Frenchy: No, your DEU colour doesn't matter at all when it comes to your postings. We have "Navy" MPs who have yet to even see a ship, let alone serve at a Navy Base. At one point, one of the field Pls only had 4 x Army out of 25 MP NCMs on strength. We truely are an equal opportunity employer.
Rubes: Yes, MP are embedded within the Infantry Battalions, Armoured Regiments and Service Battalions. The relationship has recently changed whereby the MPs are posted to one of the MP Pls and then tasked to the unit viice being formally posted to the units as happened previously. The MP Pls do go on Ex as formed units as well and deploy Sections and/or Detachments on their own as the task required.
Sorry if I wasn't clear in my earlier post but yes, Reg Force MPs can be posted from a Guardhouse to a Fd Pl and back again. They could also follow a career path such as Guardhouse to Fd Pl to an Embassy to NIS to...the combinations are limitless.
15 MP coy is operationally focused. We will be mission ready and able to field qualified highgly trained motivated soldiers. We have inertia now as a legitimate taskable entity. 15 MP coy will be a reserve unit like no other and continue to develop and promote this capability.
Say what?! Man, talk about using a lot of words to say nothing informative. Any possiblity you could translate this for me?
Does this sudden focus on being the uber-convoy escorts mean the attention has shifted from the "Pol Ops Lite" idea we previously discussed? Also, I certainly hope that your Coy realises that many of the TTPs you are so diligently practising are going to be useless for the guys who augment given the dissimilarities between the Milverado and G-Wagon. A great starting point to be sure but something on which to build vice being the way it would actually be done while deployed.
Training Foreign Police Forces? On what, hopefully not Pol Ops as that is something CivPol is tasked with and most definitely well beyond the majority of the Res MP's training and experience.
Camp Security? While I am a proponent of this as a value added task for the Res MP Coys, the Militia CBGs have a stranglehold on this task atm as their mechanism to get formed units deployed so it would appear that training it at this point is pointless.
BTE. Did the entire Coy go out or just augmentees?
Not trying to get into another go-round like we did we "Pol Ops Lite", just trying to understand why the Coy seems to be slightly out in left field again with regards to their training. I remember one year when the focus of one Res MP unit was Airfield Security of all things...