I suspect even the police there are done with it…
SPS members are quitting faster than they can be hired.
SPS management continue to play silly games trying to assert their new Police force, making things worse for everybody on the road.
RCMP members are done with it and just want to leave, but can't be replaced. Morale is at an all time low. This is just another blow that's causing frustration, pain, limiting careers etc. Nobody from the RCMP became a Mountie to police the streets of Surrey their entire career, and yet its looking like that's going to be the case.
This would come as a surprise to literally none of us.At least they won't get bored
While much of Metro Vancouver is known for picturesque mountains and green landscapes, one city has been named the worst in Canada for crime. Two BC cities landed within the top 100 of Numbeo’s 2022 global crime index, including one in Metro Vancouver.
Surrey ranked #49 with a crime index of 64.34, making it the worst city for crime in Canada according to the global crime index. Kelowna ranked #92 with a crime index of 58.26.
Metro Vancouver city ranked worst in Canada on the global crime index | News
A Metro Vancouver city now has the dubious honour of being named the worst city in Canada on the Numbeo global crime indexdailyhive.com
Ironically, the RCMP is being mobbed by people requesting remount out of SPS.Redfive it is an absolute travesty that you guys have been left behind in all this. It’s wrong. There will be enough burnout and moral injury that we ll have spent more than a few of you and it was unnecessary. None of those playing games are paying for it.
Yea my buddy out there is quite done with Surrey and wants a transfer.SPS members are quitting faster than they can be hired.
SPS management continue to play silly games trying to assert their new Police force, making things worse for everybody on the road.
RCMP members are done with it and just want to leave, but can't be replaced. Morale is at an all time low. This is just another blow that's causing frustration, pain, limiting careers etc. Nobody from the RCMP became a Mountie to police the streets of Surrey their entire career, and yet its looking like that's going to be the case.
Ironically, the RCMP is being mobbed by people requesting remount out of SPS.
Not surprisingly, we're taking almost every one of them. I'm aware of a couple that did too good a job burning the bridge on the way out who have been refused. Very frustratingly, all of them are refusing Surrey as a post and taking nice juicy posts elsewhere while those of us still in Surrey who have remained faithful to the Buffalo sit and wait for our promised "we'll give you anything you want as soon as SPS replaces you and as long as there's a vacancy"
We're also hiring experienced Police officers as fast as we can and giving them access to those same juicy posts (ERT, CFSEU-BC, IHIT, FSOC, etc) as fast as we can. Now obviously these muni's we're hiring are qualified to fill those spots and are usually hired from their previous employers when those employers demand them back from the same integrated units they're hired to fill a spot at. They don't want to go back to their home force to be put back on the road, so over they come. Cool. Great. What about the members who have always been Mounties, who went to Depot, did their time in a contract Detachment somewhere and had their eye on that spot? Now that RCMP spot on that integrated unit is filled with a shiny new experienced Police officer Mountie, and that career Mountie member who has slung files on the road in any one of a number of Detachments gets the sorry you're an unsuitable candidate email. Being a member in Surrey you might as well not even try because the answer is, and will always be "you're not currently releasable".
Don't even get me started on that Federal Policing hiring program with 12 weeks of training not at Depot. If that goes ahead, they need to refuse those people from our union, refuse them the right to wear the Red Serge and refuse them the same pay benefits or pension as actual Mounties. You can't just change the deal like that after this long, the path to the cool Federal level stuff the RCMP does has always been do your time on the road somewhere and we'll hire you for a Fed spot when you've made yourself the best possible candidate for the job. Now apparently you can just waltz in, do half the training, do none of the actual Police work but get all the benefits AND some of the best spots (job wise and geographically) the RCMP has to offer. Unreal.
I almost hope some white shirt reads this and figures out who I am so they can give me a code because at least it would mean somebody in this organization read it and is aware of what they're doing to us, even if they don't give a shit about their troops.
Scientific WAG here. They'll always be in a juicy Fed spot and can never be moved without their permission, and can never be placed on the Contract side because they'll get themselves and others hurt and/or killed? Oh, and probably preference in promotions in those places because of those limitations?It’s the same with pre-posting deals for applicants or posting depot couples
We have a long list of disrespecting those who are doing the work.
HQs with 80 members that have been in the building for 20 years while they tell people Leaving their third isolated there is no where for them to go at HQ
The fed scheme is an absolute travesty, it’s actually worse than you are aware if what I learned the other day is true about those members and their career restrictions
The previous Mayor wanted the RCMP out and a Surrey Police Service. Loses Municipal election, after getting arrested by RCMP. Charges get thrown out by a judge, well after election.So if I am reading this right Surrey kinda sorta wanted their own police force but for whatever reasons want the RCMP? WTF??
Yeah, in both cases you have mayors and councils being elected by a tiny amount of the electorate (most voters stay home for municipal elections) and bringing in huge changes in policing with no referenda.The previous Mayor wanted the RCMP out and a Surrey Police Service. Loses Municipal election, after getting arrested by RCMP. Charges get thrown out by a judge, well after election.
New Mayor gets elected by slim margin by campaigning on cancelling the SPS deal and bringing back RCMP. Confusion and bad morale ensue, all around.
Province has had just about enough of this crap, drops hammer on Surrey council- tells them SPS or bust. Surrey throws a fit and tries to go to court. Province introduces a bill to make sure this never happens again. The end?
I suspect there is even more to the story than this like a maybe BC Provincial Police Service coming down the pipe in the next decade and really high gang warfare in the south asian community in Surrey that makes policing a challenge at the best of times- even more so if you now are recruiting locally, once the RCMP is out.
I am sure that there are some details that I have missed…
I’d extend your WAG to the ultimate objective being the quiet de-amalgamation of the RCMP back into the equivalent of its two precursor forces — the Dominion Police, a mostly plainclothes, mostly Ontario and Quebec based, force that did whatever the federal priority of day is, and the North West Mounted Police, a specially recruited constabulary intended to provide local police in rural and northern areas that couldn’t be counted on to provide their own municipal and provincial forces.Scientific WAG here. They'll always be in a juicy Fed spot and can never be moved without their permission, and can never be placed on the Contract side because they'll get themselves and others hurt and/or killed? Oh, and probably preference in promotions in those places because of those limitations?
Again, just a WAG.
I’d extend your WAG to the ultimate objective being the quiet de-amalgamation of the RCMP back into the equivalent of its two precursor forces — the Dominion Police, a mostly plainclothes, mostly Ontario and Quebec based, force that did whatever the federal priority of day is, and the North West Mounted Police, a specially recruited constabulary intended to provide local police in rural and northern areas that couldn’t be counted on to provide their own municipal and provincial forces.
The decades of focus on contract policing don’t make much sense in retrospect — why wouldn’t most provinces be able to force generate their own police forces? Tasmania maintains their own police force, and it’s smaller by population than any Canadian province but PEI and Newfoundland — and of course Newfoundland policed itself pre-1949.
Unfortunately, breaking the back of contract policing will be a painful process, and lots of that pain will be felt by those wearing red serge that now find that the deal has been altered.
Right, sorry. I’ve been exhausted all week and didn’t think that through.I think the Ontario/Quebec thing was to describe where the Dominion Police were focused, not where Federal Policing is focused.