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Trying to start a reserve unit

geo said:
I would contend that while the CF has nothing against having an establishment in Prince George (Prince Rupert & many other places) they prolly feel they do not have the resources this very minute AND considering how stretched some of our resources (cash, stores & personnel) are, they don`t want to go to Prince George (Prince Rupert & any other place) unless they absolutely have to.

Geo my take on it is that the desire is to ensure success in future expansions.  With many other high profile competing demands particularly in Land Force Western Area, resourcing the "new kid on the block" with  funding and personnel would suffer, creating conditions for failure.

As well, from what Redleafjumper said, there has never been a "No", but rather a "We're busy right now".  Far better for the Army Commander to be upfront about other items that are looming large, rather than stringing people along.
Uhh... mine was an NCO speak ... meaning +/- the same thing (I think)
In a  Vancouver Sun last week, there was an article that said the Navy is going to put a Reserve "Presence" in Prince Rupert.

Who knows what this will mean, maybe there is room to piggy back a PRes unit at their new facilities after they build and pay for it?

"As well, from what Redleafjumper said, there has never been a "No", but rather a "We're busy right now".  Far better for the Army Commander to be upfront about other items that are looming large, rather than stringing people along."

I would say that it was a bit stronger that a "We're busy right now."  It was more of "we aren't going to do it right now or in the foreseeable future unless the government tells us to."  At this point, after nearly 25 years of waiting its turn, getting a reserve unit in Prince George is a political decision, not a military one.  The military is saying "no" for all sorts of reasons; the politicians are the ones who can change a "no" into "now".

I can see a small naval reserve unit there, using the Coast guard/Federal facilities which are under utilized, Doughboy Cove would have been perfect for them, even comes with an existing ammo bunker!! Plus they could support the local Ranger unit. I doubt that Prince Rupert is a good place to start a Army unit as the area is still suffering economical, but Prince George is a perfect place, with a growing population, lots of skills and lots of places to train, plus centrally located on the road network for quick response.
It is nice that key political ridings in Quebec are getting an influx of defence cash.  It is, however, disappointing that Prince George is still out of the club despite the modest amount that would be needed to start a unit.  What is needed is for the government to allocate new monies and say "do it" for a unit to be started in Prince George.  Certainly the military is not going to take resources away from existing units (nor should it) to start up a unit in Prince George.

It seems to be more of an advantage to live in an unsecure potentially conservative seat, rather than in one with two relatively safe seats.  (Oops, starting to sound a little bitter...)
Just a question... but... has anyone tried to start a Regiment with a Chinese heritage?
I think Chinese, Sikh, and Aboriginal units have all been on the table at one time or another....all with the same results.

Of course, this just after the grownups have announced we don't need any more units in the CF, which I have to agree with until we can get the existing ones up to strength (or god-forbid, bring up to wartime manning!)
That sucks, redleafjumper.

I'm now a lot closer to PG, and if there was a unit, I could comtemplate going back in (if they would have me back!  ;D ).
Ya, I wouldn't mind a Chinese regiment eh? Something like the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers).

The Royal Richmond Regiment perhaps?  ;)

Cross Chopsticks and a rice stalk? okay okay I kid.

Agree with you thought PMT, we most definitely have to get our numbers up to proper manning strengths.
MedTech said:
Just a question... but... has anyone tried to start a Regiment with a Chinese heritage?

Don't know about a "regiment" but there were a couple of task forces formed along this line for the Burma campaign. I remember we were discusing this last year in the Question of the Hour thread. As for the aboriginal regiments yes they were formed and then almost immediately disbanded and the members were fed into the numbered Bn's during the First world war.

what Cadet units are up there. It maybe easier to "build your unit from the ground up", sort of a grow your own.

Edit to add:
1854 - Hong Kong Volunteers:
The Hong Kong Regiment also known as The Volunteers was formed in May 1854........ A total of 99 Europeans were recruited-mostly British, but with some Portuguese, Scandinavians and Germans. The Journey of The Volunteers
May 1854 - 3 September 1995, http://www.rhkr.org/history/index.htm It is my understanding that the Volunteers were composed of "Anglo Saxons" from within the HK business community and was not an ethnic Chinese formation.

I always thought the "Vancouver Bengal Lancers" or the "British Columbia Punjabi Regiment" had a nice ring to them...

RangerRay said:
I always thought the "Vancouver Bengal Lancers" or the "British Columbia Punjabi Regiment" had a nice ring to them...


At the risk of rock painting: "The Whalley/Surrey Lancers", or the "Surrey Light Horse"
redleafjumper said:
It is nice that key political ridings in Quebec are getting an influx of defence cash.  It is, however, disappointing that Prince George is still out of the club despite the modest amount that would be needed to start a unit.  What is needed is for the government to allocate new monies and say "do it" for a unit to be started in Prince George.  Certainly the military is not going to take resources away from existing units (nor should it) to start up a unit in Prince George.

It seems to be more of an advantage to live in an unsecure potentially conservative seat, rather than in one with two relatively safe seats.  (Oops, starting to sound a little bitter...)
Lets see, 39 brigade would then be expected to raise a regiment in PG with existing resources, or limited increase. Clothe, Arm, Train, Transport, Equip this regiment (150-300 all ranks) including a Lcol, 3 Maj, 5-7 captains, 10 or so Lt/2Lt, a CWO, 2 or 3 MWO's 6 WO's, 10 Sgt's and so on, not to mention the reg force support staff. And lets not forget ranges, amunition, communications, buildings and all the other things that come with effifcient operation of a military unit. Perhaps what PG needs is not another regiment altogether but an aditional Coy of Infantry or Bty of Arty or Sqn of Signals, and so on to build on existing units at less cost. Lets remember we are an army at war and the bullets and loonies need to get to the troops on the ground before our own personal needs and requirements.
ArtyNewbie said:
Lets remember we are an army at war and the bullets and loonies need to get to the troops on the ground before our own personal needs and requirements.
which war would you like to chose. In the first yes it did happen, thirty years later it happened again, then the war we do not talk about happened  and again the citizen soldiers went off to this time a "police action". Then there was a chilling across Europe and we had another war, or maybe not BUT Miners and loggers where issued GPMGs and the like. Further, in all the above mentioned "wars" where do you think the replacements for "the troops on the ground" came from?
no argument there, but War I, War II, and Korea were different wars than the one we currently fight, and most of the regiments, including yours were privatley raised. Back then reserve units deployed as formed groups, not 2 soldiers here 4 soldiers there piecing in where the reg force had holes. So I have an idea lets tell the 3VP Battle group that thier personal weapons, crew served weapons, vehicles and service support have been now redirected to a new fledgling reserve unit and that as a result you must go into the field with sticks and make your own sleeping bags because yours now belong to this new unit. The money has to come from somewhere, the ? is where does it come from and at what cost.
I suggest you look into the Northwest Europe campaign. As 2 personal here, 4 there were fed into existing units as replacements. It got to the point where Mackenzie King's government almost came tumbling down. I can give a list of reserve regt beginning with the RHLI that where more than happy to have cooks, bakers and typists along with the six weeks of training and a month in the "replacement camps" infantry types into their ranks. As for 3VP we already did the 90/10 deal, which saw quite a few 'new' Lt Col. As for this current 'war'  it seems to me that there are several Reserve units that are again marrying up with their parent Bns to provide manpower. 4PPCLI is again in the field, Cal Highs the same, judging from some of the eastern posts the same is going on with both the RCRs and the VanDoos. Another little tid bit is that during the Second, many a company grade officer and Senior NCO were pulled kicking and screaming out of my regiment to provide 'professional' staff for the militia regiments before they went overseas. As for the money issue there is an arguement about an implied contract between the Canadian government and the Canadian military which every so often the Privy Council seems to overlook.
keeping in mind that this "marriage" of units is not entire regiments such as the Cal Highs in the second forming the bulk of the 50th BN, the Cal Highs is sending 64 Pers as a formed group for the first time since the end of the second world war. But lets get away from solely infantry (the army has more than one arm) There are zero Arty regiments sending out formed Batteries, of course that would mean they reserve gunners would have to qual on the M777, there are no engineer units sending formed sqn's, no signals sqn's deploying as formed groups, one company of highland infantry does not a regiment make. All I'm propsinf is instead of raising a brand new regiment in Prince George or Prince Rupert or Comox (as I've heard there were some rumblings about it) simply raise a COY of an established regt this is less dollar consuming in the short term and when it's time to grow the money will come in subsequent budgets. On a side note, unless there has been an order in councile or a letter patent from the Queen or GG the Loyal Eddies have yet to be activated into the special force
ArtyNewbie said:
All I'm propsinf is instead of raising a brand new regiment in Prince George or Prince Rupert or Comox (as I've heard there were some rumblings about it) simply raise a COY of an established regt ...........
And that is what we have been discusing, an additional company added to an exsisting Regt.
I was going off the general tone of the thread and the orignal posters drip about why can't I start my own regiment in Prince George, thats all. I did not intend at any time to start the debate about integrating reserve force units into regular bn's. Simply about the easiest and most likely way to bring the infantry to prince george i.e. C Coy Seaforth Highlanders type thing