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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

PhilB said:
First off I am at a loss to understand why your posts have turned antagonistic and somewhat rude? Was I condescending, or rude to you in any of my posts? I do not think so.
I do not think I was "rude" either, perhaps you think I am because I've had to repeat myself at least 3 times to you now to correct the misleading information that you are posting.

Secondly, where in my posts did I say that I threw out my t shirts or socks from 1-06? Obviously I did not. I still have them, I was simply commenting that we were only issued 3 tshirts, and by we, I mean everyone, including those who have not deployed for, and no desert socks. I understand what my entitlement is, I understand the we are supposed to get them in theater, hopefully.
Yoiur previous posts have implied that:

I am not going to deploy with basically no socks and then hope that CM or KAF supply will have some to issue me.
So like lots of other things, although we may be entitled to it, we are still not getting it.
heres the issue I have. I got issued 3 Brown t Shirts and 3 pairs of black liner socks. The majority of the smaller FOB's dont have laundry. So we are supposed to get by with basically 3 changes of under clothes for about a month in desert conditions   ridiculous. Obviously, being the kit slut that I am, I have already bought tshirts and socks to make up the deficiency, but really, its at the point where we need to buy our own shirts and socks? Come on!

You have continuously implied that you have only ever been issued 3 tshirts, 3 socks, 3 underwear etc. You have said that it was ridiculous; you have said that being issued only 3 ... has caused you to go out and buy your own -- inferring that the system is not looking after you. You have implied that because the FOB has no "electric" laundry -- that you will be forced to live in "3" sets of underclothes (apparently dirty ones) for about a month. That's false. It's misleading. It is dishonest. YOU have 8 from your previous tour ... you have recd "3" additional sets for this deployment. That makes 11 to me. 11 pairs that you can handwash -- just as thousands of soldiers before you have. It will not kill you. Except, of course, for the extra 3 desert socks which you have not yet been issued ... but I've already told you when you'd get them if you don't have them before you depart.

You bought tshirts to make up for what defeciency? You got your full entitlement of 3 more. Add that qty to the ones you were issued for your first tour. Same with your black socks. YOU chose to buy more ... you certainly weren't forced to, as by my counts you have recd one intial kitting of desert kit (TF1-06) and have now recd a deployment Top-up kitting for your second tour. That puts you at 11 AR thshirts (8 for your initial tour entitlement, plus the max 3 each more you are entitled to for this tour). Same counts and entitlements for the boxers (11) and the black socks (11). The only thing you seem to be missing is  3 each desert socks you are entitled to for your top-up -- as has been explained why & when you will get them (but needless, you already have 8 pairs of those anyways -- the same qty as someone deploying for the first time).

Now why, do you keep inferring that you only have "3" ... or "basically 3 changes of under clothes" when that is absolute crap? Do you see why your posts are getting to me now? You have at least 3 X's the number of underclothes that you claim to have. You are publicly inferring that the CF has necessitated your buying of "essentials" -- and that's 100% false.

Finally, have I offended you in any of my posts here? Are you equating a dislike for the "system" as an attack on you? If I have then please, let me know and I will apologize. If not, in keeping with the guidelines of army.ca in reference to being civil, I think that you should reassess the tone of your posts as the are coming across as quite rude.

I don't take your "dislike" of the system as an attack on me. I dislike your misleading posts. Those conduct guidelines also mention that one shall not post deliberately misleading posts and information. Give them a full read. ;)
I see where you are coming from, but please do not groundlessly infer that I am being dishonest as I take offense to that.

As far as the conduct guidelines are concerned, I have read them all, and I am in no way posting "deliberately" misleading information. I was issued 8 shirts and 8 socks on TF 1-06. I was issued an additional 3 more shirts and no socks (desert) for TF 1-08. I was informed by supply that I was not able to exchange non serviceable brown shirts nor ns desert socks. I was told and I quote "you may be able to in theater". Now I understand from your posts that they will have them in theater, perfect, hopefully I will be able to exchange them. But after a full tour (9 months) with the same t shirts and socks all but 1 shirt, and 2 pairs of socks are NS (For the t shirts, sleeves coming off, collars ripped for the socks large holes at heels and toes).

Finally, I do not feel I am being misleading, because as I have said in other posts, ever troop in my organization, including those without a previous "Desert Entitlement" were issued the same 3 pairs of shirts, and 3 CTS black socks. All of them, like me have gone out and bought additionally socks,  and t shirts to a lesser degree. So, again to clarify, I am not inferring that the system is not looking after me, and those in my platoon, I am out and out saying it.
Sounds like a problem with your mounting base. Armed with the info that Vern gave you try and get the missing items also ask to speak to the supervisor if the counter staff is unhelpful (Vern can correct if I am misleading you.)
PhilB said:
I see where you are coming from, but please do not groundlessly infer that I am being dishonest as I take offense to that.

As far as the conduct guidelines are concerned, I have read them all, and I am in no way posting "deliberately" misleading information. I was issued 8 shirts and 8 socks on TF 1-06. I was issued an additional 3 more shirts and no socks (desert) for TF 1-08. I was informed by supply that I was not able to exchange non serviceable brown shirts nor ns desert socks. I was told and I quote "you may be able to in theater". Now I understand from your posts that they will have them in theater, perfect, hopefully I will be able to exchange them. But after a full tour (9 months) with the same t shirts and socks all but 1 shirt, and 2 pairs of socks are NS (For the t shirts, sleeves coming off, collars ripped for the socks large holes at heels and toes).

Finally, I do not feel I am being misleading, because as I have said in other posts, ever troop in my organization, including those without a previous "Desert Entitlement" were issued the same 3 pairs of shirts, and 3 CTS black socks. All of them, like me have gone out and bought additionally socks,  and t shirts to a lesser degree. So, again to clarify, I am not inferring that the system is not looking after me, and those in my platoon, I am out and out saying it.

You were told correctly. Desert kit is not exchangeable in Canada ... as you're not allowed to wear it here.

Explain to me then your posts that I've highlited again below in the bold bits ...

Basiclly "3 sets for a month ..."

They ONLY qtys you mentioned were "3", "3", and "3" over & over again -- until you happened to mention that you had been on TF1-06 as well ... at which time it was I who then had to point out the fact that you also had an additional "8" on top of those "3" (basic/ridiculous/had to buy my own to make up for defeciencies ... etc etc) you quoted until that time.

As for your first-time deployment co-workers only getting 3 as well ... we've already pointed out the shortages and where they'd get them (and you your extra 3 pairs of desert socks still owed you). I won't say where again -- I already have ... and they DO have them as my computer screen at work confirms.
I understand. This is getting ridiculous, and is quickly losing an relevance to the topic of this thread. Like you said there are short comings in the system, yes guys should get stuff issued/exchanged overseas, and the reality of the situation is that a lot of guys, including me, are purchasing essential items like socks to ensure that they have what they need WHEN they hit the ground, as opposed to relying on the hit and miss supply system.
If I may.  I was over on 3-06.  Issued 5 tan shirts and told I would get the rest once I arrived as posters have stated.  Once on the ground I asked at the place that remains nameless and told no further on my trip I will get them.  I ask again in KAF while getting the rest of my stuff and was told no.  Now whether or not I am actually entitled to them I don't have the time to argue with them nor does my CQ as I have more pressing issues like getting on a convoy to go somewhere out the wire.  I realize the system isn't and won't ever be perfect but I do wish everyone was singing from the same sheet of music.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
If I may.  I was over on 3-06.  Issued 5 tan shirts and told I would get the rest once I arrived as posters have stated.  Once on the ground I asked at the place that remains nameless and told no further on my trip I will get them.  I ask again in KAF while getting the rest of my stuff and was told no.  Now whether or not I am actually entitled to them I don't have the time to argue with them nor does my CQ as I have more pressing issues like getting on a convoy to go somewhere out the wire.  I realize the system isn't and won't ever be perfect but I do wish everyone was singing from the same sheet of music.

This is similar to the issues that I, and others ran into on 1-06. Not enough stock to exchange stuff, guys not getting issued things, and again, this experience is why I am buying my own socks! Good intentions, computer systems and "entitlement", dont get socks without holes on my feet! Vern, to clarify, I am not complaining about buying socks out of pocket. I a happy with what I bought, and will use them on civvy side when I get back, if they last. I am just trying to explain my rationale.
Theres no point arguing about things like socks and T shirts the system sucks no offence Vern but the system does sucks.Simple things like socks and T shirts should not be exchanged for new ones they are simple items and should be treated as such.I'm wearing my own under wear and using cotton socks cause I find there is no difference socks are socks minor sh**.T shirts well bringing all my shirts that are green ain't going to see them under a combat shirt.3issued tan  T shirts ::) first tour to Afghanistan too.
MikeH said:
Theres no point arguing about things like socks and T shirts the system sucks no offence Vern but the system does sucks.Simple things like socks and T shirts should not be exchanged for new ones they are simple items and should be treated as such.I'm wearing my own under wear and using cotton socks cause I find there is no difference socks are socks minor sh**.T shirts well bringing all my shirts that are green ain't going to see them under a combat shirt.3issued tan  T shirts ::) first tour to Afghanistan too.

So they are simple things that shouldn't be exchanged?? You'd rather just buy them instead??

Unfortunately for you, TB regulations (ie FEDERAL regulations governing taxpayer supplied items) state they have to be exchanged as they are bought & paid for, fo you, by taxpayers. So ... you can't just walk in and get new ones every second day (like happened with DEU back when ResF members could echange it for themselves and we saw some members indeed exchanging "theirs" every second day) ... when you need new ones -- you bring in your old ones -- and we exchange them. It doesn't cost you a dime. Seems fair to me -- seeing as how you'd be coming to clothing anyway to pick up your new ones.
ArmyVern said:
Unfortunately for you, TB regulations (ie FEDERAL regulations governing taxpayer supplied items) state they have to be exchanged as they are bought & paid for, for you, by taxpayers.

Well, the taxpayers should understand about the sock monster that lives in the washer and drier.
ArmyVern said:
So they are simple things that shouldn't be exchanged?? You'd rather just buy them instead??

Unfortunately for you, TB regulations (ie FEDERAL regulations governing taxpayer supplied items) state they have to be exchanged as they are bought & paid for, fo you, by taxpayers. So ... you can't just walk in and get new ones every second day (like happened with DEU back when ResF members could echange it for themselves and we saw some members indeed exchanging "theirs" every second day) ... when you need new ones -- you bring in your old ones -- and we exchange them. It doesn't cost you a dime. Seems fair to me -- seeing as how you'd be coming to clothing anyway to pick up your new ones.

Vern in Kingston and Petawawa, you don't bring in your old underwear, t-shirt or socks.  You can request a new batch every six months.  Am I misunderstanding your point?
You go thru your drawers in 6 months?

(I still have my hoard of V neck t shirts for the summer)
geo said:
You go thru your drawers in 6 months?

(I still have my hoard of V neck t shirts for the summer)

You DON'T go through your drawers in six months?  You're not eating enough IMPs.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Aren't V necks banned?

There's still tonnes around (and being worn), but yes ... there was a message stating that they were no longer authorized for wear.

My husband saves them for the field. Works for him.

Us chicks tend to get nailed easily though when we wear them ... seeing as how some's cleavage tends to draw attention to the "V" neck; it's not a situation that I personally experience when I wear one though.
Illegal?.... eggads!
So far, never been given any grief for still wearing em.
I think I shall still find a time and place to continue wearing em - till they come apart at the seams.