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Trying to start a reserve unit

What is the procedure for starting up a Ranger detachment?  Are there location requirements?
We have been looking into the same thing here on my reserve, which I have to say is MUCH smaller.  Even a cadet unit would be welcome.  The community even wants to help pay for it.
One thing I find perlexing is that those of us living a distance away from a major urban centre have no way of realistically parading with a unit given the current NES standards.  I would love to see a program that builds on Bold Eagle (not sure if any of you are familiar with this) that could have isolated or rural members parading on a less frequent basis or help them with travel.

Here are some contacts to start the ball rolling for Cadets, UberCree:


Ressurecting Bold Eagle might just take a word with your member of parliament. I have had the pleasure of training some graduates of that program, and wouldn't mind doing so again.

Best of luck
Thank you for the help.
The Bold Eagle program is still running.  I would like to see it expanded somehow and the young men and women that go through it able to continue their training with a unit somehow.  Or keep a connection with the CF in some way.  Whenever we have employers looking for future potential they always asak us, who are your bold eagle graduates. 
The Bold Eagle program is THE most effective program ever developed to help isolated youth from Native communities.  It is for sure one of those programs that has a multitude of positive effects.  I do not believe there is anything like it out east however.

Given the results of the election, I now feel confident in approaching the new government about getting a unit formed in Prince George.  The MPs here have long supported putting one in this city and now is the time to strike while the iron is hot.
Thanks Molitia.  I am hopeful that the next MND will be much more sympathetic to the army of the west than the previous ones have been.
Hey man i live in PG. i hear people talking about how we need a unit up here again all the time. Good luck with it. It would do alot of good up here.
Yes, it has been talked about  ever since the RMRangers' B Coy in Prince George was disbanded by Corporal Hellyer and Trudeau around 1969 or so.  We'll see what happens with the new government.
It will depend on the cabinet appointments next week.  I have an appointment with one MP when he gets back to PG to discuss that and one of my other favourite issues.
Given the new MND's ambitious proposal of increasing the reserve force by 10,000 members, I expect that there are grounds to be optimistic about reserves in Prince George in the near future.  I am looking forward to his response to my letter; I received the postcard from his letter writing section two days ago.
Have you given any thought to having a subunit in Quesnel?

I'm from Quesnel, so I know the area, and I think you'd have no problem - assuming you could local sufficient leadership - raising a local subunit. Had there been a Reserve unit in town, I know I'd've been there in a heartbeat. The only military presence to speak of is the Air Cadet squadron.

There is precedent. The PEIR has a subunit in Summerside, which is about the same distance from PG to Quesnel. The troop leader and I think the troop WO lived in Charlottetown and commuted out every training night.

If the issue is the size of the recruiting population, if you add a platoon in Quesnel, you've just increased the size of your territory by 50%. I've also still got contacts in the area (my parents still live there) so I could probably help you make contact with some people who could help you out.

In the proposal and letters, I have suggested that sub-units in Quesnel, Vanderhoof and MacKenzie would be a key part of getting a unit going.  Of course, the first step would be to get the main unit established in Prince George.  Initially, commuting to Prince George from Quesnel and Vanderhoof for a few folks would be okay.  The CO of the Quesnel air cadets commutes from Prince George to Quesnel every week (now that's dedication!).  If you could put together a list of anyone you know in Quesnel that has prior service and might interested, that would be helpful.  I know of at least one person there already who might be interested, but the more that we can show, the better.

If you like, PM me when you have some info on anyone.

good luck boys.

from what I have seen out east, local Bdes have run out of cash and have had to curb spending for the last couple of months... and you can't bring people in on my good looks alone (ugh!)

Without resources, we aren't going anywhere.
Geo, you are completely correct.  I was saddened to watch an outgoing brigade commander interviewed on the news a few years ago to say that there was a significant gap between expectations put on the reserve force and the funding allocated to meet those expectations. There is a vicious circle happening in the brigades, at least from my limited view of it up north and out west.  The Brigades are underfunded such that several years ago, the numbers of days that would be paid were reduced, then the type and number of exercises was reduced.  When there aren't the fun activities and variety of courses available at the unit, then the reservist finds other things to fill his/her time.  The lack of funding affects unit training opportunities and leads to decreased recruitment and retention.  Certainly the long drawn-out recruiting process doesn't help matters.  I am very impressed to see how many reservists have one or more operational tours under their belts, but there has to be more to the reserves than just sending people out to augment the regular units.  Positive change has to start in the reserve units, and improvement has to be adequately funded by higher authority or positive changes won't fly.

As I wrote earlier, limited resources at the Brigade level are the main sticking point in getting a unit established in Prince George by 39 Brigade.  The claim is to start a new unit, an existing one would have to close.  My response is that what has to change is that the existing units should be funded appropriately and then it would be easy to set up a new unit.

Besides the funding crunch, it has to be fun, and it has to work; certainly the soldiers know when they are getting value for their time.  Hopefully the new MND's ambitious plans will help to build a stronger reserve that values recruiting and retention of soldiers more than it presently does.  It would be great if Prince George can be a part of that programme.
funny thing was pointed out last fall @ a Conference I attended at the Head Puzzle palace. It was pointed out that some units, defined as being Arty Regiments or Service Battalions were in fact, nothing more than a Troop / Platoon / whatever.

I really don't care about names BUT, what is the funding model being applied to these regions? how are mandays being doled out to the areas/brigades/units? When I see some areas forced to "stop & drop" in December or January while others are spending like the devil ... I suspect that something isn't quite right.

I remember hearing Gen Q___n assuring areas to enroll and train till your nose bled.... well; some did.... and they're broke!
Hi Redleafjumper.  As a former Ranger, I applaud your efforts.  I only wish I lived closer to PG to join the new Coy if it gets up and running.

I'm currently on the Supp List, and as far as I know, there is no reserve unit in the Peace on the BC side, nor the Alberta side.  I heard a rumour a few years ago that 20th Fd. Regt. RCA was thinking about starting up a battery in Grande Prairie.  Is there any truth to that?

Grande Prairie has about 60,000 people and is only 2 hours from where I live (Fort St. John).  Within 2 hours of Grande Prairie, are the following communities:

Fort St. John
Dawson Creek
Peace River
Spirit River
a number of smaller communities.

I don't know the total population of the Peace, but Fort St. John has alost 20,000 people and Dawson Creek has about 15,000.  There are also lots of people living outside of the towns as well.  Demographically, the Peace has a lot of young males, drawn here by the oil patch.

If there was a unit in Grande Prairie or Dawson Creek, I'd be in there like a dirty shirt!
I think there is a unit in Grande Prairie; I could be mistaken but I am sure I saw an armouries with an LER badge on it there last summer.  Perhaps it was a cadet facility but I don't think so.
I don't know what the funding models are, but I was told (no names no pack drill) that 39 Brigade also went with the recruit and activity plan and found themselves with money problems.

Geo is quite right about the size of many reserve units.  It is sad for me to see companies or even platoons commanded by LCols.  There is a reason that the reserve units are small and there really needs to be an effort to fix the core problem of recruiting people in a reasonable time and retaining them with interesting and challenging training.
redleafjumper said:
I think there is a unit in Grande Prairie; I could be mistaken but I am sure I saw an armouries with an LER badge on it there last summer.  Perhaps it was a cadet facility but I don't think so.

That would be interesting if this were so...6 years here and I haven't heard one word of it!  :D

I looked at the website for 41 CBG, and it only mentioned Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and Red Deer where units are located.

Are there any Loyal Eddies that can confirm this?  Or if there are any plans for a unit in Grande Prairie?