Villi always had his front door open. “He was always talking to someone on the phone, he was talking to someone in the middle of the night, yelling in Italian.”
Popara said she complained to everyone, including condominium officials and police.
"They knocked on the door and just left," she said of police when she telephoned York Regional Police last year complaining about Villi's behaviour and the noise. She said she felt he belonged in a mental health unit, but felt that no one was listening to her.
Maybe that was the issue. Looks like there was an ongoing dispute with the condo board. If people think governments have rules and regulations they should look at condo rules and regulations….

That's the reason I only owned and live in a condo for a year.
This was a tragedy in the making. A mentally unwell person with access to a firearm. It has happened many times before and this will not be the last.

People control is needed.
This was a tragedy in the making. A mentally unwell person with access to a firearm. It has happened many times before and this will not be the last.

People control is needed.
Report to the Reeducation Camp…

But on a serious note.
Honestly this seems to be yet another preventable tragedy due to Mental Health issues not addressed.
I'm surprised I'm the first with this:

Trudeau says firearms bill will go after 'some' hunting guns that are 'too dangerous in other contexts'

"Our focus now is on saying okay, there are some guns, yes, that we're going to have to take away from people who were using them to hunt,"
Trudeau said.
"Our focus now is on saying okay, there are some guns, yes, that we're going to have to take away from people who were using them to hunt," Trudeau said.
"There are some weapons that are used for hunting that unfortunately fall on the wrong side of the line. Not many, but there are some that are slightly overpowered or have too large a magazine capacity or technical reasons like that," Trudeau said. "Nobody wants assault-style weapons anywhere in this country. You don't use them for hunting, and you shouldn't have them for any other reason."

Thats just fake news and misinformation.

Trudeau isn't taking away any hunting rifles.

The federal government’s reforms of gun-control laws won’t take away rifles used by hunters, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday as critics, including Montreal Canadiens player Carey Price, speak out against the proposed changes.

Conservatives are 'fearmongering' over assault-style gun ban: public safety minister

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino is accusing the Conservatives of "whipping up fear" that the Liberal government is outlawing ordinary long guns and hunting rifles.

The government only wants to reinforce a regulatory ban on assault-style firearms such as the AR-15 by enshrining a definition in legislation, and it is prepared to work with MPs to get it right, Mendicino said in an interview.

"The government has no intention — no intention whatsoever — to go after long guns and hunting rifles," he said. "And this is simply Conservative fearmongering."