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- 2,878
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"I will concede that comparing Trump to Hitler and to MAGA as Nazis is not an accurate comparison. Calling the rally at MSG a "Nazi rally" is also, inaccurate. Clearly, the Democrats are inflaming the situation for political expediency, and as someone who wishes for everyone to call a spade a spade, I disagree with this tactic. It's like calling every civilian death anywhere "genocide". It's cheapens the word."
And then you go on to do exactly that. Can you be any more hypocritical?
Actually, I didn't do that. I used the example of how one fascist regime came to power as an example of how it could happen again. That's not the same thing.
Every single point can be nullified by switching out republican for democrat and Trump for Biden, Obama, Harris or Clinton, to name a few.
I've yet to see a single video of a Harris support spotting a Trump support and then flipping the bird and yelling "HARRIS 2024! Fuck you fucking conservating!", but I've seen many such videos of Trump supports doing just that (cult of personality).
I've yet to see Harris or any of those refer to the media as "the enemy of the people." (control of the media)
I've yet to see Harris or any of the others refer to central american countries as shitholes, refer to COVID as the "Kung Flu", refer to immigrants as "animals" and as "poisoning the blood of our country", call for a ban on immigration based solely on religion, say that laziness is a trait of black people, refer to jews as "short guys that wear yarmulkes all day", etc, etc, etc. (Racism and Xenophobia).
I mean, I could go on, but you absolutely cannot simply swap out the names and get the same results.
In what way did I question the integrity of democracy? I think the democratic process in the states is one of the best in the world, and as I've stated before, the last election was the single most watched, reviewed, and audited election the entire world anywhere ever.The only ones questioning the integrity of democracy and encouraging a mindset rejecting democratic principles is Lumber and those that support his premise.
And just what democratic principles exactly am I rejecting?
The US is a republic. It's right in their Pledge of Allegiance.
'I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.'
Why would anyone describe it otherwise.
I'm not sure where this came from. Where did I say anywhere that the US was not a republic?
Just so we're clear, I'll say it: "America is a Republic, a form of representative democracy."