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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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MILPO said:
I'm trying to make sense of your post, Marauder, but it's just not happening for me tonight....I'll take a stab in the dark and guess that you were "disrespected" by some MP's while you were on guard duty?  

I'm sorry to hear if that is the case, no one deserves to be treated like crap, especially you and your co-workers.   Why not take it up with your CO or follow proper procedures when faced with such an incident??

"MILPO". just out of curiosity your profile indicates Military Police Recruit. is that Reserve or Regular, are you in Training and if so, at what stage.
Wizard of OZ said:
guys in edmonton have to share body armour in some cases.   Not enough in the system.   don't think the sewing thing would work out to well.  

I thought we were past the stage of having to share body armour, as everyone should have it issued upon entry into the trade. (along with OPD, baton, handcuffs, 9 mm Sig, etc) I am sure that are exceptions (i.e. Body Armour on order)
Marauder said:
Out of curiosity, is it required of MPs, when asked for identification at a VCP during an excercise, to act like a total dick and ask (in as sarcastic a manner as possible) the reservist CPL working the gate whether his "pistol, loaded with live ammunition" is sufficent ID? Also, does driving a MP cruiser absolve the driver of said cruiser from extending the professional courtesy to play along with the excercise scenario for 30 seconds out of their day? Instead of, you know, yelling at a fellow corporal (toon or not) who is following his orders from his chain of command, and demeaning him as well? Is there a teaching period at Borden with the MTP being how it is appropriate to never extend some common ******* courtesy to a fellow NCM, particularly if they are just some loser rental who has the termeity to follow his orders and request a simple ID check at a VCP during a dom op ex?

If anyone out there knows the two fine outstanding examples of non-commisoned professionals who were at the Highbury complex last night, please pass on my thanks for the lesson in how to treat fellow NCMs following orders. And let them know that stupid as I am, I do indeed know they carried pistols loaded with live rounds, and do not need to be threatened or demeaned by being told so.

As a "rental" I've never had a problem dealing with my reg force counterparts, regardless of their trade.

While if the situation is as you've described, you've got a reasonable complaint, in my own, albeit somewhat limited, experience, particularly with checkpoints in an exercise situation, the simplest solution is to simply smile, and follow procedure. To the letter. Armed persons refusing to show their ID? Well for starters, if nothing else, they're definitly not getting through the gate. ;)
"Why does he have a black hat and she has a blue hat and yours is red?" 

I don't really like how most MP's have a different beret color, one for navy, one for air force, and one for army. I was at Edmonton Garrison the other day, and saw some MP's, and I thought that it looked kindof tacky to have different beret colors. Perhaps they should get all MP's to wear a black beret at a navy base, red beret at an army base, and blue beret at an air force base. I think that would make the most sense.

Can anybody tell me what their average day is like for an MP, call ratio, types of calls, paperwork,etc.

I would think anyone in the forces would recognise MPs by their uniform and understand the reasoning behind the beret colours, and anyone outside the forces wouldn't really matter anyway...
Futuretrooper said:
I don't really like how most MP's have a different beret color, one for navy, one for air force, and one for army. I was at Edmonton Garrison the other day, and saw some MP's, and I thought that it looked kindof tacky to have different beret colors. Perhaps they should get all MP's to wear a black beret at a navy base, red beret at an army base, and blue beret at an air force base. I think that would make the most sense.

Unfortunately, CF Dress Regulations don't make sense sometimes and are not prone to flexibility.  There have been exceptions in the past but these vary from base to base.

This beret issue has been going on for years.  If, red berets with the patrol dress, gets approval, it will be a big step forward for the trade.

Futuretrooper said:
Can anybody tell me what their average day is like for an MP, call ratio, types of calls, paperwork,etc.

The calls/ratio vary from base to base but the normal calls on a base would be the same as the civilian police (traffic accidents, impaired drivers, fights, domestic disputes etc.)  The new guys in the trade will find themselves on a patrol shift for a few years (and probationary "PEP" for the 1st year) 12 hr shifts, 5-4 day rotation (2 days 3 nights, 4 off, 3 D 2 N 5 off etc)  As for paperwork all reports are done electronically on the SAMPIS network (which is Canada wide) and then there are the court documents, tickets etc, which also vary by province.

Thats the McDonald's express version anyway, I am sure other guys will answer your post with additional info. You can also read some of the previous posts that refer to the "PEP" process.  

Futuretrooper said:
I don't really like how most MP's have a different beret color, one for navy, one for air force, and one for army. I was at Edmonton Garrison the other day, and saw some MP's, and I thought that it looked kindof tacky to have different beret colors. Perhaps they should get all MP's to wear a black beret at a navy base, red beret at an army base, and blue beret at an air force base. I think that would make the most sense.

Can anybody tell me what their average day is like for an MP, call ratio, types of calls, paperwork,etc.

Alot of depends on the base you are on.  If you are on a larger base (edmonton, Pet, Halifax, Esq) you would be busier then say Suffield or shilo (that is changing thanks to 2vp) But the average day shift is fairly quite 2-6 calls on a quite day.  Nights like all police forces very on different factors.  Such as pay weekend, exercises, deplyoments..... and the list goes on.  It also depends on your AOR and what your gurad house is like.

Just a Sig Op said:
As a "rental" I've never had a problem dealing with my reg force counterparts, regardless of their trade.

While if the situation is as you've described, you've got a reasonable complaint, in my own, albeit somewhat limited, experience, particularly with checkpoints in an exercise situation, the simplest solution is to simply smile, and follow procedure. To the letter. Armed persons refusing to show their ID? Well for starters, if nothing else, they're definitely not getting through the gate. ;)

I can understand how you would be upset or had your feelings hurt, however, while reading your complaint there may be a couple of options.  The first being the member lacks the understanding of the position you are put in employed as a gate guard or the 2nd is he is a "No Duff" (this is where an MP is employed in his or her regular duties and not part of the exercise) member and is not part of the game you are playing, this does not mean the member should disregard your position.  There are many possibilities that surround your incident that you may not be aware of par example  the member was attending a call or the member has passed through several times before and now its getting a little old.  I do agree the member may have been somewhat curt with you if how you described the incident is 100 % accurate the member should have been more diplomatic. Common sense is the biggest factor here and should be exercised by both parties concerning this situation  Nevertheless I suggest you chalk this one up for experience and carry on with your day.  I can tell you I have been on patrol and gate guard during and part of many base exercises the majority of time MPs are "NO DUFF" and never had problems with gate guards either reserve or regular as long as you are singing off of the same sheet of music.
First off, I've searched the forums but haven't found the answers to my questions, so hopefully someone here can help me out.

I am currently in the reserves finishing up BMQ and am going to CT to reg force DEO for MPO. I was told by the regiment to go to the CFRC, which I did. The Cpl at the CFRC said he hadn't done a CT in along time and wasn't exactly sure but gave me the application package for MPO. I'm not sure he gave me the right forms.

I was given the exact application form that I was given when I joined the reserves, DND 2170 Employment Application. Is that correct or is it a different form? If so, how do I fill out Part B #4. and Part C. For release information, do I just leave release date, item of release, and reason for release blank?

I am also curious about my choices. I'd like to have MPO 81 as my first choice and NCM MP 811 as my second, can I check off both Officer and Non-Commissioned Member in Part B #3 and then list them under choices? The application infoguide on the recruiting website says only to choose either officer or NCM.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
ab00013 said:
First off, I've searched the forums but haven't found the answers to my questions, so hopefully someone here can help me out.

I am currently in the reserves finishing up BMQ and am going to CT to reg force DEO for MPO. I was told by the regiment to go to the CFRC, which I did. The Cpl at the CFRC said he hadn't done a CT in along time and wasn't exactly sure but gave me the application package for MPO. I'm not sure he gave me the right forms.

I was given the exact application form that I was given when I joined the reserves, DND 2170 Employment Application. Is that correct or is it a different form? If so, how do I fill out Part B #4. and Part C. For release information, do I just leave release date, item of release, and reason for release blank?

I am also curious about my choices. I'd like to have MPO 81 as my first choice and NCM MP 811 as my second, can I check off both Officer and Non-Commissioned Member in Part B #3 and then list them under choices? The application infoguide on the recruiting website says only to choose either officer or NCM.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

First of all you must start your CT at your unit by submitting a memo to the CO.  If he approves it then you will then be given a CT form fill out and sign. Then the OR will gather the required documents and then the whole package gets sent to the CFRC/D and then the CFRC/D calls you in for whatever processing is required.

Yes you must fill out another 2170 and in Part B #4 you indicate yes and fill out the date and location of where you were originally processed for the reserves.  If you are not released wtf are you worrying about release info.

You must chose either officer or NCM not both. I am curious do you have both a Criminology degree and a Police Foundations diploma?

kincanucks said:
First of all you must start your CT at your unit by submitting a memo to the CO. If he approves it then you will then be given a CT form fill out and sign. Then the OR will gather the required documents and then the whole package gets sent to the CFRC/D and then the CFRC/D calls you in for whatever processing is required.

I had my memo written but I was told not to hand it in because I was going DEO, and in order to save time, I was to go to the CFRC. Also, when I went to the CFRC they told me that because I was going MPO that I would have to go through them anyways. They said when they got the application form, transcripts, references, etc they would contact the regiment for my course reports, etc. I specifically asked at the CFRC if I needed to submit a memo to my unit or get anything from my CO and they said no and that they would contact them for all my information.

kincanucks said:
If you are not released wtf are you worrying about release info.

I just want to make sure I fill out the forms correctly so that my application isn't delayed.

kincanucks said:
You must choose either officer or NCM not both. I am curious do you have both a Criminology degree and a Police Foundations diploma?

I have completed a 4 yr, 120 credit hour, B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice. In addition, I have a diploma in Police Sciences and another in Private Investigation along with courses from UNITAR POCI in UN field missions, Security on UN missions, UNMO, Mines and UXO, and global terrorism. As well, I am currently working on my M.A. degree in Criminal Justice and continuing taking 12 other courses from UNITAR POCI. I spoke with the DPM and a MWO, I was told that I exceed the educational requirements for both MP and MPO, so educational requirements are not a concern.
ab00013 said:
I had my memo written but I was told not to hand it in because I was going DEO, and in order to save time, I was to go to the CFRC. Also, when I went to the CFRC they told me that because I was going MPO that I would have to go through them anyways. They said when they got the application form, transcripts, references, etc they would contact the regiment for my course reports, etc. I specifically asked at the CFRC if I needed to submit a memo to my unit or get anything from my CO and they said no and that they would contact them for all my information.

I just want to make sure I fill out the forms correctly so that my application isn't delayed.

I have completed a 4 yr, 120 credit hour, B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice. In addition, I have a diploma in Police Sciences and another in Private Investigation along with courses from UNITAR POCI in UN field missions, Security on UN missions, UNMO, Mines and UXO, and global terrorism. As well, I am currently working on my M.A. degree in Criminal Justice and continuing taking 12 other courses from UNITAR POCI. I spoke with the DPM and a MWO, I was told that I exceed the educational requirements for both MP and MPO, so educational requirements are not a concern.

Totally *** backwards from anywhere else but if that is the way they do it there then I wish you luck.

But if your unit is famous for screwing up CTs then maybe the RC decided to do everything themselves.
Hey Marauder, Ironically I was OpFor on that Exercise... hehe, i remember breaking into highbury earlier that week to throw up a G.L.I.M.P.S.E. Banner (dont ask me what glimpse means... i dont know) i got to know the MPs fairly well during the ex, as i was arrested 3 times by them... i can think of a couple of the MP's i delt with who might of been like that. one specifically. Tall, older large guy with black hair, he would usually work with a PRes MP type and for most of the Ex was on nights. He didnt seem to keen to play the game and was a little rougher then the other guys when it came to the accuall arrest procedure. anywho, my suggestion would be to file a complaint.

the fact is, the MP should have simply said he was NO DUFFing onto the base, if he wanted to avoid playing the game, since thats exactly what we did the day after the 1st highbury break in, as myself and one of the Pte's on OP-FOR cut ourselves on the Barb Wire fence when we broke back out.

kincanucks said:
You must chose either officer or NCM not both.

If I can't choose MPO as my first choice and NCM MP as my second choice. Then, If for some reason I am not found suitable to be a MPO, does that mean I will have to redo the application process and then choose NCM MP?
ab00013 said:
If I can't choose MPO as my first choice and NCM MP as my second choice. Then, If for some reason I am not found suitable to be a MPO, does that mean I will have to redo the application process and then choose NCM MP?

It is very simple you can only be processed for one plan at a time.  So if you don't get MPO then you will have to reapply for MP which may be as simple as supplying three MP letters of reference.
Wizard of OZ said:
guys in edmonton have to share body armour in some cases.  Not enough in the system.  don't think the sewing thing would work out to well. 

Your body armour is like underwear- you sweat in it and do god knows what else in it!!  I have let someone wear my body armour once in a past position and would hesitate to do so again unless it was absolutely necessary....You'd be hard pressed to find anyone, including myself,  who would agree to wearing sweat soaked body armour after your co-worker has worn it for a 12 hour shift in +20 degree weather...yucky

ugh... having worked Security I can relate to this, to a degree.... even with a polypro top, a security shirt and a sweater on, my Carrier was still a little damp after some shifts. and that was the winter.... i can only imagine what it would be like in the summer.

btw, any tips on how to clean the kevlar inserts themselves? or just some warm soapy water?

Cpl Thompson said:
ugh... having worked Security I can relate to this, to a degree.... even with a polypro top, a security shirt and a sweater on, my Carrier was still a little damp after some shifts. and that was the winter.... i can only imagine what it would be like in the summer.

btw, any tips on how to clean the kevlar inserts themselves? or just some warm soapy water?


Febreeze usually works well to clean the panels and carrier,  providing you don't mind smelling like cheap perfume... but soap and water is probably better.  You sweat just as much in the winter from sitting in the patrol vehicle with the heat on full blast with a tactical sweater and breathable t-shirt underneath, but nothing compares to those hot, summer days.... i wonder if R&D is working on inventing air conditioned armour!! Hint, hint...

You sweat just as much in the winter from sitting in the patrol vehicle with the heat on full blast with a tactical sweater and breathable t-shirt underneath, but nothing compares to those hot, summer days.... i wonder if R&D is working on inventing air conditioned armour!! Hint, hint...

They actually have this it hooks up to a vent in the car and it has a hose that attches to the vest so it pumps the ac air to the vest it self a bitch if you forget to take it off before getting out of the car.  Kinda like a vacum hose attaching to female end on the vest and the vest is lined with small airways underneath closest to the skin type thing.  Was as expensive as hell but i guess in Arz and NM it is worth its weight in gold.

I'm just wondering, what would it take to get on any of these special units, National Investigative Service; National Counter Intelligence Unit, Canadian Embassy Security, JTF2 MP, National Drug Unit. Plus what type of work would they generally do?