Ours is a 'Stealth' role, not a 'Fight for Info' role, and to increase an Armd Recce Troop to the size and numbers of about a half Company is getting right out of hand. Seven Cars of 21 to 30 pers should suffice. Throwing sections into the backs of Coyotes is going to be a waste of manpower for the amounts of time they will be employed.
George, I agree with your conclusion, but not the premise.
In the Cold War days, Recce had to be 100% stealth becasue to do anything otherwise would be suicide. The bad guys had bigger and badder weapon systems than we did, they pushed them forward onto their recce assets, and they had massive amounts of artillery. Even if you bumped a tiny lil' Soviet motorcycle patrol, they had an Army's worth of indirect fire to dump on your head. To seek any kind of engagement was to court disaster.
But now that we are playing the "bundle of snakes" game, those conditions no longer hold. Our weapon systems should be at worst case equal to the bad guys, and they certainly don't have arty or fast air to dump on us - hell, we might not have arty of our own (have any of our tubes in Afganistan ever fired in anger? I don't know)
So we're moving to a world where recce could, and in some cases probably should, do a little fighting for information. If I'm held up by the "lone dude with the RPG" contact, I'm not going to hold up the entire advance or lose a patrol piqueting him - I'll send a patrol to bypass on first contact, yes (in case he turns out to be more than just the lone gunman) but if, on developing the contact he proves to be small enough for me to handle, and it is within my ROE to engage him, then I will.
It should be pointed out that my goal in engaging isn't just killing him. If he can be captured, or if the *video detachment filming him* (per insergant SOP these days) can be captured, then that's potentially a wealth of information to pass back to higher. Grab him, bag him, pass him off to 49C, and get on with the advance.
But I'm not willing to too heavily compromise endurance, vehicle signature, and especially SPEED to do so. One JAFFO is good, two is better, but three is probably too many and four is way too much.
I like 8 cars with 2 dismounts each. I too prefer a Coyote-alike, but a mixed troop with a couple of Coyotes and the rest GWagon or RG-31 is fine too.
It's also easier to say that when we're talking Coyote than when we talk GWagon