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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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I still have to work out the details with the RC, but at the moment it appears that I will be sworn in as a commissioned officer. As far as the rank is concerned, I am not sure.  I am expecting Acting Sub Lieutenant (2nd LT).  If they start me at sub Lt (Lt), then bonus for me, but I am not expecting any privilages because it is me coming to the CF asking to get back in.

I will probably know more later next week.  I will let you know the status then.

Steve_D said:
I still have to work out the details with the RC, but at the moment it appears that I will be sworn in as a commissioned officer. As far as the rank is concerned, I am not sure.  I am expecting Acting Sub Lieutenant (2nd LT).  If they start me at sub Lt (Lt), then bonus for me, but I am not expecting any privilages because it is me coming to the CF asking to get back in.

I will probably know more later next week.  I will let you know the status then.


No, it's you coming back to the CF offering up once again your valuable skill set, albeit in a different trade. The experience that you have is useful, if for no reason other than getting an understanding of how the bloody system works. Your knowledge isn't that outdated.

Even if you don't manage to get your Subbie strip, I sincerely hope that you are able to get (more than) a few IPC levels out of this.
Thank you for those words, gcclarke.  I had not even though of the IPC levels.  I am just remaining grateful for this second opportunity. 

Remaining pumped....
Like so many others say...I got the call! 

I will be sworn in on Oct 14 and then flown out to Victoria for OJT until NETPO starts up.  I know that a lot of people may think that OJT could also mean being someone's SLJO; but that is just fine with me.  I will even do it with a smile on my face.  After Oct 20, I will not have much access to the internet, so my visits here will be less frequent. 

I would like to thank everyone who made comments and supported me through this interesting little journey of mine.  I feel a bit like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes (lay-offs, ect) to face a better life (back in the military).

Cheers for now.

:salute: :cdn:
Steve_D said:
I feel a bit like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes (lay-offs, ect) to face a better life (back in the military).

Just like they say in the movies, Steve: "You never had it so good"!
All kidding aside, congratulations and good luck. :salute:
Steve_D said:
Like so many others say...I got the call! 

I will be sworn in on Oct 14 and then flown out to Victoria for OJT until NETPO starts up.  I know that a lot of people may think that OJT could also mean being someone's SLJO; but that is just fine with me.  I will even do it with a smile on my face.  After Oct 20, I will not have much access to the internet, so my visits here will be less frequent. 

I would like to thank everyone who made comments and supported me through this interesting little journey of mine.  I feel a bit like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes (lay-offs, ect) to face a better life (back in the military).

Cheers for now.

:salute: :cdn:

Glad to hear Steve. You had previously posted that you were hoping to get in on time to be on the Jan BMOQ. Shall I take it that you're exempted that since you're going straight to OJT? If so, that's completely awesome. No one needs to do that twice :)
Yes, I have been given a by-pass for BMOQ.  Although I was quite willing to do it in order to get in; I am extremely happy to be able to avoid doing it a second time.
Great to hear you got your good news Steve.
Happy times to see one freed from the "call centre hell."  ;D
Best of luck in Victoria and in moving toward your goals.

Acting Sub Lt.?
Baden Guy

Yes, I will be sworn in as an Acting Sub Lieutenant.  Pay grade yet to be determined, but low on my list of importance at this time. Just happy to have my desired path work out for me.

Have a great day and happy thanksgiving.

This helped a lot in people getting back in as far as the process goes. The problem we have now is it can still take a while for your Med Docs to come in. If you were out for a couple of years your med file is in archives and has to be located. It has taken several weeks in some cases. However, we can do everything else while we are waiting for the med info.
Nice to know and will keep that in mind for those earlier in their careers who leave after initial engagements.  Personally though when I get out it will be no more Regs for me.  Reserves maybe. 

  I submitted an application today to my local CFRC- DEO. Because I have previous military service I was told that the CFRC will need to do a verification of former service, I've been out for about a year, does anyone have an idea how long it takes to complete this step? Thanks, Happy holidays.
I just merged your question to several other topics on this subject.  You'll get a feel for what you are in for, if you read the preceding posts.
Touchingthevoid said:

  I submitted an application today to my local CFRC- DEO. Because I have previous military service I was told that the CFRC will need to do a verification of former service, I've been out for about a year, does anyone have an idea how long it takes to complete this step? Thanks, Happy holidays.

SO, when I TOLD you today that it would take 2-6 months for your VFS and PMD's to be pulled from Ottawa, sent to us and reviewed I was what...? Talking to myself? Lying? Mistaken?

It never ceases to amaze me ... I REALLY have come to appreciate the depth and breadth of experience here on the Milnet, but when the Subject Matter Expert working IN the job tells you something, asking a second opinion from an unregulated, unofficial, anonymous forum on the internet seems to be the height of foolishness.

So, someone please correct me ... tell Touchingthevoid that the application to rejoin the CF is going to take 2 weeks ... nevermind the REMAINDER of the info that this member neglected to fill in ... that the file isn't even AT the CFRC being  reapplied to, so it has to be transferred (during the holidays no less!) from the original CFRC to the one now being applied to, or the fact that TTV was a reserve NCM now applying to Reg Officer with as yet unconfirmed CFAT scores and an incomplete University Education ... I want to see this person come back in January and tell me how wrong I am because someone on the Milnet forum told them I was.

Some people's kids ...  :brickwall:

I was wonder where my dander went ... and there I just found it, up there!


PS: note that no OPSEC is being breached ... I haven't identified the member in question, though I have quite plainly made clear that I DO know who it is ... someone remind me to write a post about how NOT to annoy your Recruiter ...
lol  - ok Otis have a 24 and come back after the holidays with your rosey glasses on.

and they wanted me to go to a recruiting centre. HA!

Touchingthevoid said:
Understood. I apologize, I just wanted to see other people's timelines.

Apology accepted.

If you were just attempting to do a comparison of your experience vs others, then you simply worded your original question poorly.

Rather than asking how long it takes to complete the step, if you had no intention of attempting to disprove me then you maybe should have asked if anyone else has gone through the process and how long it took them when THEY did it (a subtle difference I know, but a definite difference in tone and perceived intention)

CountDC: I'm calm now  8) ... I thought I was rather restrained considering what I MAY have said to a Pte who questioned what I told him - less than five hours after I'd told it to him - and went and publically asked other people if I was right or not ...  ;D
Otis said:
Apology accepted.

If you were just attempting to do a comparison of your experience vs others, then you simply worded your original question poorly.

Rather than asking how long it takes to complete the step, if you had no intention of attempting to disprove me then you maybe should have asked if anyone else has gone through the process and how long it took them when THEY did it (a subtle difference I know, but a definite difference in tone and perceived intention)

CountDC: I'm calm now  8) ... I thought I was rather restrained considering what I MAY have said to a Pte who questioned what I told him - less than five hours after I'd told it to him - and went and publically asked other people if I was right or not ...  ;D

Awesome. Yet more proof that ours is a small army and there's little room for BSers like me. Now I'm afraid.. very afraid (looks furtively over left shoulder while packing remaining bottles of snake oil in small carpet bag).  :o
Recruiter’s Advice Required

I have a soldier who will probably be released 5d - Not Advantageously Employable.  In this case he was “wholly or chiefly because of the conditions of military life or other factors beyond his control, develops personal weaknesses or has domestic or other personal problems that seriously impair his usefulness to or impose an excessive administrative burden on the Canadian Forces.” 

In short, he racked himself up to a 'Violation of C&P' for ‘Abuse of Alcohol.’  No laws were broken he just kept showing up hung-over.  He will be completing the 60 day spin dry and I think he will stop drinking.

He is a good soldier with above average conduct and performance save the drinking.  He has asked me the likelihood being accepted of he reapplied to the CF if he is released (assuming he stays sober).  The party line here at regiment in NO I would like to know what someone in the recruiting world thinks?