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University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

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I accepted my offer earlier this month. All the paperwork has been sent back to Ottawa indicating that I have accepted.

For former UTPs....How long after accepting an offer did you receive an actual posting message? Im wondering when I will actually head over to the training cell and fall under their command rather than my previous unit..

Any info or experience is appreciated!
Jay79 said:
For former UTPs....How long after accepting an offer did you receive an actual posting message? Im wondering when I will actually head over to the training cell and fall under their command rather than my previous unit..

Any info or experience is appreciated!

I relayed your questions to a fellow sailor who just finished his first year at a civy U as a UT.  I wanted to know the answers too.  He got his offer in April of last year and his posting message arrived a month later and he was posted at the end of June.  He also had to use all but 5 of his annual days.  His recommendation was to find your own employment for the summer or the ULO would do it for you.

Hope this helps!
I received my offer on 1 Apr (no kidding lol, took the ET a bit to convince me it was real  ;D) and my posting message to the BTL came back for 29 Apr.
So to clear things up on the RMC/UTPNCM thing... the Commandant briefed the college a month or so ago, stating that Otter sqn (UT's at RMC) would cease to exist after the final year of students that are there (2015).  Afterwards. the UT Association of RMC fought with whoever (Ottawa, CDA...), and they came to an understanding that Otter would continue, but like was stated earlier, it would be the exception.  For instance, I was accepted last year, and moved flat across the country to go to RMC when RMC was my second (last...) choice, while I had unconditional acceptance at my local university, which would have been a no-cost move.  Along with the budget cuts, apparently the 'powers at be' noted that uprooting families to attend school (which, frankly, can be harder on your family than being at an operational unit) is a little silly, and much more expensive in many cases.  So, if you live in Kingston, you can probably go to RMC or Queens, if you live in Ontario/Quebec and really, really want to go to RMC, that might work for you too, or maybe you have your heart set on the military studies program or something, so I'm sure they will take those things into consideration.  Bottom line is, if you have a local university that you are accepted to, you won't be forced to attend RMC as has happened in the past.
Congrats to those accepted this year, and to the couple coming to RMC (I heard 8-10), see you in August sometime.
middle_coast said:
  Bottom line is, if you have a local university that you are accepted to, you won't be forced to attend RMC as has happened in the past.

Attending a local university works for about half of the forces. But for the other half that's posted to Petawawa, Cold Lake, Yellowknife, etc... acceptance to UTPNCM will necessitate a cost move or IR. The default setting used to be RMC Kingston. This announcement seems to imply that the new default setting is a cost move to a new city of the member's choice, based on which civilian university he chose to apply to. This makes an already great program even more attractive.
I received my posting message on 30 May. They're doing married members with a cost move first and working down the list from there.
Anyone get their "try again next year" message?  I am anticipating mine but haven't heard anything yet.
Just got my posting message today.  It is dated for 16 July.  I don't have a cost move so they must be done with those messages.  I guess everyone else's will be out shortly.

I have not seen any "thanks for applying" messages yet but I have seen one selection cancelation.

MeanJean said:
Just got my posting message today.  It is dated for 16 July.  I don't have a cost move so they must be done with those messages.  I guess everyone else's will be out shortly.

I have not seen any "thanks for applying" messages yet but I have seen one selection cancelation.

did you have 16 July as the effective date for your transfer to OCdt on your offer also?
Forum_Newbie said:
did you have 16 July as the effective date for your transfer to OCdt on your offer also?

Effective date for promotion to Naval Cadet (for me) is 1 July 12.  I have a few more weeks where I can take advantage of Wing Wednesdays.  It is different having to say good bye to that place.
Hello guys does anyone know how many spots are available for nursing because I have just got my admission offer today in nursing. i hoping that D MIL C has not finalize their list yet. ???
Another update, the Non-Selections messages have started to come out.  There have been two for MARLANT that were released yesterday afternoon. 
I have yet to hear anything either way. I am assuming that I am not accepted this year. I spoke to my PSO 2 weeks ago and she told me last year someone on our base got their acceptance 7 Aug. That is wayyyyyy to late, since I would have to sell my house and look for a new one.

I am so frustrated right now. Is there many other people still waiting.
MrsMustang said:
I am so frustrated right now.

Just remember, no one put a gun to your head and said "fill out this UTPNCM application".

If you are selected and it is too late for you to work something out for your house ( there are certain options to deal with that), you can always turn it down.
For anyone that gets an UTPNCM acceptance offer in August, I would strongly recommend grabbing your DEUs and laptop, heading out the door, putting your house on the market, and going unaccompanied for a while. Trying to buy and sell a home in a compressed period of time can increase your odds of being hosed.

I have bigger concerns about offers going out in August though, from a resources perspective. Let's look at hypothetical MCpl Bloggins in Edmonton. Applies for UTPNCM. Hears nothing. Gets promoted and posted in July to Petawawa. Sgt Bloggins get acceptance offer. Is then immediately posted to a city with a university. Maybe even back to Edmonton. The reason that we have an APS is not entirely so we can complicate the summer training schedule -- it is to prevent situations like this. The UTPNCM/CFR/OT messages always used to come out in the late winter and early spring so they could be deconflicted with the posting plot and prevent double cost moves -- waiting until August to send offers is simply too late, from an organizational perspective.
Ostrozac said:
Let's look at hypothetical MCpl Bloggins in Edmonton. Applies for UTPNCM. Hears nothing. Gets promoted and posted in July to Petawawa. Sgt Bloggins get acceptance offer. Is then immediately posted to a city with a university. Maybe even back to Edmonton.

Member could proceed to new posting unaccompanied or IR. Once sure he was not selected, he can then complete a full move. If he is selected, he can then make the move from original location to the university location.
It may be to late from some perspectives but it is the nature of the beast.  People get accepted late in all programs not just UTP for a whole host of reasons.  There is nothing saying that one HAS to be in their new location and in school by Sept.  Starting in the winter semester is a viable option and makes the most sense considering that in most Unis, courses especially highly desirable ones fill up fast.  The SEM is a pretty decent organization to work with and they give some wide latitude.

Double cost moves are rare very rare but it happens.  Not ideal but it certainly isn't the end of the world from an organizational perspective, merely a blip on the radar.
Well it's getting close to that time where the new message is going to be released for the upcoming UTPNCM competition.  I think, at this juncture of my life that i'm a competitive candidate this year and will be submitting my name into the hat.  Just wanted to get a feel to see if anyone has heard anything about what (potential) officer career paths are going to be available this year.  Im almost sure that the one i'm interested in the most (INT O) will be closed due to numbers, but anyone care to add anything they might have heard?

I look forward to interacting with anyone on these forums who are considering applying this year as well.  Although it is a competition, im sure we could all benefit from helpful words of wisdom and advice!
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