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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

Jim Seggie said:
And that is why either the NHL via the refs stop this garbage, or they go back to the days of the enforcer, who knew his role and that was to keep everyone else honest. The enforcer never claimed to be a superstar, nor did he "goon" people. He handed out justice to those who needed some "counselling". That's why many Montreal Canadiens in the 60s had long frutiful careers: The opposition feared John Ferguson would hand out some justice. Same with Gordie Howe. A skilled player who could hold his own in  a scrap.
Bobbie Probert kept the Red Wings healthy and so did Domi for the Leafs and later the Jets.
The instigator rule has to go.

Jim, I have to call you on this one. 6 or 7 days ago, after Game 3, I made a comment regarding situations like this, and you responded with the exact opposite frame of mind. What changed?
Confounded PAT said:
Apologies to any Bruins fans that are actually human beings, but this is the most disgusting thing that I've seen in professional sports in my life:


This one was a bit more over the edge

edited to swap link for one with better tunes
Some interesting stats/trivia for Game 7:

There have been 15 Game 7s in the Stanley Cup Finals.  The home team is 12-3.

Boston has tied a record with its 3rd game 7 of these playoffs (both on home ice).  The Canucks have 1 game 7 under their belt (home ice, obviously).  No team has ever won 3 game 7s in the playoffs at all, let alone to win the Stanley Cup.

Scoring on the road in the finals has been hard - the Canucks have gotten 3 in 3, while the Bruins have got 2 in 3.  Both goalies have been dynamite at home.

The last 5 Stanley Cup Finals (one 5-game series, two 6-game series, two 7-game series) in the deciding game, the first team to score won the cup.  The first team to score in all 6 games of this series has won the game.  The first goal will be critical.

Vancouver is 10-3 on home ice.  Boston is 5-6 on the road.

Speaking of home crowd noise, the NHL has been measuring crowd volume in the finals - the highest measured was 119db; once in Vancouver (when the Canucks cleared the zone in the dying seconds of game 5) and once in Boston (when Krejci made in 5-1 in Game 6).  I anticipate Vancouver beating that if the game goes their way.  Note that the highest possible measurement is 194 db and at 125 db, pain begins to appear.

The last 3 Stanley Cups have been won in one goal games.

A wierd trend.  The last 3 teams to Win the Cup (Chi 10, Pit 09, Det 08) won the Cup on the road.  The previous 3 (Ana 07, Car 06, TB 04) won at home.  The previous 3 (NJ 03, Det 02, Col 01) won on the road.  This trend calls for the Canucks to start another 3-peat for home teams (yay).

This will mark the first year where a European captain is guaranteed to hoist the Cup (Sedin or Chara).  Only 1 other European has Captained a team to the Cup (Lidstrom 09) in post Original 6 NHL.

This game will be epic! All the stats and trends are pointing to the Canucks, but with the post-season that Timmy Thomas is having, he would be the one to go against the grain.  I can't wait to watch this.

Edit:  added a few more tidbits.
Another interesting tidbit - the EA sports NHL simulator, which has been 13-14 in predicting series this playoffs, picked the Canucks in 7.  So far, it has picked the game winners accurately for all 6 games of the SCF.

I have no dog in this fight (my team has been golfing since about November).  Great series, and very odd dichotomy in how "off" Vancouver appears to be in Boston, and Boston also seems to be a different team in Vancouver.  Glad there's a game 7, though! 
Technoviking said:
I have no dog in this fight (my team has been golfing since about November).  Great series, and very odd dichotomy in how "off" Vancouver appears to be in Boston, and Boston also seems to be a different team in Vancouver.  Glad there's a game 7, though!

You're a Leafs fan.  They've been golfing since 1967...
dapaterson said:
You're a Leafs fan.  They've been golfing since 1967...
I said November...didn't think it was necessary to mention the year ;D
Jim Seggie said:
That's a good one....but Vern is prowling the web too..... ;)


Boston in seven. I'm taking a pic tomorrow ...  ;D

I'll eaither be eating crow or grinning. Cup will spend more time in Canada next year my way --- so I'd much rather be grinning than eating crappier food than here while exporting the Cup to Europe.  :blotto:
Kat Stevens said:
Must be tough being the only one in step all the time.  ::)

It is, here's to a Bruins victory in game 7 and to the inevitable whinefest from Vancouver fans about penalties, conspiracies and how mean those nasty Bruins are.  8)
2 Cdo said:
It is, here's to a Bruins victory in game 7 and to the inevitable whinefest from Vancouver fans about penalties, conspiracies and how mean those nasty Bruins are.  8)

After witnessing the home crowd in Boston I don't think that I could ever bring myself to cheer for them.  They could have an entirely Canadian roster and I would still despise the Bruins.  The "flopper" fiasco has people that otherwise don't care about hockey all fired up.  On the bright side I finally have some common ground with all the Habs fans around here.

Many props to the fans on both sides that have refrained from dumping beer on others, kept their elbows down, their words to themselves and have actually displayed some level of class.  There are toolbags by the dozen on both sides of the fence.

"They play three quarters and then go to overtime right?  Then a shootout?" - CKWS host, minutes after going on a "Bruins rule!" rant.  I'll have to find a recording of this woman later, it's the funniest thing that I've heard in ages.
Jim Seggie said:
I disagree. Allowing the players to "hand down some punishment" well after the fact would only exacerbate the situation. It was taken care of by the five minute major and the player, Rome, tossed out.
And to ensure this doesn't get out of hand, the guy in charge of officiating should send a message to the coaches, players and refs, something like this:

1. Anyone that goes after the the top players on either team will be gone.....suspended on the spot for the remainder of the playoffs. Rome is the first one;

2. Sticking your fingers in someone's face.....game misconduct;

3. Hacking the goalies hands after he's covered the puck - five minutes and the game;

4. Goalies - if you toss a check and get one back....don't look for a penalty;

5. Yipping and chirping after the whistle - 2 minutes;

6. Beaking off to MY referees AFTER you've been caught red handed and you don't wear an A or a C on your jersey...tack on another two. Keep it up after and its ten. Loose your mind after that and its a game.

I saw enough BS from both teams. No class and for so called "professionals" it was unacceptable.

It does appear to be so, however:

Allowing the only legitimate enforcer to "hand down some punishment" would be like allowing George St Pierre have free rein at the local martial arts establishment.

Bieksa is NOT an enforcer: He is a top calibre defenceman who is paid to defend, not fight. McSurely, while a good defenceman WAS paid to drop em, as was Semenko.

Having said all this, it boils down to lack of respect on the PLAYERS (not all of them)  part for their opponents, their employers and the people who pay them MILLIONS to play a game you pay thousands of dollars for your kids to play.
All I can really say is that if Marchand stuck his fingers in my mouth, he'd need two hands to order 4 beers with for the rest of his life... who knows where those disgusting little digits have been?    ;)
Crosby was -2 with 2 points IIRC in his Finals that he won.

Toews was a minus player and had on ly a few points in the Finals and won the Conn Smythe.

Neither of those players were vilified as the Sedins are, for doing exactly the same thing.

There IS a bias, but honestly, I don't really care. If the Canucks win tonight, at least we don't have to share it with Torontonians.
This is all in the Canucks hands. If they play to their abilities, they will win. The Bruins can't say the same.

2-1 Canucks.
Wow.  Canuck implosion.  Down by two and giving up a shorthanded goal - mostly because a Canuck tripped the scorer who then knocked out Luongo.

Canucks just don't seem to be getting any bounces their way.  It's a long way to get back into this game......
I'm absolutely at a loss for words.  The team can't buy a bounce and they're hitting about as well as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

I'll be back in another 40 years.  :o  Short of a miracle, they've just squandered their best chance in franchise history.