In 1969 my OCdt pay was $400 per month. At the time there was a strange unification effect which meant that we didn't graduate as 2Lts but went right to full Lt and my pay jumped to the dizzying height of $600 per month with $82 deducted for rations and quarters as a living in subbie. With the surplus funds after a few months I bought a nice used 65 Mustang for $1,400 and sold my 58 Chevy for $100. Beer was cheap. Life was good.
Greens were brand new and we were all given a $600 clothing allowance, given bundle of green cloth and sent to a tailor to make our new uniforms and get out of the OR battledress and TWs we'd worn as cadets. It was just enough.
Still remember how much the RSM of 3 RCHA hated me and the regimental photographer (a sailor) for spoiling his otherwise uniformly brown regimental parade. Oh - there was a hair thing too.