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URINE Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter dave_conolly
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I see.  Well I'm not over 40 but I suspect I'd probably should have blood/urine/EKG/ultrasound/XRays done before then and everything ready for them just in case (its sounds like alot but I can do these all in 2-3 hours in the same building).

Better safe.
They will tell you what tests you need, no reason to have anything ready for them beforehand.  They won't need anything but urine, and maybe blood.
heh... it's not like you have to study ahead of time ;)
I did a search in regards to this but didn't turn up much of anything except that it could test false positive for cocaine. I hope no one minds me asking is this thread as I don't feel it warrants it's own.

I managed to get strep throat and the doctor prescribed Amoxicillin to take care of it. I read the drug information papers and it indicated that it can alter urine test results. While I am much better I still have to take the pills until next Tuesday and have my medical on Thursday. I am just wondering if I manage to test positive because of the antibiotics will they allow me to retest? I had to go through a lot to get this day off and am hoping I can still follow through with my medical.

If anyone has any experience with this I would love to hear it.
Depending on what turns up positive, you get refered back to your own doctor with a note for them to comment on any positives, be they test results or things in your medical history.

Thank you MM, that relieves my worrisome mind a bit.

I went to a walk in clinic as I don't have a family doctor in the area but hopefully it will turn out ok anyway. I figure I will bring in the prescription slip with my name and prescription that also says "may alter urine-test results". I am just hoping they let me do my medical.
If you have been prescribed medication then there is a record of your having been told to use the drugs.  Btring the medication bottle.... the MDs name is on the label.

Prior to taking the test... »TELL the nice people the meds you are taking - that way they won't be surprised
Just for some comparative information, my urine dip test at the CFRC medical came back positive for blood and urine.

I scheduled a urinalysis, blood test, Kidney ultrasound and bladder ultrasound. All tests came back perfect and I was told both my kidneys and bladder were in perfect health. My urinalysis showed zero blood or proteins and my blood test was clean.

Just because you come back positive during a dip test doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong.

However, it could be a sign of any number of things. It's best to get the follow up exams out of the way to ensure your safety. Possible causes are anything from a simple urinary infection to cancer. Don't jump to conclusions.
jacob_ns said:
Just for some comparative information, my urine dip test at the CFRC medical came back positive for blood and urine.

Typo, I hope?

Although, my "urine" test would probably come back positive for cider.
PMedMoe said:
Typo, I hope?

Although, my "urine" test would probably come back positive for cider.

Good catch! That should read "blood and proteins" of which it was suggested may have been caused by frequent sexual activity.  :nod:

That's a prognosis I'd like to hear as frequently as possible.
Well the Antibiotics weren't a problem... but somehow my urine came up positive for blood and protein. It is a little bit frustrating, my interview and the rest of the medical went great. My interviewer said I should be looking at weeks as opposed to months once the med people are satisfied.  Hoping it is nothing major and just because I was semi-dehydrated but this is my first hitch in the process so it is a bit of a downer until I get it all cleared up.
yeah same story here...went to my medical, couldn't squeeze out 3 drops so i had empty their water cooler and sit around til i felt that i could go.  i managed to get out enough to wet the test strip (they didnt collect a sample in a cup, i just peed onto the strip directly).  sure enough, there were traces of blood, protein and ketones.  i was flabbergasted to say the least.  the medic told me its most likely nothing but that i had to get a urinalysis done at my family doctors.  i did that and it came back negative for everything.  that was the end of it.
Those strips are incredibly inaccurate. I had another strip test done at a walk in clinic the same day as I was at the CFRC and tested positive. They used the same sample to test with a strip as they sent away and it came up positive for blood and protein again on the strip but negative for both on the urinalysis.
I completed my medical and interview on Thursday April 2nd and was not asked to provide a urine sample.

I found this very odd, as from what i've read around here is that it's standard process, I didn't ask anyone why i was not asked to provide one while i was at the RC.

Is there anyone else who's done the medical test lately who can confirm this is new procedure or was it an accident on there part?

I went for mine on March 16th and had to provide a sample. no biggie, just try not to make a mess.
The one thing I notice is April 1st, the start of the new FY. To find out if they changed the policy regarding urine samples I suggest calling the CFRC and asking a recruiter to be sure.
Same with me, medical back in mid march and had to provide a sample also.  I don't see why they would remove it as it is very important to quickly check the liquid for any substances the CF does not want in your body :)
If I recall correctly (and I believe I do), when I was processed back in December of 2007 at the Edmonton CFRC, I was given the same sheet that a civie doctor gives you to get bloodwork/urine samples done, and was told to get my urine sample done on my own time when I went back to Fort McMurray.

I am sure the doctor gave you some papers that had to be brought to your family doctor, are you sure there is not something similar to what I'm talking about in that little package?

I highly doubt the CF has gotten rid of this practice.
The Doctor said that i should pack my bag's and keep them next to the door becuase i'll be heading out for basic training very soon. I don't take any sort of drug's either so giving a urine sample would not be a problem.

They didn't give me any paper's to get filled out either, said everything was great and to expect a call in about 2-3 week's after my file get's sent back from Ottawa.