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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Ah, another one with a Germanic understanding of humour.  :facepalm:

Perhaps it would help if you googled the term "temporal" -- especially since I suspect you mean "temporary."
Journeyman said:
Ah, another one with a Germanic understanding of humour.  :facepalm:

Perhaps it would help if you googled the term "temporal" -- especially since I suspect you mean "temporary."
I just mixed words.English is not my first language. :)
Jhunt said:

A BMQ completed on or after 1 January 2003 remains valid for:

Time served 12 months - valid for 24 months

Well well well. I served 9 months before getting my 4C in march 2010. Graduated from BMQ in october 2009. I did not reach my OFP.

Now, according to this I am well out of the validation period for my BMQ. Which I don't mind so much. However, CFRC Montreal requested a PLAR on my file a few months ago to see if I could bypass the BMQ, and it has been bogging down my application hardcore. Is it possible that they are confused about the new policy and that my PLAR is for naught and that they could just forgo it and process me along?
Being careful not to mix terms or concepts.

Anyone applying to enter the CF, who has prior service will have a VFS (Verification of Former Service) done.

This VFS is not a PLAR.
I see where there could be a confusion... I've been communicating with my file manager and recruiter in French and every time, the term used by all parties has been "PLAR" instead of "ERA" or "VSA".
Fiver said:
Well well well. I served 9 months before getting my 4C in march 2010. Graduated from BMQ in october 2009. I did not reach my OFP.

Now, according to this I am well out of the validation period for my BMQ. Which I don't mind so much. However, CFRC Montreal requested a PLAR on my file a few months ago to see if I could bypass the BMQ, and it has been bogging down my application hardcore. Is it possible that they are confused about the new policy and that my PLAR is for naught and that they could just forgo it and process me along?

Based on the information you have provided (ie; 9 months svc, BMQ Crse, but did not reach the OFP), you are correct in saying that your BMQ qual is no longer valid.  You local CFRC can continue your processing as an "unskilled" applicant without submitting a PLAR.  All that should be required is a VFS and nothing more.  The PLAR will only serve to further validate what is already known, that your BMQ qual has expired.  The only other reason a PLAR may be needed is due to civilian related education, trg, skills, experience or quals.  There are, however, a very limited number of NCM occupations (Med Lab, Med Rad, Dent Tech, Bio Ele Tech and Musc) which do require PLARS but these are few and far between.
DAA, I wish you could've been in charge of my file from the beginning, even if you are probably overqualified and outranking that kind of position. I cannot overstate how much of a great wealth of information you are.
Fiver said:
DAA, I wish you could've been in charge of my file from the beginning, even if you are probably overqualified and outranking that kind of position. I cannot overstate how much of a great wealth of information you are.

My posts are based on what information "you" are providing.  There may be other factors in play I'm not aware of that have triggered your CFRC to initiate a PLAR.  Good luck anyhow!
I have a special situation here... Im a sonar operator onboard the submarine HMCS WINDSOR i have 4 months left on my contract and want to remuster to a red trade in the airforce unforunately ive been told that it would be very difficult for me to use the VOT due to the fact that im in training to be a submariner and am posted in a core crew billet and training billet. so to remuster i would have to first request to cease my training then have a TRB which is not what i want. so im thinking about just finishing my contract then joining back after the 6 month waiting period but some people told me they might refuse me due to the fact that i didnt re sign a contract... which doesnt really make sense if i apply for a red trade... so is it possible that i could not get back in after 6 months ?
Good luck getting in after 6 months. You shouldn't have to stop training to apply for a VOT, because you may not get that VOT. The BPSO will have all that information for you, but it sounds like someone is trying to scare you into staying by telling you that you have to cease training first. Keep in mind I doubt they're going to look at you for VOT until you sign another contract, which means you can be stuck as a sonar op, get out for probably a year before you MIGHT be able to get back in, or luck out and get your VOT.
well VOT would take a year and is not guaranteed ... they dont like to let submariners go... last year they lost 38 qualified and got 36 new ... 1 year wait isnt too bad it just ive been told they could just refuse me ... if its only waiting i dont mind theres at least 3 red trades in the airforce i can do and i compete well against new applicant due to the qualification i already have im current on everything. i just need certitude that they will let me go back in. when i joined 4 years ago it took me 1 week of waiting for sonar op to join the trade was beyond red... now they recruited so much that the trade is no longer hurting so im guessing a red trade air force should do to accelerate the process of getting back in ?
well im glad the info i got here is not that ill get rejected but just that it will take some time due to normal factor of jobs available... but yeah thats a good point in 10 months / a year will there be red trades ... if its the only obstacle then i think its worth it. Its really difficult to get out of the submarine world unless medically unfit... well ill re enroll in chicoutimi quebec i think quebec is always a little behind with their quotas for recruitment.i could find a job there waiting ...

i know one guy with dolphin waiting to go firefighter ... did they do the process recently ?
krasny said:
I have a special situation here... Im a sonar operator onboard the submarine HMCS WINDSOR i have 4 months left on my contract and want to remuster to a red trade in the airforce unforunately ive been told that it would be very difficult for me to use the VOT due to the fact that im in training to be a submariner and am posted in a core crew billet and training billet. so to remuster i would have to first request to cease my training then have a TRB which is not what i want. so im thinking about just finishing my contract then joining back after the 6 month waiting period but some people told me they might refuse me due to the fact that i didnt re sign a contract... which doesnt really make sense if i apply for a red trade... so is it possible that i could not get back in after 6 months ?

Generally speaking, there are several conditions that need to be met for this type of processing to apply, one of which is "being fully qualified for employment in the military occupation they are applying for" (see CANFORGEN 02/11).  So if you allow your contract to lapse (....you should have already been offered new TOS) you can reapply right away.  The waiting period, if any, is at the discretiion of the CO CFRC that is processing your file.  Under an Item 4.b. release, they will want to know why you didn't accept new TOS and if it appears that you did so to "avoid" or "achieve" something then you may have to wait.  They will NOT process your application until after your status has been determined.
krasny said:
I have a special situation here... Im a sonar operator onboard the submarine HMCS WINDSOR i have 4 months left on my contract and want to remuster to a red trade in the airforce unforunately ive been told that it would be very difficult for me to use the VOT due to the fact that im in training to be a submariner and am posted in a core crew billet and training billet. so to remuster i would have to first request to cease my training then have a TRB which is not what i want. so im thinking about just finishing my contract then joining back after the 6 month waiting period but some people told me they might refuse me due to the fact that i didnt re sign a contract... which doesnt really make sense if i apply for a red trade... so is it possible that i could not get back in after 6 months ?

1.  IAW the regulations [ADM (HR-MIL) Instr 05/05 and CANFORGEN 031/09] you should have been offered your next TOS [which should be a choice of a CE or your IE25] 12 months prior to the expiration of your current TOS.  Did you turn down a TOS offer or was one, including a choice of IE25 or CE, not offered to you? 

2.  Did you sign a SOU before beginning your sub trg stating you agreed to serve "X amount of years as a submariner" after completing "training level Y" with a restricted release period/date?

If not, well then the regulation that apply to your situation are clear; CFAO 11-12.  You aren't a combat arms trade, so you have to be QL4 qualified (QL3 if your trade doesn't have a QL4), with 48 months service, etc IAW CFAO 11-12, including meeting the requirements for entrance into your trade (medical, CFAT scores, etc).

krasny said:
well VOT would take a year and is not guaranteed ... they dont like to let submariners go... last year they lost 38 qualified and got 36 new ... 1 year wait isnt too bad it just ive been told they could just refuse me ...

Who will refuse you?  Your CofC?

if its only waiting i dont mind theres at least 3 red trades in the airforce i can do and i compete well against new applicant due to the qualification i already have im current on everything. i just need certitude that they will let me go back in. when i joined 4 years ago it took me 1 week of waiting for sonar op to join the trade was beyond red... now they recruited so much that the trade is no longer hurting so im guessing a red trade air force should do to accelerate the process of getting back in ?

I think your plan to get out and get back in is a bad idea.  Who knows what could happen; what if you get injured or into some legal trouble while out?  I wouldn't risk it, not with the cutbacks etc we are seeing now.  Thats me.

If you want to apply for a VOT, then apply.  You can expect to hit some roadblocks from your CofC by the sounds of it, but if you want to apply, look at CFAO 11-12 and talk to the BPSO.
Well now things got a little more interesting ! i did not sign an agreement to serve X time in submarine and i just discover that my TOS contract is invalid i signed a CE stating effective on may 28 2013 but it shouldve said upon acceptance so ive been told my contract isnt good ... so im putting a memo in to cancel that contract ... and hope to be back in service by 2014 there are always red trade !
I continue my application process.After TSD and checking my references I just got a call today with some security questions and my CFRC told me that MP will do security check. Last  month when I was in Canadian Forces was December 2011.Since this time I stay in Canada .I hope my security check will not take long time...
Hello, in July of 2010, I was enrolled & left for BMQ in August 2010 & I went in as a Vehicle Tech. I voluntarily released in October 2010 & I was in week 7 or 8. I left on request (Section 4C), for personal reasons. I went to school for mechanics, but had a hard time finding a job so I ended up on welfare. I re-applied for the Canadian Forces as a Weapons Tech, since an change had been made 2 years ago that I now need advanced math to apply for the Vehicle Tech trade. I was wondering if being on welfare would affect me in any way (such as slowing down my process). I am currently on the merit list & waiting for openings in April. Hopefully I get a call soon, so I can re-join the military. I made a stupid mistake by leaving & I completely regret it..
secondchance said:
I continue my application process.After TSD and checking my references I just got a call today with some security questions and my CFRC told me that MP will do security check. Last  month when I was in Canadian Forces was December 2011.Since this time I stay in Canada .I hope my security check will not take long time...

Good luck man, I hope all goes well for you!

I am also trying to get back in, i was at BMQ back in April of 2008 but i was really unprepared mentally and physically. Because i was so out of shape i suffered a knee injury on a morning run, sitting on PAT platoon for 2 months while having to try and deal with stuff back at home took its tole on me so i put in for a VR. I regretted leaving but i think i regret more not preparing myself enough before i went. Life got in the way for 2 years before i got to start working towards getting myself ready to go back. I have been training for 3 years now... i really wanted to make sure i wasn't going to run into any knee problems again,  and am finally confident that i am ready.