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Troops carrying pistols outside the gate

Should all soldiers leaving camp carry pistols along with rifles

  • No, troops (ie riflemen) don't need it.

    Votes: 71 22.3%
  • Soldiers leaving the camp should have the option of carrying pistols along with their rifles

    Votes: 191 60.1%
  • Soldiers should only carry pistols if their is a special requirement/task

    Votes: 50 15.7%
  • Other listed below

    Votes: 6 1.9%

  • Total voters
MedTechStudent said:
I have no experience...

Bad analogy time, BUT, its sort of like back in grade school where if you gave that one kid a piece of gum everyone else felt entitled to one as well  ;)

No experience eh? Too right.

Well you bloody well shot yourself in the foot, making a notably foolish idiotic post like the above. Its the worst of the best for this week, maybe even for the month or quarter for that matter.

I don't think comparing the real NEED for a pistol on OPERATIONS equates to your SILLY (too kind of a word) 'gum' theory.

Your post is a Darwin award winner for sure!

Keep it up  ::) you'll go places.

MedTechStudent, you deserved what you got for your comments above. 

Guys, I think that's enough chastising for MTS, who should learn his lesson about making unfounded comments with little relevance to the discussion.

No need for further dogpile - let's get back on track.
The Army.ca Staff
Because I have too....


Indifel-6 Is that a para ordance coyote brown night tac?

THis may sound crazy but considering we have a A) a pistol shortage and B) mags that border on criminal negligence for their performance, how crazy is the idea of troops bringing their own pistols overseas?

Obviously nothing out of control but if troops brought their own 9mms or .45s?
Flawed Design said:
THis may sound crazy but considering we have a A) a pistol shortage and B) mags that border on criminal negligence for their performance, how crazy is the idea of troops bringing their own pistols overseas?

Obviously nothing out of control but if troops brought their own 9mms or .45s?

It will never happen. Think of this:

- How do you transport them?
- What if you have an ND with it?
- What if it requires servicing? Our techs are not qualified to work on Desert Eagles, even though many probably could with no problems.
- Who would secure them when you go on HLTA? You're not going to leave it in a barrack box are you?
- What if it's stolen?
- What are the legal ramifications of carrying a non issued weapon? I'm talking about soldiers in the CF specifically.
- We don't have .45 cal in the system IIRC. Who would supply the ammo in the FOBs?

Just to throw a few thoughts out there.

Gun ia a 1943 Ithaca US 1911A1 -- rebuilt with a STI frame, Novak Night sights, Wilson barrel and some other things.
Any way to get those jammy Novak sights on a BHP, short of taking a grinding wheel and removing the lame factory sights?
Put front site post in a vice, hit slide with hammer. Front site gone, stake in new front sight (need special tool). Drift out rear sight with brass hammer, slide in new rear.  You could do the same to put factory sights back on later but you'd ruin the tritium front when you remove it.
Pooey... I guess the question then becomes zip do you wanna give the CF a free set of tritiums? ;)
Flawed Design said:
...  but considering we have a A) a pistol shortage ...

- We do NOT have a pistol shortage.  We have a shortage of pistols being released from our war stocks of 10,000 plus Inglis Brownings.

- If we keep warehousing them forever, some anti-gun 'crat will discover 'rust' on one (especially now that our gun-plummers are taught that cosmoline is a carcinogen) and cut them up and smelter them, like we did to 78,000 FN C1s, 14,000 FN C2s, hundreds of thousands of Long Branch Lee Enfields (we are buying EALs for the Rangers), thousands of C1 SMGs, etc.

- Over 100 years ago, Canada - a nation of 6,000,000 souls - had about 58,000 first line military rifles.  Now, a nation of 33,000,000, we have.....

Big Red said:
Put front site post in a vice, hit slide with hammer. Front site gone, stake in new front sight (need special tool). Drift out rear sight with brass hammer, slide in new rear.  You could do the same to put factory sights back on later but you'd ruin the tritium front when you remove it.

Just to let you know, the rear sight on the issued BHP is not removeable unless you plan to grind it off.
Flawed Design said:
Indifel-6 Is that a para ordance coyote brown night tac?

THis may sound crazy but considering we have a A) a pistol shortage and B) mags that border on criminal negligence for their performance, how crazy is the idea of troops bringing their own pistols overseas?

Obviously nothing out of control but if troops brought their own 9mms or .45s?

the idea of bringing over troops own pistols sounds unreasonable don't you think?  Biggest thing I can think of though is the need for standardization - your pistol becomes inoperable for whatever reason, you can use buddies because it's the same. (simplified, but you get it) plus need for different ammo too, non-interchangeable mags etc

BUT commenting on the original issue I am definitely in favor of having our troops carry pistols outside the walls.
All you really need is putting a Tritium front post in and opening up the rear front sight.

It is pretty easy and I may know a few people who did the front trit install...  No special tool needed other than a punch to restake the front sight.

Infidel-6 said:
All you really need is putting a Tritium front post in and opening up the rear front sight.
It is pretty easy and I may know a few people who did the front trit install...  No special tool needed other than a punch to restake the front sight.

Would that be a completely illegal mod, or would a gun tech sign off on it?

MedTech said:
Pooey... I guess the question then becomes zip do you wanna give the CF a free set of tritiums? ;)

Yeah, it won't hurt my feelings if it means I can be that much more effective with my pistol. 
(Plus, I think I can get a free set)
zipperhead_cop said:
Yeah, it won't hurt my feelings if it means I can be that much more effective with my pistol. 
(Plus, I think I can get a free set)

True enough. If it's for free, then you sir are a lucky, lucky man :D
I happen to have a front sight insert - Novak Tritium for MkIII BHP - which IIRC will fit the Ingis, sitting here in Ottawa (imagine that) -- I'd ask a Wpn tech -- but I've had them do installs like this before, depends on the guy I would guess.
