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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

Since the Canucks are still on my brain....

The Canucks forums have some interesting discussions going on following this collapse.  The knives are out against Luongo and there are some pretty vocal fans calling for work-arounds to his no-trade clause or to send him to the minors.  I can't put the blame on this loss on Luongo - not at all.  He shares an equal bit of the blame as the rest of the team.  The following anecdote puts it into perspective.

Tim Thomas let in more goals against Tampa Bay (21) then Luongo let in against Boston (20).  Tim Thomas had 4 (!) games where he let 5 or more goals in against the Lightening, but in the other 3 he was stellar with 2 shutouts.  Sound familiar?

The difference is that one of those games where Timmy let 5 in, his team scored 6.  When your Vezina-winning, Conn Smyth-winning Goalie has a run on his luck and is not on his game, your team comes in to support him by blasting goals in net.

Vancouver didn't do this - it failed to adjust, had a brutal power play and only got 8 goals in support of their goalie, who has just as much potential to be a Vezina-winning, Conn Smythe-winning champion as well.  Now we are number 2.  Hopefully, the Canucks will, like the 2008 Penguins, learn from this loss.  Boston certainly learned from their mother-of-all-chokes in 2010 and now they are, rightfully, champions.  Hopefully Luongo will learn from this and leave the "play the paint and pump the tires" talk for the commentators, doing what Thomas did and coming back from a disappointing season to break records.

If he does and they do, its 2012 Baby!
What should be getting more press is the thousands of good Samaritans who got up early this morning to go out and clean up the mess left by the disturbing large percentage of fucknuckles who ruined a strong run by the local team.

Here are the people who really make Vancouver one of the best cities in the world:

Yeah, I was pretty impressed to see how clean the place was in the morning.  Sort of like a collective "nothing to see here" moment.

The next time, the VPD needs to follow the advice of the guy who studied the 94 riots.  Once you hear broken glass, start shooting the gas.  People need to leave the city fast when s**t goes south - all those yahoos standing around with cameras were aiding and abetting.
Caught this on Crackbook - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LBtDrcIntk

:salute: to cop that accidentally on purpose did that.

Putting things in perspective:

Vancouver riot's kissing duo are Australian, Canadian
'They are both just totally stunned by it,' says dad of man in image splashed around world.


..."They were between the riot police and the rioters, and the riot police were actually charging forward, and Alex got knocked by a [police] shield and fell to the ground," he told CBC News. "[Scott] was comforting her and gave her a kiss to say, 'It’s going to be OK,' and the photographer just took the shot at that moment."...

"Honest, Mom...that's exactly what I was doing!"  :nod:
Beats catching an STD on a tractor seat, I guess....
"Vancouver Crews Faced Challenges During Riots: A video posted on YouTube shows a firefighter being punched by a rioter after the Stanley Cup finals":

“I am grateful to all of our partner policing agencies. Our colleagues in the ambulance and fire service went beyond the call risking their safety.”
Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu
"Nine police officers were injured, including one who required 14 stitches after being hit with a thrown brick. Chu said some officers suffered bite marks."

"Vancouver Coastal Health spokeswoman Anna Marie D'Angelo said Thursday three stabbing victims have been admitted and an unidentified man is in critical condition with head injuries after a fall.
She said most of the rioting victims were treated at St. Paul's Hospital in downtown Vancouver, while about 40, including the stabbing cases and the head injury patient, were being treated at Vancouver General Hospital."

Edit to add

"BC Ambulance Service's Response to Vancouver Riots: From the period of 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., BCAS received 341 calls for ambulance service in the City of Vancouver, primarily in the downtown core.
This compares to 100 calls that BCAS typically would respond to on a non-game day in Vancouver and 206 calls the previous Friday (Game 5 in Vancouver) for the period beginning at 1:00 p.m.":

Vancouver hockey riot - 1994:
Man I tell you- nothing riles me up more than people assaulting innocent bystanders, EMS, Nurses, and firefighters. I know most are big boys and can handle themselves but it still sets me off. Im use to people doing it to me- and to some degree I expect it since Im showing up to tell someone to do something they dont want to do but the rest of the emergency services and public servants- there is no excuse. Theres no good excuse to assault a cop but there is no excuse at all to hit one of the other uniformed guys.
Saw this tidbit of interest.  (Of course, I cannot verify the facts alleged on this blog):  http://publicshamingeternus.wordpress.com/

When Jason Li’s photo was first posted, it appeared to some that perhaps he was helping keep looters and rioters at bay.  As Captain Vancouver, I would have come armed with a baseball bat just to feel safe against those crowds.  Unfortunately for Jason Li, this picture wasn’t that of a hero defending our city.


Jason Li, has been seen in this YouTube video showing him to be a zero and smashing the BMO windows out with a hockey stick.  I’ve included these screen shots as well that show him talking about the fun he’s having in our city.


Jason Li had already been arrested earlier today.  For those thinking that there will be jail or serious consequences, consider our court system.  He’s already been released from police custody presumably to await a court appearance.  Our courts are backed up with waits lasting months.  Jason Li is in the Air Cadets and has plans to attend UBC in the fall.  Time will tell what the future may bring for our zero Jason Li.  Captain Vancouver praises the real hero’s of the 16th for coming out to clean up the mess left behind by the zero’s of yesterday.

The images and video referenced in the quote are on the blog.
Container said:
Man I tell you- nothing riles me up more than people assaulting innocent bystanders, EMS, Nurses, and firefighters. I know most are big boys and can handle themselves but it still sets me off. Im use to people doing it to me- and to some degree I expect it since Im showing up to tell someone to do something they dont want to do but the rest of the emergency services and public servants- there is no excuse. Theres no good excuse to assault a cop but there is no excuse at all to hit one of the other uniformed guys.

I wish urban rioters could understand the financial / staffing burden they put on the emergency services. Like they are not busy enough already. Especially when they purposely injure members, and there is lost time involved. Or, destroy their vehicles. These are likely the same people who scream loudest for service when they are victims of a crime, fire or medical emergency. 

Good to see the people of Vancouver thanking their police for being out there doing a tough job.

I don't know if this will be considered relevant, but urban riots remind me of this quote from "The New Centurions" by Joseph Wambaugh, comparing ancient Rome to Los Angeles: "It's the great myth, the myth whatever it happens to be that breaks civil authority. I wonder if a couple of centurions might've sat around like you and me one hot dry evening talking about the myth of Christianity that was defeating them. They would've been afraid, I bet, but the new myth was loaded with 'don'ts,' so one kind of authority was just being substituted for another. Civilization was never in jeopardy. But today the 'don'ts' are dying or being murdered in the name of freedom and we policemen can't save them. Once the people become accustomed to the death of a 'don't,' well then, the other 'don'ts' die much easier. Usually all the vice laws die first because people are generally vice-ridden anyway. Then the ordinary misdemeanors and some felonies become unenforceable until freedom prevails. Then later the freed people have to organize an army of their own to find order because they learn that freedom is horrifying and ugly and only small doses of it can be tolerated."

Animation from Taiwan:

Always considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  That said, another grossly misunderstood young man ....

A youth caught on video appearing to try to light a police car on fire in Vancouver on Wednesday night has been identified as an elite athlete who was headed to the University of Calgary on scholarship.

Nathan Kotylak, 17, was identified as one of the hundreds of people who tore a path of destruction through Vancouver's downtown streets after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins.

Water Polo Canada later announced it has suspended a high-level polo player over allegations he was involved in the riot.

Ahmed El-Awadi, executive director of Water Polo Canada, said in a news release that the player, who was not named, has contacted the organization through a lawyer to indicate he will co-operate fully with any disciplinary process.

The Grade 12 student from the Vancouver suburb of Maple Ridge and attends a private school and plays water polo on Canada's junior national team.

Kotylak had received a partial scholarship to attend the University of Calgary to study kinesiology, and hoped one day to compete in the Olympics, according to his father.

After the picture of Kotylak vandalizing a police car became one of the most viewed images in the riot's aftermath, the young athlete was repeatedly outed on Facebook and other social networking sites by people who recognized him.

The teen's father, a surgeon in B.C., told CBC News on Friday that the Grade 12 student will be "doing the right thing" by turning himself in.

He added he wishes his older son had been there that night to look out for his 17-year-old and described the photo as "misleading" ....
Source:  The Canadian Press

Yup, sure looks misleading to me.....
I stand corrected.

So, this is pretty much the best thing I've seen all spring. Normally not a fan of the sucker punch, but considering the sucker who got punched, yeah. All kinds of awesome.
hundreds of the rioting idiots have been ID using social media. Websites have been set up and you can go online and provide names for faces.

For example




The Life has No Consequences Generation is rapidly learning there are always consequences.

And that couple kissing in the middle of the street . . .  they have hired a press agent and are on TV saying the VPD didn't need to "handle them so roughly".  No mention of why they were in the middle of the street in front of a fully deployed Riot Squad 2+ hours into a riot when anyone with any common sense would have removed themselves from the riot location hours before.

Famous, but stupid.

medicineman said:
Caught this on Crackbook - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LBtDrcIntk

:salute: to cop that accidentally on purpose did that.


Already in above post...but it is pretty (add your own expletive) cool  ;D.

He'd be an Honourable Mention I'm sure...the cop that tossed it should get a Public Service Award of some sort me thinks.
