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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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Entry into the NIS or NCIU would be based on the amount of time in/experience/courses of the given the individual.   Generally, the troops are not looked at for these positions until they are QL 5 (Cpl) qualified.   From that point it is a matter of submitting a memo thur the Chain of Command (who, of course, have to approve the request) and then it would be over to the Career Manager to decide who goes where, depending on positions available.   Some people get into these units and stay for 5 years + (depending upon performance) so this tends to reduce the available positions.      

Embassies are a little easier because the postings can be some what shorter depending on the location (1, 2 years). The same process applies, QL 5, memo, COC CM etc. But many of these embassies are restricted by rank level.  For example, I don't believe there are Cpl positions in Washington (Sgt/WO only) and when you apply for an embassy you don't have much of a choice where you go.  If you ask for an embassy assignment and Bagdad is the only one available for your rank level, guess where you going?  But I know many MP's who have served in embassies in many locations of the world and have not heard anyone regretting posting.  They have all said it was a good experience, with highs and lows.
I know this is a old thread, I didn't want to start a new one though...here's my situation..

I am a SQ Qualified member of the PLF (Infantry), I want to switch to MP reserves, will I have to take BMQ and SQ over again?

My ultimate goal is to become a City Cop, do I need university degree to become a normal MP member, for the reserves?
J-Swift said:
I am a SQ Qualified member of the PLF (Infantry), I want to switch to MP reserves, will I have to take BMQ and SQ over again?

No, the courses are the same across the board, but if you had done your infantry courses, they would not pass over.

J-Swift said:
My ultimate goal is to become a City Cop, do I need university degree to become a normal MP member, for the reserves?

To be a reservist MP, no. However, to be a policeman, many forces are looking for, and prefer candidates to have a post-secondary education, if not a full degree. Many will waive the requirements with a substantial amount of military service - particularly if you're an NCO, but post-secondary courses related to policing will certainly do a lot for any police application.

Furthermore, don't entirely discount the Infantry if you're looking to be a policeman. Im my unit alone, we have at least 3 serving policeman, not to mention corrections officers, sherrifs, firefighters, paramedics, and numerous other emergency services-type people. Doing training in the infantry like aid to civil power, domestic operations etc. are very useful tools for policework. Not to mention your weapons training, PT, and other skills you will learn.
If you'd like to join the reserve Military Police, contact Pte Little at little.va@forces.gc.ca or Pte Duquette at duquette.jy@forces.gc.ca
I got a question.  I have seen few Miltiary Police Cruisers in the hamilton area and the QEW.  Do the Military Police have authority to pull someone for an offence under the highway traffic act off DND property?  If you were driving on the highway and saw someone go way over the speed limit, can the MP doing anything about that?????
I believe that in some parts of the country MP's have been awarded special constables status, so yes in some instances they can pull a person over. I've heard of CN Police pulling people over outside of their jurisdiction in Ontario, so I'm assuming its the same with Ontario.
Thank for you answring my question above regarding the highway traffic act.  I just have last few questions.

1. Since Military Police Officers are recognized as Peace Officers under the Criminal Code of Canada, can they lay criminal larges against someone off DND property if they saw somone committing an indictable offence?

2.  If a Military Police Officer sees someones life in jeopardy off DND property, are they Mandated to assist the person whose life is in Jeopardy?

3. I know that some officers in other police forces take their firearms home after finishing their shift?  can the Military Police also do the same?

Those are my final 3 questions.  I am just curious about the powers of the Military Police.  Please answer those 3 questions in order.
Being given extensive powers, peace officers (which is the status MP's are afforded under the crim. code for the purpose of enforcing DND laws, crim. code offences and provincial offences if they have special constable status to enforce the outlined acts and whichever) are compelled to exercise such powers lawfully. They must act on reasonable grounds, without abuse of their powers. Furthermore, the power to act is in some instances coupled with an obligation to act, and peace officers can be held criminally responsible for a failure to intervene in certain situations. Look in the criminal code to verify such obligations, I don't have the time to do it now.

If a MP Officer or any other member for that matter, sees someone getting the shit kicked out of him off of property, I would think that it would only be courteous to intervene until the civi's arrive, but you are not obligated to do so.  It depends on how much of a make work kind of person you are...

You can only transport firearms if you have the lawful licences required to do so.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit..


As far as I know, MP's can only enforce the criminal code, Highway traffic act, or any other act, as the offence relates to the property they are responsible for. Or in the case of a city cop, their jurisdiction. But, as an MP is a sworn peace officer, they have the ability to arrest anybody, under the criminal code SEC 495. with out warrent
1(a) a person who has commited an indictable offence, or who on reasonable and probable grounds he believes has commited or is about to commit an indictable offence.
  (b) a person who he finds commiting a crimnal offence.
  (c) a person who has a warrent for their arrest set out in XXVIII in relation to the jursdiction in which the person is found.

Also, they have arrest powers the same as you and me that they can also utilize. Not every cop has to use the pwers of arrest for a peace officer under section 495, they can also arrest under section 494.

As far as people found committing under any other act......you speak to most cops and they will not stop anyone outside of there jurisdiction as they would have to attend court in that jurisdiction. So most coppers would not stop someone
Stirling N6123 said:
Or in the case of a city cop, their jurisdiction.

A civi cop's jurisdiction, here in Ontario, is throughout the entire province, as when they are sworn in there authority and 'jurisdiction'  is recognized throughout the province.

But, as an MP is a sworn peace officer, they have the ability to arrest anybody, under the criminal code SEC 495. with out warrent

Only if it relates to DND property or in relation to thereof...Sec. 494 is utilized when the peace officer status can not be evoked by a MP, like when they are off property and conducting their business when not in relation to their status.  So, if a cop were to utilize sec. 494 to arrest, then there has already been a criminal offence committed which would entitle the officer to arrest under s. 495, so 494 hence would be useless as there has already been the committed offence and a citizen may only arrest for a criminal offence...

Also, they have arrest powers the same as you and me that they can also utilize. Not every cop has to use the pwers of arrest for a peace officer under section 495, they can also arrest under section 494.

I can't see any police officer or any reason for having to make a citizens arrest (sec. 494 cc) other than when he/she is off duty.

As far as people found committing under any other act......you speak to most cops and they will not stop anyone outside of there jurisdiction as they would have to attend court in that jurisdiction. So most coppers would not stop someone

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but the police within the jurisdiction or municipality don't really have any reason to ignore a criminal offence being committed or a simple traffic offence as stated in my previous post.  Police are assigned to a specific patrol zone during a tour and are oblilgated by law to become involved in certain situations...the only situation where that would be different would be Special Constables assigned to enforce specific acts on properties such as Universities or Court security, MP's and RCMP in some situations...
Hey, i was just curious on how i would become an MP(military police) and if there is an age restriction...can you be too old?
Oh, and no, i am not even in the army yet but would love to join in hope of becoming an MP


So with all the effort you put into quoting me, you are basically saying the exact same thing that I just said. Except, you picked out a small chunk and conveiniently left out the rest.......how conveinient.

But, as an MP is a sworn peace officer, they have the ability to arrest anybody, under the criminal code SEC 495. with out warrent

if you quoted the whole thing properly, you would have read where I stated: "As far as I know, MP's can only enforce the criminal code, Highway traffic act, or any other act, as the offence relates to the property they are responsible for" I guess property they are responsible for translates into DND property.

A civi cop's jurisdiction, here in Ontario, is throughout the entire province, as when they are sworn in there authority and 'jurisdiction'  is recognized throughout the province.

Wrong. A Metropoliton Toronto Police Officer does not have any jurisdictional  responsibility for the City of Ottawa, nor Sault St. Marie, his area of Jurisdictional responsibility is the city Limits of Metropoliton Toronto. If he needs to arrest anybody outside of that area, he can, with the assistance of the police service responsible for that juristdiction, wheter it be the Ottawa Carlton Police Service, Sault Police, or the Military Police if on a Federal Military Establishment.

I can't see any police officer or any reason for having to make a citizens arrest (sec. 494 cc) other than when he/she is off duty

University of Toronto, Macmaster University, and Western University all have sworn Police Constables,and  they all make arrest's under Section 494.

I'm not sure what you mean by this

For example, if a cop, on duty was doing a prisoner escort from toronto, to Napanee, and observed a person speeding, if the cop stopps the car on the 401, he gives the guy a ticket, the guy fights the ticket, the cop now has to explain why a) he is writing tickets for speeding on a highway where he does not enforce the Highway traffic act, except on those designated by the Chief of Police in Toronto, and b) he now has to attend court...in all places but Napanee, that is what I meant by my last statement.




..on all of those sites you will find information about military police and requirements and what not.

good luck in your endeavors
Thanks alot! much appreciated...
while i'm at it though, Would you happen to know if there are job openings in this field?  I am fully willing to go through with basic training and all, but i would like to have some sort of security seeing as nothing is for sure...

u have to go to collage and take a couple police cources then u can be an mp
Blake_79 said:
Thanks alot! much appreciated...
while i'm at it though, Would you happen to know if there are job openings in this field?   I am fully willing to go through with basic training and all, but i would like to have some sort of security seeing as nothing is for sure...


job availability and any openings is something you have to discuss with a recruiter as well as the unit itself.
thanks people.
i"ll keep checking up on the websites infamous provided... thanks.

ps. i was hoping to join the army in hopes that i could take all pertaining courses directly through the military...
Blake_79 said:
Hey, i was just curious on how i would become an MP(military police) and if there is an age restriction...can you be too old?
Oh, and no, i am not even in the army yet but would love to join in hope of becoming an MP


You get a Law and Security or Police Foundations diploma and you apply.  No the forces will not pay for it.
Stirling N6123 said:
Wrong. A Metropoliton Toronto Police Officer does not have any jurisdictional  responsibility for the City of Ottawa, nor Sault St. Marie, his area of Jurisdictional responsibility is the city Limits of Metropoliton Toronto. If he needs to arrest anybody outside of that area, he can, with the assistance of the police service responsible for that juristdiction, wheter it be the Ottawa Carlton Police Service, Sault Police, or the Military Police if on a Federal Military Establishment.

Nope, when you are sworn in as a police officer in Ontario, your 'jurisdiciton' or 'authority'  is throughout all of Ontario regardless of your employer.  Your responsibility is obviously your region, municipality whatever police service you work for..  Common sense would dictate that an Ottawa Police officer would not have responsibility in enforcement or police service mandates in Toronto, but just the same, the authority is there and justified should it be used.  I wouldn't expect an Ottawa Police officer to drive up the 401 to Toronto and start giving tickets to the area residents in that region.

University of Toronto, Macmaster University, and Western University all have sworn Police Constables,and  they all make arrest's under Section 494.

They are not sworn police constables, they are Special Constables with Peace officer status, and have certain acts that they can enforce on their respective properties for example, LLA, HTA if the respective property has municipal streets running through it.

For example, if a cop, on duty was doing a prisoner escort from toronto, to Napanee, and observed a person speeding, if the cop stopps the car on the 401, he gives the guy a ticket, the guy fights the ticket, the cop now has to explain why a) he is writing tickets for speeding on a highway where he does not enforce the Highway traffic act, except on those designated by the Chief of Police in Toronto, and b) he now has to attend court...in all places but Napanee, that is what I meant by my last statement.

Like I mentioned before, the cop can do so as the authority is throughout the province of Ontario and the HTA is a Provincial Act.  Although, I don't agree with anyone going out of their way to start enforcing out of their employment region.  Just call in the speeder to the local O Dot or TPS...and most Prisioner Escort Officers are Special Constables as well so their would be no authority to pull over a speeder in that area, but pulling over a speeder as a Police Officer out of your region would be a hassle and not beneficial...agreed!

