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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

...fortunately there were a lot of mouth-breathers filming each other, so it will be easier following up on the wanton destruction than it was in '94.  Rather shameful conduct by the few marring an otherwise graceful acknowledgement in the arena by the Canuck fans of the Bruins' overall well-played series.

GAP said:
AH.......at least there's a real sport starting tomorrow.....CFL.....
Rugby's been going for a while. In fact, Canada beat Russia 34-18 last week.  :nod:
Vancouver burning because they lost ? Everyone arrested should do community service on the fire line.
The difference between Montreal and Vancouver fans though is that, had the Canucks won, it would have been a party
without the destruction.  Montreal would riot for anything.  :stirpot:
Dean Blundell called Vancouver the "anal stain" of Canada this morning.  I'm aware that Toronto is the best place on earth and the epitome of Canadian culture, but I'd love to meet this guy in person.  I thought that Kingston radio was bad, but this guy is a freak.

There were shit disturbers about with balaclavas and ski masks beforehand, it was likely to get ugly either way.  Something tells me that Boston wouldn't exactly be the cleanest place in the world if they had lost.  These instigators are not "hockey fans," they're common thugs.  I hope they spend a very long time behind bars.
Wow - what a shame.  Looks like Boston calmed down to celebrate while Vancouver went off the rails.

My sister was downtown for the game and had to actually run away for fear of being assaulted.  >:(

Some of the reports suggest that people intended to riot regardless of the outcome - apparently witnesses said the first truck was burnt by its owner who brought it for that very purpose.

Still, these a**holes with Canucks sweaters (I won't call them fans) are making a mockery of the team, its excellent season and near-run championship....

Gets bad at 3:06, like the title says. Luckily the technological age allows for bystanders to record what they see while engaging in the "stand around and watch" mentality, that way we can arrest people weeks after the fact, rather than taking a more proactive approach. Heaven forbid they gang up on the people who are wreaking havoc, rather than essentially form a human barrier around the people who need a baton strike to the side of the face. Good men doing nothing, evil presides?

If you're just gonna stand there taking in the sights and sounds, you're just as deserving of some gas inhalation as the dickheads you're watching. Yes, a 'handful' of people caused damage. But a huge crowd, numbering in the tens of thousands, let them get away with it.
Sorry to hear about your sister, Infanteer. Glad she was smart enough to GTFO of dodge.
Confounded PAT said:
Dean Blundell called Vancouver the "anal stain" of Canada this morning.  I'm aware that Toronto is the best place on earth and the epitome of Canadian culture, but I'd love to meet this guy in person. 

I never heard of that guy, but with one-third of Canada's population located within a 160 km radius of Toronto, riots - whatever the cause - are a real concern for emergency planners.

Well, at least two people may not have been torch-carrying idiots all night.

Photo Credit: Rich Lam/Getty Images
I'm enjoying the Sirius/XM Octane hosts in New York spewing off about how Vancouver must have been rude during the presentations and how the city is a terrible place.  Tim Thomas received a well deserved ovation and the only one booed en masse was Count Gary von Bettman.  I can't be certain, but if things had gone the other way, I don't think that we'd see Luongo getting a standing ovation in Beantown either.  If they've never watched a hockey game in their lives, why go on a tangent about hockey?  I don't go off on rants about MLB or the NBA, because I couldn't care less and know next to nothing about them. 

This will be a black mark on my favorite city for a long time, a sad day indeed.  No doubt that Boston would be a squeaky clean city and completely under control if it had gone the other way.  ::)    I'm not defending those responsible or participating, but when "professional" hosts go to lengths to paint the entire city with one brush it infuriates me.  So far it's been hosts in Toronto and New York City going off on Vancouver as a whole.  Growing up in the Lower Mainland was second only to being Canadian in my books.  Vancouver isn't perfect, but if you've never been there, leave it the hell alone.  I've never been to NYC, but I'd pay to live in Vancouver long before I move to Toronto.

On a brighter note it sounds to be mostly under control.  My old man made it downtown without issue, transit is almost back to normal and there are some major cleanups going on.

To better fortunes in 2012, Vancouver-Winnipeg final...one day.
Globe and Mail
"Anger, embarrassment on social media as Canadians condemn riots: A look at reactions from Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to Vancouver's Stanley Cup riots":

2 Cdo said:
What was the final score? HaHaHaHaHaHaHa

I'm sure that the final score is what he was thinking about when he posted that.........Not this BS statement of yours:

2 Cdo said:
Based on the posts here, thanks for confirming most Vancouver fans know next to nothing about hockey.

Please just go back to drinking beer and pretending to be a hockey expert........like everyone else.
CDN Aviator said:
I'm sure that the final score is what he was thinking about when he posted that.........Not this BS statement of yours:

Please just go back to drinking beer and pretending to be a hockey expert........like everyone else.

Don't drink beer but, compared to MOST Vancouver fans, I am an expert. Now go cry a little because "your" team lost.  ::)
Those losers were no more 'hockey fans' than the losers who rioted after the opening ceremonies of the Olympics were 'Olympic fans'.

edit: spelling

...........In the Middle East, street protests have led to brutal crackdowns on dissidents. In Greece, anger has erupted at massive anti-austerity protests. Meanwhile, Vancouver burns because it lost a hockey game.

Around the globe, the world was laughing at Canada on Thursday morning, as news of post-Cup riots made international headlines.

The U.K. Daily Mail ran its Vancouver riot story beneath coverage of the situation in Greece, where thousands took to the streets on Wednesday to protest proposed $40.5 billion in cuts demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to bail the country out of its massive debt.

Under the Greece coverage, the Mail posted the headline "...meanwhile in Canada - somebody lost an ice hockey match to the Americans."

When you click on the story, the headline becomes: "No, it is not another G20 protest - somebody won an ice hockey match (Well, it was the Stanley Cup and Vancouver lost at home)."

One CNN headline early Thursday morning called Vancouver "loser city."............

old medic said:
The U.K. Daily Mail ran its Vancouver riot story beneath coverage of the situation in Greece, where thousands took to the streets on Wednesday to protest proposed $40.5 billion in cuts demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to bail the country out of its massive debt.

Under the Greece coverage, the Mail posted the headline "...meanwhile in Canada - somebody lost an ice hockey match to the Americans."

When you click on the story, the headline becomes: "No, it is not another G20 protest - somebody won an ice hockey match (Well, it was the Stanley Cup and Vancouver lost at home)."

I'll be sure to write a kind and respectful article the next time some poor bloke across the pond dies in a "football" riot!  Good riddance, there would have been chaos win or lose. 

This had as about as much to do with the hockey game as the Olympic vandalism did with the spirit of international competition.  The mob mentality takes over once a few people start breaking things and yelling.  People are dumb, I think this has been proven in Boston, Montreal and Denver, to name a few in recent memory.  "Hey, let's allow 120,000 people to watch a game downtown with minimal security, nothing could go wrong!"
Video of a protester getting a flash bang to the nuts.  :)
