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US Election: 2016

MCG said:
Not sure if I am validating or skirting Goodwin's Law here, but ...




Oopsie - someone's newsroom is champing at the bit to say it ...
Fox News anchor Bret Baier apologized Friday for reporting that federal investigators had determined that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had been hacked and that an investigation would lead to an indictment of Clinton after the election.

In fact, Baier said, after checking with his sources, there is no evidence at this time for either statement.

Baier, the anchor of Fox’s evening newscast “Special Report,” went on the air Wednesday to report that the FBI had determined that Clinton’s private server, which she used while serving as secretary of state, had been hacked by “five foreign intelligence agencies.”

He further said on Thursday, during an interview with Fox’s Brit Hume, that a separate FBI investigation — of the charitable Clinton Foundation — was “likely” to lead to an indictment of Clinton after Tuesday’s election ...
mariomike said:
Mr. Trump sent a lot of angry tweets to his followers when President Obama was re-elected in 2012,
"We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

CNN: "Sound familiar? Trump called 2012 vote a 'total sham' "

Refresh my memory.  Was CNN the news agency that had the employee who secretly gave Hillary Clinton the presendital debate  questions? 
I don't know which media sources are acceptable to you.

Is Canada's National Post acceptable to you?

‘Revolution!’: Donald Trump and Fox News suffer epic election-night meltdowns after Obama’s victory
Jarnhamar said:
Refresh my memory.  Was CNN the news agency that had the employee who secretly gave Hillary Clinton the presendital debate  questions?
Like I've said in the U.S. election thread, if there's any question about who's doing the quoting, maybe it's better just quoting directly from the candidate's Twitter feed from 2012:
Lightguns said:
There is a bunch of Alberta oil workers who voted NDP who may give you an argument, if you buy them a coffee they can no longer afford.

Probably the communist, union indoctrinated idiots from Ontario and Quebec that went there for work. They travel around looking for work, with all the union perks. When they can't find it, they degrade everyone else's employment with their activist sentiments and try instill everyone else with their collective bullshit. Invariably it ends with corporate shutdowns and massive layoffs. Devastating to most honest working people, but union organisers don't care because they get paid either way.

krustyrl said:
Apparently it was CNN's political commenter Donna Brazile

Yes it was. Irrefutable evidence proving the Dems complicity in subverting the rule of law.
mariomike said:
Perhaps Mr. Trump said it best.  :)

Election is only four days away, and we are only four pages away from 100!

Anyone interested in a friendly little pool of our own? ( An election pool that is. Not on the violence which may, or may not, follow the election. )

I'm in, my vote is for Clinton winning the election. 

Incidentally  do you still have access to medical supplies? I wanna stock up my prepping stash  ;)
recceguy said:
Yes it was. Irrefutable evidence proving the Dems complicity in subverting the rule of law.
Leaking a debate question is a HUGE revelation of insecurity and an ethical disaster (both huge strikes against Team Clinton), but what law was broken here?  Or is that dealing with another Brazile f**k-up?
This subject is tin foil hat stuff.We have had contentious campaigns in the past without civil war erupting.Look no further than Bush-Gore which was settled by the Supreme Court.To this day some on the left feel that Gore was the winner. :o
tomahawk6 said:
This subject is tin foil hat stuff.We have had contentious campaigns in the past without civil war erupting.Look no further than Bush-Gore which was settled by the Supreme Court.
You're there, so I'm curious on your take:  I remember that back-and-forth, too, and it eventually did get sorted out.  Do you remember it being as hateful/vicious though?  Honestly not poking, but from the outside looking in, that campaign was polarized, but didn't NEARLY as antagonistic as this one.
I agree with Milnews.  People on both sides are getting full on assaulted in the streets for wearing a hat and the accusations being leveled are significantly higher and world encompassing.
tomahawk6 said:
We have had contentious campaigns in the past without civil war erupting.

Hopefully, there will be no inflammatory Twitter rants from the loser.  :)

As an outsider looking in, I have always been impressed by the gracious concession speeches in Presidential elections that lead to a smooth transition of power.

"This presidential election "must" follow the American traditional for the candidate who does not win to give a gracious and heartfelt concession speech. In the speech they should pledge their undivided support to the winner, and tell their supporters to support the winner 100% as well."

Here’s a video of televised concession speeches from every presidential candidate since Richard Nixon in 1960.

"Donald Trump is threatening to make history—in an unfortunate way—by refusing to concede if he loses on Election Night."

Why Trump’s concession speech would be like no other in U.S. history

Here’s What Donald Trump Rejects When He Undermines the Election Results
He's threatening to turn his back on the centuries-long achievement of American democracy

Presidential concession speeches - from multiple sources

Voters repulsed by U.S. election campaign, poll finds
An overwhelming majority of voters are disgusted by the state of American politics, and many harbour doubts that either major-party nominee can unite the country after a historically ugly presidential campaign, according to the final pre-election New York Times/CBS News Poll.
Oh, so it's not just  me. 

I wasn't sure if this fit better here, in the other US Election/civil war thread.... or maybe start a third US Election thread.  ::)
Jarnhamar said:
I'm in, my vote is for Clinton winning the election. 

I didn't mean who we expect will win. But, who would we vote for, if we had the opportunity. An anonymous election poll of our own.

We had one in 2012, but it was for who we expected  to win, rather than who we would vote for in a secret ballot.

On Nov 6 Who Will Win President Obama or Mitt Romney ?

"Donald Trump is threatening to make history—in an unfortunate way—by refusing to concede if he loses on Election Night."

Attacking the sources in 3....2....1.....



cupper said:
But he had a good excuse. Medically unfit for duty, heel spurs. So don't be so hard on the man. After all it must have been intolerably painful when he was a star athelete in high school and college. And it has got to be tough playing 18 holes suffering as he does. The pain is so bad it's made him insane. :bowing:
Just look at how the pain keeps his hair on end like that.  Sorta a slicked down Don King style.
Bill Clinton avoided the Draft also. I believe there was lots of discussion re deferment of rich guys during the Vietnam War.