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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Irish, of course everyone needs sleep, the point I was trying to make is that it's not always going to be guaranteed that NJL will get up to 6 hours of uninterupted sleep. Nor can he expect to always sleep during the night. He might have watch, he might work a 12 hour night shift in the field and have to sleep during the day. There are all kinds of variables.

There are all sorts of studies done on sleep deprivation, shift workers and sleep, etc. But what good are they to a guy in the field that's doing duty watch and thinking 'oh the unfairness of this, I should be getting 6 hours of sleep!' People can be their own worse enemies with thinking like that.

The fact is that NJL VR'd because he wasn't getting any sleep and couldn't function. If he can't overcome that, he shouldn't be opting for a military career.
All this talk about sleep is making me tired ;)I'm kidding.... When I first started this topic all I was doing was trying to get some answer to a few questions about re-applying after VRing... I never thought it would turn into such a long topic, but thats OK...\

1. Lack of sleep (the issues that came as a result of it) was one of my reasons for VRing... a major one but not the only one.

2. I have never once said I couldn't function as a result of not sleeping... quite the opposite I was fine/did good during the day (PT/Class room,etc)... it's just that the stress/fatigue(forgetting things) build-up/ plus a minor helath problem(blood pressure) caused me AT THE TIME to loose focus on the big picture (why I was there)... I know my next time on BMQ I will react differently to any issues(sleep or anything else) that come up...(How do I know? My previous experience has been a great learning experience for me) Time will tell 

3. My views on a CF career may be idealistic... but what do you expect from a potential recruit? Recruits are just starting out and are there to be taught/trained.. I would never say I know what to expect after BMQ , cuz I don't.. that's part of the fun/journey.
Oh wow, this thread is going in more circles than a BMQ coy on grad parade practice.
I agree this topic is going no wheres now (around and around) hopefully it will die down... I got the answers to my questions (along time ago) which is all I wanted from this topic
I've already perused the boards and noticed a definate trend in the time a VFS takes.  seems like 6-9 months is the average, which is depressing.

I have a few questions:

1.  is this acurate?  what is a no-bullsh**t time frame?

2.  why does CFRC continue to tell me "two weeks", like its some kinda sick joke by now.  (ive waited 2 months already)  I really would have prefered an upfront heads up on this from them.

3.  is there anything I can do?

seeing those other poor guys writing that it took them 8 months (or more!!) is really putting a damper on my desire.  I'm going to have to consider alternate employment, I just cant wait that long to see IF they'll let me back in.
vyrago said:
I've already perused the boards and noticed a definate trend in the time a VFS takes.  seems like 6-9 months is the average, which is depressing.

I have a few questions:

1.  is this acurate?  what is a no-bullsh**t time frame?

2.  why does CFRC continue to tell me "two weeks", like its some kinda sick joke by now.  (ive waited 2 months already)  I really would have prefered an upfront heads up on this from them.

3.  is there anything I can do?

seeing those other poor guys writing that it took them 8 months (or more!!) is really putting a damper on my desire.  I'm going to have to consider alternate employment, I just cant wait that long to see IF they'll let me back in.
Question 1. Don't know, I don't work there
Question 2. Who knows? CFRC is a strange entity like NDHQ, But to be fair, you aren't the only one going through CFRC so you get processed when you get processed
Question 3. Go to the Gym, practice drill, not much else you can do administratively. Take it from someone who lives in Ottawa and understands paper trail systems. It's one of those things you just don't have control over, the conveyer belt sets its own speed, trust me you can't make it go faster.

Yah its a shame it takes so long but that's life. I feel empathy for you knowing that you have to have employment to survive. In the mean time you could probably get a temporary job, which you would have no qualms leaving at a notice's moment.
It took about 6 months for my VFS to go through. If you're lucky like I was, they'll let you take the Aptitude test during the archaeological dig.
I apparently got off lucky with mine, it took me roughly 2 months to get my VFS done, and another month or so to get my med docs. All my information had been sent to archives in Ottawa.
I really hope they hurry up, im rapidly approaching my 10 year mark since I got out and I'd really like to get RSBP (recruit school bypass).  id much rather jump right into my new trade than be practicing an "advance in review order" on some parade square.

I recently put in a VR during BMQ and was granted my release.  I have been out of the CF for a month and a half.  My mind changed during Basic, i did not want to join the Naval element, and I was struggling to adapt to the new surroundings because i had set such high expectations for myself.  I came to BMQ in top shape, and was easily one of the top 3 scores on the PT test.  I was in week 3 on the Parade Square, getting $#!& on by my Section 2 IC and it was because we were learning new drill....cant quite recall exactly what, but i was struggling.  They verbally told me to shape up and get with it, and that is when all my expectations had hit the LOW...  I felt like everything i had to offer would result in me not doing it well enough, or that i would get harped on by an Instructor.  Having a temper i felt was about to flare up, and to my instructors suprise i asked for a VR.  I was Not about to loose my temper and get shit on in front of my company and all the sections and then head to PRB because i didn't make a rational choice at the time. 
I have thought about my choice to VR and it was WRONG!  I feel really bad about my choice.  Criticism and Drill....Drill and Criticism....  I lost track of the fact we had to be challenged by our Instructors every minute of the day. 
Here is my plea for HELP!!
could it happen after Xmas??
Thank you for taking the time to read this Post, any helpfull info would be greatly appreciated
First, use the search function; someone asked pretty much the same question not long ago.

Secondly, if you couldn't stick with it the first time, how can you know you'll stick with it if you go back? Worse, how can you possibly hope to convince a recruiter that you want to go back for real, and that you won't just drop it again?

Thirdly, grow a thicker skin.

Fourth, you can try and re-apply. Just prepare a pretty damn good excuse for quitting.
I agree - I think the interview will be your biggest hurdle. I thought you had to wait something like 4 months before reapplying if you release (not sure)...As Frederik G mentioned, do a search. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Great white, I also made the big mistake of VRing during BMQ (for different reasons than you) and am planning on replying asap...
here's my post I started about a month ago on the topic:

You gotta wait at least 6 months (from release) before re-applying... I know it sucks, but I only got a couple months left to wait. PM me if you got some more questions.
Good your you!! Get back on that horse!!, Just try and remember that during your military career, there will be verbal dressing downs and not to take them so personally, especially during basic training. It takes courage to admit that one has erred, but the important thing is not to give up.

In time you will learn some self dicipline and grow a thick skin and eventually you will learn to take everything in stride. Just remember that someday you may be the one doing the shouting.
+1 to the question. Does anyone have a general time-frame of how long it's been taking over the past couple months? I've been waiting about 2 months now, and have yet to be told that it's come through.
Sadly, ive been waiting 4 months so far and I cant wait anymore.  I've accepted a full time civvy job, sorry CF but I just cant wait for ya.  Rather ridiculous considering we're somewhat a nation "at war". 