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Trust in our Institutions

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" Mr/Ms (pick a name) have decided to resign their seat due to health concerns"

I don't think there are that many actively assisting whatever foreign nations that are named.

One is too many.

As I said above, a resignation at this juncture would simply create a feeding frenzy. Many would see it as an excuse to cover things and the MSM would go into full investigative, prying and prodding mode.
" Mr/Ms (pick a name) have decided to resign their seat due to health concerns"

I don't think there are that many actively assisting whatever foreign nations that are named.

If the media descriptions of the latest report are accurate, I think it's way worse than the "11" stated in the first reporting of this way back.

This is probably a scandal on the scale that we have not yet seen... hence why it's being muted.... they haven't figured out how to do damage control on this yet. When was the last time you ever heard of a CSIS whistle blower leak information on something? This is bigger than we know for sure.
So how does a leader deal with those in his party that are named, when he finds out from the briefing who they are?

Obviously, any member named as willingly working for a foreign power, should be kicked out.

How do you do kick them out without publicly assigning blame?

On the other hand, how do you keep them onboard, without allowing them to take part in the parliamentary process?

A flurry of resignations would be just as damning to the party.

Would a Committee member, privy to the info, be able to look at the leader and tell him "No worries boss, we don't have anyone on the list."
There is, I think, a legal proper way around this. The PM has to write a letter to the leaders of the other three official parties in Parliament: the BQ, the Conservatives and. the NDP.* The letter must restate the major findings of the NSICOP including the fact that intelligence is not evidence and that some intelligence is from foreign sources and comes with caveats that prevent it from being used in open court. The letter must name names. The letter should be released to the public with the names redacted.

* It may be necessary to swear Jagmeet Singh and Yves-François Blanchet into the Privy Council in order to find a legal workaround to the "security clearance"/no comment allowed thing. That should not be a major problem.

What we have then is a situation in which:

  • all four official party leaders know the names; and
  • the public knows that they know.
What will happen next is that, day after day, several MPs and senators will resign - resign, not just announce that they will not run again. Nothing will be said about foreign interference but then nothing will need to be said, will it?
If the media descriptions of the latest report are accurate, I think it's way worse than the "11" stated in the first reporting of this way back.

This is probably a scandal on the scale that we have not yet seen... hence why it's being muted.... they haven't figured out how to do damage control on this yet. When was the last time you ever heard of a CSIS whistle blower leak information on something? This is bigger than we know for sure.
Or, if the leader of the Greens is to be believed, maybe not quite as many as we think?
From the article ...
Screenshot 2024-06-11 151407.jpg
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all the caveats re: this particular party leader and her history, and I also agree that one is too many, but it's still a data point from someone who's seen the whole enchilada.

As I've said before, it'll be interesting to see how the coach of Team Orange reacts when he gets the whole enchilada ...
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There is, I think, a legal proper way around this ....
No ideas re: the legalities of this, but thanks for sharing an intriguing work around to at least ponder & discuss. I await more from those who know more about the minutia to comment.
... * It may be necessary to swear Jagmeet Singh and Yves-François Blanchet into the Privy Council in order to find a legal workaround to the "security clearance"/no comment allowed thing. That should not be a major problem.
Singh has said he's getting briefed on the full report, and as of 3 weeks ago, Blanchet said"no thanks" but I think that may have changed since then to "I might".

Meanwhile, the Globe's Campbell Clark says even int folks say "careful, here" (archived link also here)
From the piece ...
Or, if the leader of the Greens is to be believed, maybe not quite as many as we think?
From the article ...
View attachment 85907
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all the caveats re: this particular party leader and her history, but it's still a data point from someone who's seen the whole enchilada.

As I've said before, it'll be interesting to see how the coach of Team Orange reacts when he gets the whole enchilada ...
Ms May is a unicorn and rainbow follower who likely wouldn't know a security threat if it slapped her in the face. How many times do we have to hear about a person who "He was a good guy and meant well" and in real life was a absolute dirt bag.
The HoC and the current government have abased and abused the trust of the Canadian public for so long that I want to see the names and the intel. Until then, the entire bunch is tainted until they prove otherwise.
Ms May is a unicorn and rainbow follower who likely wouldn't know a security threat if it slapped her in the face ...
Agreed, and it's only one tile in the whole mosaic, but even she says she sees threats.

I guess we'll have to wait to hear summaries from others who take the plunge & read the unredacted document.
Ms May is a unicorn and rainbow follower who likely wouldn't know a security threat if it slapped her in the face. How many times do we have to hear about a person who "He was a good guy and meant well" and in real life was a absolute dirt bag.
The HoC and the current government have abased and abused the trust of the Canadian public for so long that I want to see the names and the intel. Until then, the entire bunch is tainted until they prove otherwise.

Exactly right. The government does not get "innocent until proven guilty", they must demonstrate transparently and continuously they are above board...once trust is tainted, anything less then transparency is an automatic guilty verdict. It can be no other way.
Actually we elected these people. They should be scrutinized prior to nominating them
That’s up to the parties - anyone heard anyone Red, Blue or Orange step up & say “we will review our nomination & vetting processes”?

Terry Glavin has some names, but probably more likely educated guesses based on his and other’s reporting. Many of these names would be on my bingo card.

"No currently serving MPs" is not the same as "no currently serving MPs who had significant intelligence or any intelligence or any suggestion that they had put blah blah blah". One statement is unqualified; the other is not.