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Trust in our Institutions

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I don't believe May's statements. It reeks of damage control.

I would not be the least surprised if Trudeau was named in this. The secrecy and muteness from the government no doubt has to do with very senior people wrestling with the notion that this is so damaging to the "institution" that is Canada, that they are doing everything they can to not let these names out. Anyone who has ever served in the CAF know this mentality; senior leadership weighing what is right but messy vs some other subdued response to pacify/deflect to protect the institution.

Canada needs to rip the band aide off right now and immediately call an election. This is a disgrace an order of magnitude greater than anything this government has already shit the bed on.
I would not be the least surprised if Trudeau was named in this.

For someone who openly admires foreign dictatorships, this isn’t out of the realm of possibilities.
Maybe she means her fellow Green Party colleagues? 😉
Well, given her caucus's influence over things, right?

Then I guess we'll have to wait for others to wade in with their own read ;)
Maybe she means her fellow Green Party colleagues? 😉

Maybe she doesn’t realize she was only shown the redacted copy? 😆
She claims she was permitted to read the unredacted version.

No-one's curiosity should be diminished or sidetracked even if no conflicted person is currently an MP. Air the laundry.
I listened to her interview on one of the cbc programs last night and thought it interesting that she continued to state that there was no list of individuals in the unredacted copy. She did not say there were no names mentioned. She emphasized there was no list of names. I thought it a very interesting way to try and change the narrative.

The other interesting tidbit was which MPs could be granted TS clearance that would allow them access to the report. As per her explanation, only those MPs who were part of the NSICOP, and Party Leaders could obtain the required security clearances. So if we are waiting for someone else's read on the situation, that's likely not going to happen any time soon given that Singh already has clearance and said nothing, Trudeau has already spoken, May has given her take, Blanchet doesn't have his TS and doesn't seem inclined to get it, and Poilievre refuses to get his TS.
So if we are waiting for someone else's read on the situation, that's likely not going to happen any time soon given that Singh already has clearance and said nothing, Trudeau has already spoken, May has given her take
CBC has some info.

"NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who also has a top security clearance, is expected to read the report Wednesday. Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said Tuesday he's inquired about getting cleared to view the report.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has not sought clearance to review classified intelligence. He has argued that doing so would prevent him from commenting publicly."
Maybe she doesn’t realize she was only shown the redacted copy? 😆

Considering the security categorization of the unredacted version as mentioned in Glavin's article, I doubt too many people have read it in full.

I'm convinced May is a useful idiot* best case scenario. Actively sowing doubt in the report more likely.

*I'm not calling her an idiot, it's just a term.
CBC has some info.

"NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who also has a top security clearance, is expected to read the report Wednesday. Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said Tuesday he's inquired about getting cleared to view the report.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has not sought clearance to review classified intelligence. He has argued that doing so would prevent him from commenting publicly."
In this case I actually agree entirely with Pierre. It's also a good way to keep yourself insulated from the Ottawa swamp...

Requiring the other party leaders to agree to a NDA before granting them access to a report that Canadians are very much entitled to know the contents of makes the PM look guilty as hell & is the opposite of transparent.
I'm convinced May is a useful idiot* best case scenario. Actively sowing doubt in the report more likely.

*I'm not calling her an idiot, it's just a term.
I am convinced the Greens are funded by international interests which are funded by other nations.
Trudeau, Johnston, Cretien, Charest. And many more.

Now imagine if Charest was the leader of the official opposition right now? :ROFLMAO: We dodged a bullet there.
"... Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has not sought clearance to review classified intelligence. He has argued that doing so would prevent him from commenting publicly."
Like it's prevented Elizabeth May from commenting publicly?

If he was quoted properly, that excuse may be starting to wear out, especially as the guy who wants to be the next PM. Let's see what Team Orange's coach has to say after his lookie-loo ...

Late add: hanging on 'til the bitter end, this guy & Team Red ....
Longer it goes, especially if nobody named in the big report is even in the House or Senate anymore, the worse (if at all possible) the look.

Meanwhile, ya think?
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She claims she was permitted to read the unredacted version.

No-one's curiosity should be diminished or sidetracked even if no conflicted person is currently an MP. Air the laundry.
and it doesn't have any list. But it does name names otherwise we would have been told that there were no names recorded.
So in 1945 Igor Gouzenko defected from the Olde Soviet Union to Canada. He warned of spies in our midst.

It appears we have them again.
Considering the security categorization of the unredacted version as mentioned in Glavin's article, I doubt too many people have read it in full.

I'm convinced May is a useful idiot* best case scenario. Actively sowing doubt in the report more likely.

*I'm not calling her an idiot, it's just a term.

Based on the introduction of the UNCLASS version, the classified one isn’t just TS, but is further compartmentalized as well as having tighter dissemination controls. the sources of contributing intelligence also list various organizations that work in certain specific realms. So presumably there’s an additional layer (or more) of compartment indoctrination necessary to view the unredacted version, not just a vanilla TS clearance.
Based on the introduction of the UNCLASS version, the classified one isn’t just TS, but is further compartmentalized as well as having tighter dissemination controls. the sources of contributing intelligence also list various organizations that work in certain specific realms. So presumably there’s an additional layer (or more) of compartment indoctrination necessary to view the unredacted version, not just a vanilla TS clearance.
I could speculate where the information to make the assessment came from.......especially since the report is compartmentalized.

Don't let the Crayola box fool you ;)