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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

I've got the Vancouver Canucks winning in six games, once and for all proving that they are the best soccer team in the NHL.
Nostix said:
I've got the Vancouver Canucks winning in six games, once and for all proving that they are the best soccer team in the NHL.

HAHA this coincides perfectly with the huge "hit burrow's received" (DIVE)
I suppose the high stick in the teeth was a dive too?  Drop it, we get it, you think the Canucks are floppers, trundle on now.
canada94 said:
HAHA this coincides perfectly with the huge "hit burrow's received" (DIVE)
Take a hike with CBC who....are totally IN LOVE with Thomas.

I can never take Craig Simpson seriously again.  He's had a bias going throughout the playoffs, but he really let it fly tonight.

I hear Versus is hiring, I'll forward his resume for him!  I'll be muting game four and listening to the radio online.
Kat Stevens said:
I suppose the high stick in the teeth was a dive too?  Drop it, we get it, you think the Canucks are floppers, trundle on now.

I see you subscribe to the Alain Vigneault school of logical fallacy, IE: his comments on Eager's boarding on Sedin in game 2 of the Sharks series.

Showing me one black dog doesn't prove that there are no brown dogs in the world. Showing one legitimate penalty doesn't magically prove that the Canucks don't dive. 

Edit: Typo.
I am enjoying watching the Bruins backpeddle with their hypocrisy.  "They Canucks condone this behaviour, that's not what this team does".  Julian's team made him look like an ***.

I called Canucks in 5 at the start and it seems to be moving that direction.

This is playing out just like the San Jose series.  We find a way to win in games 1 and 2 despite a hot opposing goalie and brutal special teams.  Game 3 the opposing team comes out swinging in front of their home crowd (remember the 2nd period smackdown we took against San Jose and game 3) and takes a big victory.

Game 4, we'll watch the tapes, adjust to Thomas' play (all of our goals have been very similar), sort the special teams out and take it back to Vancouver for the win.
ArmyVern said:
Boston is just diggin' in --- much as they do.

Boston in 6.

Disagree...Vancouver in 5. I'm with Infanteer on this one.

Boston ran the score...and they'll pay for that.

As well as the finger thing in the face was a sign of disrespect that won't go unnoticed. Look for the Canucks in Game four.....
I'm really trying to take my homer goggles off for this, but I'm having a hard time getting over the post whistle play of Lucic.  I can't count how many times I watched him in a Giants uniform.  He was far and away my favorite player on the roster.  Julien said something along the lines of it "not being acceptable on our end" when asked about Lapierre's play.  Fast forward to the next game and they're doing the same thing, but Vancouver wasn't exactly turning it down.  With that said I'd probably hate Lapierre and sing a song for Lucic if the roles were reversed.  Such are the joys of being a diehard homer for the boys in blue.  If both teams play between the whistles it should be an awesome series.  I'm not burning my jersey yet, but I sincerely hope that the Canucks can forget that game.

Get well soon Horton, I hate seeing any player leave the ice like that.  I'm fairly certain that Rome will get a game or two.  On the other hand, Getzlaf got nothing for a similar hit on Hamhuis in the regular season, so we'll see.  I'd bench him either way, lest Thornton knock his block off.

Regardless, on my way out the door I'm greeted with "Ha haaaa...how 'bout those Canucks?!"  I thought for a second, desperately trying to come up with a smartass remark.  In my disappointment the best I could come up with was "how many games are your Habs ahead in the Final?"

Best response to the "anyone but the Canucks" crowd - at least for the next day or so:

"We're up two games to one...and we don't stick our fingers in peoples mouths....."

I've never seen such childishness from a "Professional" athlete as I witnessed from Recchi and who ever the other guy is.

The penalty assessed for the hit Rome threw was the right call. Too bad that the refs wouldn't assign some bench time to the chirpers who shoot their mouths off, facewash, stick fingers in faces etc AFTER the whistle has gone. And that goes for both sides.

Don Cherry said it best. Those is that want to chirp....drop the gloves and go at it.
Guess it's official, Horton's out for the rest of the finals. What a shame, I absolutely loved watching him play. Too bad the league's probably going to suspend Rome. I think they should instead suspend one of Vancouver's "Heart and Soul" players, then let Thornton hand down some punishment  >:D

And Lucic was the other finger-banger. I agree 100%, completely classless. Oh well. 1 down, 3 to go  ;D
Y'know, this country friggin slays me... Calgary Flames; CANADA'S TEAM!  Montreal Canadiens; CANADA'S TEAM!  Vancouver Canucks; SCREW THEM GUYS!  I've been a bruins fan since before most of you were born, I saw "The Goal" live on TV, but I was raised in Canada, and a Canadian team is the closest one has been in 10 years to bring our cup home.
Sapplicant said:
then let Thornton hand down some punishment  >:D

I disagree. Allowing the players to "hand down some punishment" well after the fact would only exacerbate the situation. It was taken care of by the five minute major and the player, Rome, tossed out.
And to ensure this doesn't get out of hand, the guy in charge of officiating should send a message to the coaches, players and refs, something like this:

1. Anyone that goes after the the top players on either team will be gone.....suspended on the spot for the remainder of the playoffs. Rome is the first one;

2. Sticking your fingers in someone's face.....game misconduct;

3. Hacking the goalies hands after he's covered the puck - five minutes and the game;

4. Goalies - if you toss a check and get one back....don't look for a penalty;

5. Yipping and chirping after the whistle - 2 minutes;

6. Beaking off to MY referees AFTER you've been caught red handed and you don't wear an A or a C on your jersey...tack on another two. Keep it up after and its ten. Loose your mind after that and its a game.

I saw enough BS from both teams. No class and for so called "professionals" it was unacceptable.

Kat Stevens said:
Y'know, this country friggin slays me... Calgary Flames; CANADA'S TEAM!  Montreal Canadiens; CANADA'S TEAM!  Vancouver Canucks; SCREW THEM GUYS!  I've been a bruins fan since before most of you were born, I saw "The Goal" live on TV, but I was raised in Canada, and a Canadian team is the closest one has been in 10 years to bring our cup home.
And with you I agree.....(Yoda speak)

I live through the Edmonton years.....in Calgary. I share your pain!!

I'm still cheering for the Canucks...not because they're Canadian....because most of them were the Manitoba Moose at one time.
Kat Stevens said:
Y'know, this country friggin slays me... Calgary Flames; CANADA'S TEAM!  Montreal Canadiens; CANADA'S TEAM!  Vancouver Canucks; SCREW THEM GUYS!  I've been a bruins fan since before most of you were born, I saw "The Goal" live on TV, but I was raised in Canada, and a Canadian team is the closest one has been in 10 years to bring our cup home.

Sorry I wasn't born earlier, guess there's nothing I can do about that now. At least I can be more specific so you save on some kleenex. I've been a Bruins fan since I knew what Hockey was. Can thank my Grandmother for that. She grew up in Fredericton, and guess who her neighbours across the way were? This nice family of black folks, surnamed O'Ree. Will's autographed picture is still hanging on a wall in the attic. My father wore #4 playing hockey growing up. Me? I wore #77. Growing up in a small town right on the border with Maine, and having some extended family in Boston, well, I guess I can stop "explaining" myself now.

For the record, this was the best possible final I could hope for. A Canadian team from the West, vs. my beloved B's. It's a total win-win for me. Pretty sure that I didn't once write "Vancouver - SCREW THEM GUYS". You know, sometimes people putting words in my mouth friggin' slays me. Least your taste in music still kicks ass. 

Jim Seggie said:
I disagree. Allowing the players to "hand down some punishment" well after the fact would only exacerbate the situation. It was taken care of by the five minute major and the player, Rome, tossed out.
And to ensure this doesn't get out of hand, the guy in charge of officiating should send a message to the coaches, players and refs, something like this:

1. Anyone that goes after the the top players on either team will be gone.....suspended on the spot for the remainder of the playoffs. Rome is the first one;

2. Sticking your fingers in someone's face.....game misconduct;

3. Hacking the goalies hands after he's covered the puck - five minutes and the game;

4. Goalies - if you toss a check and get one back....don't look for a penalty;

5. Yipping and chirping after the whistle - 2 minutes;

6. Beaking off to MY referees AFTER you've been caught red handed and you don't wear an A or a C on your jersey...tack on another two. Keep it up after and its ten. Loose your mind after that and its a game.

I saw enough BS from both teams. No class and for so called "professionals" it was unacceptable.

Jim, I wasn't being serious. I'd've used  :rage: instead of  >:D if I was. Obviously this is 2011, not 1970.

I will say, much butt your list does kick.


edited for some tee-hee-hee