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The Most unbelievable thing ever heard on a Parade...

Apparently you must think you are #2!
Otherwise you would have laughed.

If you were that offended you should have yelled out "plains of abraham".

Take the joke fer christ sake.

Or charge him with making you feel like a X in a group of O's.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Maybe they need less mascara and no clear high heel shoes?    ;D

(oh I hope none of them were in clear high heels)

I used to own a pair of those --- not any more though.  ;)
X-mo-1979 said:
If you were that offended you should have yelled out "plains of abraham".

What's this about an Israeli fighter squadron ?  :D
I remember being on a parade and waiting for a favourite Officer at the time....'95 ish, Air Force, you figure it out.

We waited formed up ready for inspection for over 45 minutes in the pouring rain, all Officers on parade as well.

After the inspection was over he had a speech where he addressed the parade and got some points out about Somolia that he wanted to get cleared up.

When he was finished he asked if there was any questions. One person raised their voice and said:

"Where were you for the past 45 minutes, Sir?"

He then said "Charge that man" and then stepped off the parade square. We were shocked.

Turns out he was at the Officers Mess....while we were in the downpour, Officers, Snr NCOs, Jnr NCOs, Guests, Base Commander etc he was at the Mess.

Thankfully the man is a civvie now.


Well.... wasn't Air vice marshall Birchall... HE wouldn't have tolerated the abuse of the troops.

not all Airforce types are heartless ba$tards
geo said:
Well.... wasn't Air vice marshall Birchall... HE wouldn't have tolerated the abuse of the troops.

not all Airforce types are heartless ba$tards

Rest his soul. A great man, the epitome of the professional Officer, and a great speaker.
ArmyVern said:
Rest his soul. A great man, the epitome of the professional Officer, and a great speaker.

Indeed!  A true prince of a man, and still loved in Ceylon to this day!  :salute:
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
and the charge?

129. Don't know the outcome of it. It was a CTC Parade and the individual was from the Infantry School.

Good2Golf said:
Indeed!   A true prince of a man, and still loved in Ceylon to this day!  :salute:

For those of the younger generation not familiar with either the Officer or his accomplishments:

Air Commodore Leonard Birchall - Empire Club Address

Leonard Birchall

I once recall watching him address a Grad Parade with tears streaming down my face.

It would be wonderful to see this gentlemen and some of his speechs passed on to those of the next generation of soldiering. I'm hoping that there's been a move within the CF to convert footage of his speechs to electronic format for both preservations sake ... and for the sake of education in all his areas of experience.

Youtube yielded me no results. Does anyone know if there's archival footage or converted footage available? This man should, quite simply, never be forgotton and should be required learning regardless of uniform colour.

Aye, the Air Commador is a very impressive man, he will live forever in my memories. I met him twice while in air cadets. His story should be required reading for all engaging in leadership training, regardless of trade or element.
I saw a video of a speech of his while at CFLRS as part of a leadership class. I'll see if I can find it on the DIN tomorrow.
just saw this one...

quite a speech.  And here I thought that reviewing officers generally tried to deliver some inspiration when addressing a unit.
Recce By Death said:
I remember being on a parade and waiting for a favourite Officer at the time....'95 ish, Air Force, you figure it out.
We waited formed up ready for inspection for over 45 minutes in the pouring rain, all Officers on parade as well.
After the inspection was over he had a speech where he addressed the parade and got some points out about Somolia that he wanted to get cleared up.
When he was finished he asked if there was any questions. One person raised their voice and said:
"Where were you for the past 45 minutes, Sir?"
He then said "Charge that man" and then stepped off the parade square. We were shocked.
Turns out he was at the Officers Mess....while we were in the downpour, Officers, Snr NCOs, Jnr NCOs, Guests, Base Commander etc he was at the Mess.
Thankfully the man is a civvie now.

Having experienced this "gentleman" prior to his reaching his zenith and his fall, all I can say is that the day he was dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, I danced in the aisles at NDHQ.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  Had he been an army officer in a combat zone, he'd have been voted most likely to be fragged.  He was proof positive that ticket-punching streamers are death on the armed forces.
Len Birchall was in my dad's graduating class at RMC.  While he went off to the RCAF & seconded to the RAF, my dad went off to the Three River Tank Regiment.... the rest as they say is.... history.
cavalryman said:
Having experienced this "gentleman" prior to his reaching his zenith and his fall, all I can say is that the day he was dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, I danced in the aisles at NDHQ.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  Had he been an army officer in a combat zone, he'd have been voted most likely to be fragged.  He was proof positive that ticket-punching streamers are death on the armed forces.

Wonder how his job went with Boeing....

Recce By Death said:
Wonder how his job went with Boeing....


Couldnt have gone too well.....the CF did not buy the perticular weapon he was pushing.
ArmyVern said:
For those of the younger generation not familiar with either the Officer or his accomplishments:

Air Commodore Leonard Birchall - Empire Club Address

Leonard Birchall

I once recall watching him address a Grad Parade with tears streaming down my face.

It would be wonderful to see this gentlemen and some of his speechs passed on to those of the next generation of soldiering. I'm hoping that there's been a move within the CF to convert footage of his speechs to electronic format for both preservations sake ... and for the sake of education in all his areas of experience.

Youtube yielded me no results. Does anyone know if there's archival footage or converted footage available? This man should, quite simply, never be forgotton and should be required learning regardless of uniform colour.

Chief of Air Staff acquired a few DVD sets featuring the Air Commodore in 2006.

Memo on DMCS: http://comox.mil.ca/din_locl/dmcs/FilesO/DMCS-7093.tif

I wouldn't know the first thing on how to get ahold of these, but at least they're out there.
How about a very senior Patricia, served for years, addressing one of the Battalions as Princess Patricias Canadian Light Artillery?  Sounded rather odd at the time.