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University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

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jofafa said:
Your number of courses have no effect on your file at all. I had 10

Incorrect. The number of your courses will be part of your interview score. If you have more courses you will have a better score in your interview; however, they have minimal effect compared to say...CFAT.
Yeah I'm redoing my CFAT. I thought it was pretty good @ 92 percentile, I guess I really shouldn't have settled lol..
nordi said:
Yeah I'm redoing my CFAT. I thought it was pretty good @ 92 percentile, I guess I really shouldn't have settled lol..

If it's 92 for officer that is very strong. Be advised that if you write and do worse that is now your new score.
Agreed, I would talk with your PSO first about your overall score for the competition and see how you can improve it. I dont think a CFAT rewrite is the way to go if you are in the 92% percentile for officers...and if you score lower, that will be  the score you are stuck with like was mentioned.

I would wager a guess that the interview would be the best area for you to improve, but the PSO would be the person to ask.

Sent from my S8 using Tapatalk (expect typos)

UTPNCM canforgen for 2018-2019 just got out yesterday. I'll take it as a hint on my answer....  :o
K1tesurf said:
If it's 92 for officer that is very strong. Be advised that if you write and do worse that is now your new score.

I don't think it was for officer. I recall that it was in the 70-75 percentile range for officers. Basically I was french and decided to take the test in english, and I ended up having a low score on language lol.. everything else was good.

But as others have mentioned, I will also work on my interview points. PSO will let me know how to get those extra points.

Thanks all, just saw that both trades I applied for are still up for grabs in the new competition!  ;D
I got my SCP offer Tuesday (the day after this year’s competition CANFORGEN came out). I’m going back to St Jean for BMOQ before the end of this year (yay?).

Good luck everybody. Don't give up hope yet.
Number of courses completed definitely has a minimal effect on your UTP score. This was my first year applying and I got picked up with the minimum 4 x 0.5 credit courses complete (2 x 1.0 full year credit equivalent).

The PSO told me right from the beginning that he was pretty sure I'd get an offer based almost entirely on my CFAT (scored 97th percentile for officers back when I joined in '01) so that is 100% the most important part of your file. It seems rather (completely) silly to weigh the CFAT so heavily - especially when it could be a score from 10, 15, 20 years ago - but for some reason that's how they do it.

Also, I spoke to the selection people on Monday and they said UTP posting messages would start coming out this week. My UOR had received 2 as of Tues (not yet mine)*

Also, also - now, I may be mis-remembering - but I thought it said right in the UTP application paperwork that an application for UTP was considered an automatic application to RMC? Weird that you'd need to apply separately if that is the case...

*Edited for clarity*
Yeah, I will re-take the CFAT. I am very confident I will get a much better score than I did previously.

As for the "automatic application to RMC", based on my conversation with the RMC registrar's office, you must also apply separately to RMC. Basically the BPSO's paperwork needs to be updated, as the lady from the registrar's office mentioned the UTPNCM selection office stopped contacting them several years ago. They have no contact/correspondence with each other, and therefore UTPNCM applicant academic files do not get evaluated for acceptance into RMC. She said people keep being posted to RMC that need to do emergency/last minute applications to programs.

To be fair, the UTPNCM and other selection sections are very understaffed, overworked etc.. this is a pretty minor problem considering.
nordi said:
Yeah, I will re-take the CFAT. I am very confident I will get a much better score than I did previously.

As for the "automatic application to RMC", based on my conversation with the RMC registrar's office, you must also apply separately to RMC. Basically the BPSO's paperwork needs to be updated, as the lady from the registrar's office mentioned the UTPNCM selection office stopped contacting them several years ago. They have no contact/correspondence with each other, and therefore UTPNCM applicant academic files do not get evaluated for acceptance into RMC. She said people keep being posted to RMC that need to do emergency/last minute applications to programs.

To be fair, the UTPNCM and other selection sections are very understaffed, overworked etc.. this is a pretty minor problem considering.

That's interesting. Understaffed seems to be an understatement for those poor folks. They should update the application package if the auto-application is no longer applicable that way people know they need to apply up front.

Anyway, good luck with the CFAT re-write. Definitely worth it.
avn188 said:
Did someone receive a definite NO for UTPNCM yet?

I think they don’t send out the negatives until they’ve received an acceptance from everyone with initial offers. My SCP application has a 21-day time limit so I’m guessing it will be awhile before the non-selection messages go out.
Using my U of M PLAR as a reference I'm trying to see if Carleton will let me PLAR the same things (POET / PLQ / etc.).

My issue: Carleton is asking for Detailed Course Descriptions in addition to course reports/certificates.

Does anybody happen to know where I could find Detailed Course Descriptions for:
2002 POET?
2010 Army PLQ?
2015 RCEME DP3?

Or have suggestion on where to look/who to talk to?
For POET i would speak to the CFSCE staff to see if they kept those records. I think a memo from the head of admin at CFSCE stipulating the course content would suffice. As for results, if you do not have the courae reports you may ask for archived course reports.
After poking around on the DMCPG page, I came across a .ppt which gives the numbers for last year's selections as follows:

      Program    Selected  Applicants
1.  CFR              134          188
2.  SCP              54            91
3.  UTPNCM        69            155
4.  IBDP              9            14
5.  PGT              55            134
6.  MLTP              3              30
7.  MMTP            5              15
8.  MPTP            1              2
9.  MDTP            1              4
10. SEELM            5              5

Of course these numbers change year to year, but I hope that helps give everyone here a rough idea of the odds of being accepted to each program.
What is on a non-selection message? Will it give me details such as applicants / selected and//or areas for improvement? Or are all these details given from BPSO?
No you will just have a message saying that you were not taken, they don't say anything else. BPSO might give you some hint as how to improve.
your CoC will be given a copy of your scoring sheet (how you scored for CFAT, interview, etc - the document that was sent to the board). 

Your CoC is not supposed to show this document to you, but you could still ask (like under the table)... if your CoC won't let you peek I think you can request this document through "access to information" (or whatever it's called).

Asking your PSO for feedback / tips is also a good course of action

edited for clarity and grammar
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