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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

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1. it took me 6 months to get in the first time, and all i need to do is the interview and medical again, do you think it would possibly take less time.
2. yes, they specifically told me that these credits will make me more competitive for these trades.
3. why is minimum in quotation marks? do you think it could take less time? more?
Ultrasound said:
1. it took me 6 months to get in the first time, and all i need to do is the interview and medical again, do you think it would possibly take less time.

FIRST......We appreciate site members being 'professional' and able to make proper use of the English language in the written form.  There is a SHIFT Key.  Use it to capitalize words that require it.

As has been mentioned thousands of times on this site, YOU are an INDIVIDUAL.  As such, your case is not identical to anyone else; nor will it be identical to your original application.  Times have changed.  You have changed.  Requirements may have changed.  NO ONE can give you anything more than a 'guesstimate' at how long it may take, and that is just what it is; a guess.  No one can give you a time.

Ultrasound said:
3. why is minimum in quotation marks? do you think it could take less time? more?


Minimum means: "the least amount".  The least amount of time it will take will be twelve (12) months after your Release date.  Take the date that you were Released and add twelve (12) months or more to it and that is your answer.
To echo what George said, minimum is just that the minimum. You are no longer a brand new applicant.  I posted it somewhere and so has DAA, that starting around 2012, those looking to re-enrol and who had NOT completed their initial trades training (ie people like you) would receive extra attention and SCRUTINY, as well as have to wait a minimum cooling off period.  We elaborated on the details in those posts so unless DAA is feeling nice, you will have to look them up yourself.  Bottom line the CAF, is not some day labour employer, where you can come and go as you please.  You voluntarily signed up to a commitment which ultimately you did not fulfil, wasting a lot of time, effort, a training slot, and money in the process.  That sort of thing has consequences, the CAF doesn't like being burned by recruits multiple times.
WestCoastHipster said:
Hey long time lurker but yet to post. So far so good for information on here without having to ask any questions. Anyways my TOS are coming up (first 3) and I seem to be in the same boat as krasny. But I'm infantry and would like to go boatswain. The general consensus seems to be that I should do a VOT as opposed to a release and enrollment.

I saw eye in the sky post something about combat arms, which I am (QL3) so is all I need that plus 48 months? And mainly do I have to wait until a canforgen comes out and then apply for a VOT or can I just go down to the BPSO and start the process/notify my CofC? I'll stay in regardless and just continually try to apply. And I don't know if it makes any difference but on the forces website it says currently recruiting for boatswain.

Combat Arms VOTs go under a VOT program called LOTRP or LOTP (might not be the exact name...can't remember, it's in CFAO 11-12).

Anyways, the difference for LOTP is that you only need 36 months service vice 48 months for AVOTP or COTP.

By the book, you also need your QL4, but...that CFAO is so out of date, there is some flexibility shown sometimes.  However, CFAO 11-12 is still the authoritive CF policy for Reg Force NCM OTs (what is holding up that 5002 series DAOD??), so I'd say...find it on the DIN/DWAN, read it, read the latest (2013) VOT NCM CANFORGEN (2014 isn't out yet) and go from there.

The BPSO will (should) be able to help you out but look after your own interest; find the applic policy and reg's, read them and don't just take what people say as 'the facts'.  Policy is in black and white, and lots of people think they know it or they can just ignore it.
Hello, I believe this is where I would post this if I am incorrect sorry about that.  I have been out of the Canadian Forces Reserves for about 2 years and am thinking about re-enlisting, Now if I do so will I:
1. Keep my old service number?
2. Need to redo BMQ and BMQ-Land?
Thanks to anyone who reply/answers
I kept my s/n from reserve to reg force (4 years later). Did not redo bmq and sq and was sent on my ql3 right away(different trade).
As much as every case is taken individually, the following is likely:

You would probably have the same SN;

Your training requirements will be dictated by the level of training you had when you left and what trade you are going into. I believe, but don't quote me, that BMQ / BMQ-L is good for five years.
Hey guys! I appologize in advance for my writing its been a while since I've wrote in english so.. anyway here is the thing . To make a long story short I'm trying to re-enroll in the army but I'm having a problem with a 5f note in my file(don't know if its the same in english but its a "Bad standing" note if I may).They said I`ve forgot to bring back ALOT of equipements(For about3000$ worth of stuff)but after I made some verification with the JAG they told me everything was fine with them and they sent me and my recruiting center a copy of a letter that  have been send to me in decemeber 2006. After this they proceed with the medical and the interview ,wich I succeed, and told me that will put me on the list for the next selection.But monday after a couple of month(I pass the interview in november) I went back to the center to check out if they had some opening for my trade  and then they told me  that my file have to be approuved by the Chief of the army staff  before  they put me into the selection process.So no need to tell I was a little bit confused. My questions are:

-Do you think its a normal  that, even if I did'nt realy diserve a 5f,  my file need to get this higher clearence?
-Do you think that there is anything I can do to make this go a little fast.( I know this is a high level )

Thanks for your opinions and comments  they are apreciated . sorry again for the writing .
p:s I've forget to mention I relaese in august 2006.

lcl024 said:
Hey guys! I appologize in advance for my writing its been a while since I've wrote in english so.. anyway here is the thing . To make a long story short I'm trying to re-enroll in the army but I'm having a problem with a 5f note in my file(don't know if its the same in english but its a "Bad standing" note if I may).They said I`ve forgot to bring back ALOT of equipements(For about3000$ worth of stuff)but after I made some verification with the JAG they told me everything was fine with them and they sent me and my recruiting center a copy of a letter that  have been send to me in decemeber 2006. After this they proceed with the medical and the interview ,wich I succeed, and told me that will put me on the list for the next selection.But monday after a couple of month(I pass the interview in november) I went back to the center to check out if they had some opening for my trade  and then they told me  that my file have to be approuved by the Chief of the army staff  before  they put me into the selection process.So no need to tell I was a little bit confused. My questions are:

-Do you think its a normal  that, even if I did'nt realy diserve a 5f,  my file need to get this higher clearence?
-Do you think that there is anything I can do to make this go a little fast.( I know this is a high level )

Thanks for your opinions and comments  they are apreciated . sorry again for the writing .
p:s I've forget to mention I relaese in august 2006.

Your situation is very common with regards to former members of the CF Reserves having their Release item designated as a "5.F." due to the non-return of kit.  If you did in fact "return" the kit and or made some form of restituition to pay for missing kit and you did this through your prior supporting Clothing Stores, then you "might" have a case to try and have the Release Item changed.

The CF will pretty much NOT touch you with a 5F release item and inorder to do so, requires "CDS Approval" which has not be delegated.

Your best and probably only option, is for you to contact the CF Ombudsman and explain your situation.

Good luck!
Thanks a lot for the answer it's appreciated ! Now I understand why it has to go anyway to the CDS's office ! The letter from the Jag says that everything has been returned or paid for and its in date of december 2006.  Should I try to contact the  ombudsman just to make sure or should I wait for CDS's approval?
lcl024 said:
Thanks a lot for the answer it's appreciated ! Now I understand why it has to go anyway to the CDS's office ! The letter from the Jag says that everything has been returned or paid for and its in date of december 2006.  Should I try to contact the  ombudsman just to make sure or should I wait for CDS's approval?

Missing and or unreturned kit became such a huge problem years ago and that is why the PRes went to such an extreme measure.  Non-return of kit = 5F;  Failure to sign release paperwork and or perform unit outclearance procedures = 5F.

But prior to doing this, I believe they may have been obligated to attempt contact to resolve the issue, then to send you a regular letter (Canada Post), followed by a "Registered" letter.  If there was no result, the file was passed to the JAG who tried and ultimately with no results, the file/debt was sold to a Collection Agency.  If you received a letter from the JAG, then it's a good indication that your previous Unit had washed their hands of the matter and just turned everything over to Legal, hence the reason behind the 5F release. 

CDS approval will not be coming, so your best bet is to go through the Ombudsman.  You need to have the Release Item changed to something more "favourable" other than a 5F. 

Call them ---->  http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-questions-complaints-submit-complaint/index.page?

It's a very basic question that you need ask which is "I was released from the Reserve Force under QR&O 15.01, Item 5.F. for the following reasons and I am wondering how or if I can have that changed because............and then just tell them your story"
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experience with their application process during re-enlistment, specifically whether or not it was shorter or longer due to their previous history? 

I was in the Forces 6 years ago in the co-op program, however once I realized I wasn't mature enough or physically ready for it (found out the hard way), I quit one month into the program.  Now that I've matured and become more physically fit, I began the application process earlier this year.  My past history requires me to get a re-enrolment waiver, however in order to get that I need to get an approval which will take about a month to receive.  Assuming that I indeed get the approval and can continue with my application, does anyone know how long the rest of process would end up taking?  I'm not trying to sound impatient and I'm fully aware of the fact that the amount of time for processing varies greatly.  The problem is that I have a potential contact job coming up from May to August, and so I'm wondering about the likelihood of getting an offer within that time period.  I know I can turn down an offer, but for obvious reasons I'd rather not and would be very hesitant to do so.  I figured the processing would take longer than the contract job period, so I don't really have much to worry about.  All I want is a few opinions, preferably from people who have been in similar situations.

I've searched the forums for similar posts, but all the posts regarding re-enlistment ask about whether or not they'll have to do the training again or whether they'd be able to keep their old pay.  If I missed a post that would be relevant to my question, please post a link.

Abridged: Previous history requires re-enrolment waiver, approval will be determined by the end of April.  Contract job coming up between May to August.  What's the likelihood of getting the whole process complete before the end of August, ie should I take the contract job?

Thanks a bunch for the responses, cheers.
Arcset said:
Damn, I never saw that.  Given how popular it was, you'd think the mods might have stickied it.  Thanks a bunch for the post, I'll definitely look into it.

It was stickied in a different sub-forum.  You'd think by SEARCHING prior to posting, you might have seen that.
Hello all, I couldn't figure out where to post this, as there isn't really a forum regarding transfers (I'm new to the site, so if there is, please correct me).
In any case, I've been a reserve infantry corporal for a few years new, last year I made the decision to transfer to the officer ranks, after a year of office-work, and other unpleasant activities, I realize that I *hate* my new job.
My question, how can I get back to being a corporal? The recruiting sections said its either a trades change or a release. I really like the infantry and do not want to change trades, but nor to I feel like releasing for x years (how many would it take?) just to return and be a recruit again, though I would do that rather than continue to be an officer.
Does anyone know the proper procedures for this?
Thank you.
jaybe316 said:
Hello all, I couldn't figure out where to post this, as there isn't really a forum regarding transfers (I'm new to the site, so if there is, please correct me).
In any case, I've been a reserve infantry corporal for a few years new, last year I made the decision to transfer to the officer ranks, after a year of office-work, and other unpleasant activities, I realize that I *hate* my new job.
My question, how can I get back to being a corporal? The recruiting sections said its either a trades change or a release. I really like the infantry and do not want to change trades, but nor to I feel like releasing for x years (how many would it take?) just to return and be a recruit again, though I would do that rather than continue to be an officer.
Does anyone know the proper procedures for this?
Thank you.

You obviously have little experience if I read this post correctly.  You are looking for a Component Transfer.  We have a whole group of topics on Component Transfers.  Please feel free to read them and find where you may fit in and what your expectations may be. 
So I am going to try and share my story with army.ca. Tonight I applied to get back into the armed forces. My little story is that I spent three and a half years in the reg force with a tour of Afghanistan. I left the army fairly bitter and looking for better things. After getting out I have been working full time and doing fairly well (bought a house, steady woman, just bought ten acres in the country). But there is something missing (adventure, comradeship, sense of accomplishment). So I am going to attempt to get back in. I'll try and keep everyone informed on my progress. 