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The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

I had forgotten about that aircraft. I guess there is a reason we didnt follow up with production models.

Ka-52 in new camo
CDN Aviator said:
Its been done years ago..........


And much more years ago. ;)

Ju 287:

Hello everyone, first post. Non military person here. I have a question about Russian  helicopters. Would it be possible and feasible to purchase Russian medium lift helicopters? With the delay in getting the Chinooks at least we would have something in Afghanistan. I watched a tv program called Flightpath, and they were showing a Kamov helicopter being used in helilogging in BC. The company that owned the Kamov were very impressed with it. I know that there seems to be a general lack of respect for Russian equipment, but from what I have read their helicopters seem to be pretty good. But I know getting info from a book and what is real can be 2 different things. Anyhow much respect for everyone in the military, past and present.  IGA
Russian helicopters are bought by third world militaries for a reason - cheaper than a western helicopter.
I guess that means no. Sorry for the stupid question. And I would like to fly in a F22
Man, I LOVE the Russians.

They install a big, expensive, colour MFD up front, and they use it to display digital dynamic images of the old dials that used to be there.  ;D I'm not saying it's a bad idea, either, just that something about it strikes me as particularly Russian.

And that Blackjack looks badass (and photoshopped).

FoverF said:
Man, I LOVE the Russians.

They install a big, expensive, colour MFD up front, and they use it to display digital dynamic images of the old dials that used to be there.  ;D I'm not saying it's a bad idea, either, just that something about it strikes me as particularly Russian.

Looks pretty damned close to most other "half-glass" cockpits i have seen.....

FoverF said:
And that Blackjack looks badass (and photoshopped).

FoverF said:
They install a big, expensive, colour MFD up front, and they use it to display digital dynamic images of the old dials that used to be there.  ;D I'm not saying it's a bad idea, either, just that something about it strikes me as particularly Russian.
You were expecting an XBox, maybe?
FoverF has a point, there is something unreal about that Blackjack photo, it looks definitely photo-shopped.  You can't see anything other than black in the windows (granted that you wouldn't see much anyways, but it doesn't seem likely that the windows would be pitch black), and the lighting on it looks really flat for such a nice, stratus cloud filled day.  As well, the aliasing around the plane (the jaggy bits around the shape of the aircraft) seem to suggest some form of cropping and/or cut and pasting.  My take on this thing is that it is either a CG model of some sort from a Flight Sim, or that it was a ground based picture that was enhanced in photoshop.  My opinion only, short of having any credible evidence...  :-\

BTW, having flown a sim for a 727 that had some of the gauges re-represented that way, I actually liked it quite a bit!  But those 4 hours of sim time really form my entire experience with any sort of glass cockpit (aside from your normal GPS moving map stuff), so my opinion is of limited value...
Delicron said:
FoverF has a point, there is something unreal about that Blackjack photo, it looks definitely photo-shopped.  You can't see anything other than black in the windows (granted that you wouldn't see much anyways, but it doesn't seem likely that the windows would be pitch black), and the lighting on it looks really flat for such a nice, stratus cloud filled day.  As well, the aliasing around the plane (the jaggy bits around the shape of the aircraft) seem to suggest some form of cropping and/or cut and pasting.  My take on this thing is that it is either a CG model of some sort from a Flight Sim, or that it was a ground based picture that was enhanced in photoshop.  My opinion only, short of having any credible evidence...  :-\

Well look at this pic


from TU 160

Same dark windows

Point taken!  I wonder what effect that has on the pilot's?  Makes it look more intimidating for certain!

Despite that though, there is something nagging at me on that photo...maybe it's just too clean and nice!  ;D
Don't get me wrong it might still be photoshoped just look else where. I remember building them in model kits and can remember that I thought it odd to have tinted windows on it.


I don't think they are Photoshoped.

Look at the amount of light and basically all white background on this photo of the Air force’s most recent newborn.  The windscreens still have that flat black look save for a tiny little bit.  I think it's just the type of material and the light conditions.  I'm not an expert, but my $0.02

ed. for spelling
You were expecting an Xbox, maybe?

Actually, I was expecting something like, oh, a moving map display, or tactical HSI, or a systems management screen, or tape gauges, or a synthetic vision terrain map, or an etc. Basically anything other than repeating the same information (in steam-gauge-ese) that's already being given in a more convenient format on the HUD.

I've seen MFDs used for steam-gauge flight instruments before, but never on an airplane that had a HUD. Any CF fighter jocks here that keep dial versions of their basic instruments on an MFD?

As for the first Blackjack photo;
Just doesn't look right to me. There seems to be a gleam of light on stbd side of the cockpit, and on the stbd wing LE. These don't look natural to me. They would suggest the main light source is to the stbd, but all of the shadows on the airframe are being cast from port to stbd.

Notice on all the other photos that the shadows lean away from the side with the cockpit/LE gleam? 
Bane said:
I don't think they are Photoshoped.

Look at the amount of light and basically all white background on this photo of the Air force’s most recent newborn.  The windscreens still have that flat black look save for a tiny little bit.  I think it's just the type of material and the light conditions.

I think we moved away from the windows being the culprit, it was something that caught my eye, but it seems to be part and parcel for the TU-160 as evidenced by the later photographs.  The lack of definition in the light and shadows seems the main culprit, and as FoverF later said, there's a weird gleam of light that seems unusual on the cockpit area.  In addition, when you look at the tailplane, the shadow below the stabilator (or horizontal stabilizer, can't really tell) is on the port side, but above it the shadow is on the starboard side.  The lighting source seems abstract, and at best, ill-defined.  I still think this has to be some sort of high-detail sim model.