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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Eye In The Sky said:
Your POC 'should' be the Borden BTL organization.  My experience on the BTL was you have to stay on top of things yourself and not expect them to be pro-active.  :2c:

Well four months ago when I originally posted this I did have a some faith in the BTL system, silly me. You are 100% correct it is all up to them member to stay on top of things. I ended up having to go up to my new CM and CDA to get my ot finally sorted out. It was worth the peepee slap. I am currently doing phase one QL3 for my new trade.  For me personally, due to retirements and personnel shuffles my files fell thru the cracks but I sorted it myself with some carefully worded emails and after all was said and done my CoC understood and supported what I did.
I was wondering if I joined as a Infantry Soldier and later on a couple years down I wanted to switch to go for a Pilot would I be able to switch positions? I know obviously I would have to get the proper requirements to switch to a officer level position and training but I was just wondering if I was possible. I may not want to be locked into Infantry Soldier forever.
I am an NCM in one of the Combat Service Support trades. I have submitted a VOT to be an officer, also in Combat Service Support. My visual acuity was deemed unsuitable for Combat Arms during my recruiting process, but I have always had the desire for combat trades. I am going to get my eyes checked by an optometrist. If the results come back not as bad as assessed by my recruitment medical exam, do you think it's possible to get my vision reassessed if I bring this up to the PSO during the interview and get in the Combat Arms?
Read and weep or laugh all the way to the bank.  Whichever deduction you get from reading this Thread:

I don't know the answer to your question but I can relay a story that happened to me and perhaps it will help. During my last medical I was assessed as a V2 using the chart thing. I knew that was a mistake so I booked an appointment with the optometrist to make sure something hadn't changed. He did all of his testing and told me I was better then 20/20. He then converted this to all the crazy numbers they use and gave me a form with "Should be V1" in big black letters across the top. I brought it back to the UMS and they told me they couldn't accept it and if I wanted to upgrade my category I would have to rebook another Part 2 medical. Needless to say, I did not and will sort it out in a couple of years when I get my next medical. I guess the lesson here is that they UMS on my base, on that day, would not accept an optometrist's report (who was employed on base, in the garrison medical center) as proof of visual acuity.
jeffb said:
I guess the lesson here is that they UMS on my base, on that day, would not accept an optometrist's report (who was employed on base, in the garrison medical center) as proof of visual acuity.

Then frankly someone is smoking crack and not sharing it - the issue at hand was that nobody wanted to/was to lazy to initiate the CF2088 to change your medical category at that point.  In all fairness though, in reality, unless you're trying to reclassify to fighter pilot or astronaut, a V2 vs V1 for an Arty O is inconsequential in the long and short.  I've hip hopped back and forth between V3 and 4 for the last 28 years if it makes you feel any better - which really was of consequence because it would limit my choices of employment, courses, etc within my trade as well as limit choice of VOT's for me when I did want to - much like the OP.


medicineman said:
Then frankly someone is smoking crack and not sharing it - the issue at hand was that nobody wanted to/was to lazy to initiate the CF2088 to change your medical category at that point.


I suspected as much and didn't fight it because at the end of day, a V2 is no impact to me as long as I know I'm not ACTUALLY a V2. :)
Alright, so I know this question has probably been asked a couple hundred times but I can't really find anything that is the same with my situation (warning this is a little long).
So I applied for ROTP with the trades: Infantry Officer, Engineers Officer, and Artillery Officer. I got a call last week saying that my eyesight is V4 and I can't do these trades. I was pretty gutted but everyone that I talked to said to at least choose some trades to get my foot in the door. I applied for EME (Electrical Mechanical Engineer) and Signals officer hopefully to get some more field time then the other trades (Logistics, etc...). I'm still hoping later on down the road (I know a lot of years) that I can get my eyes fixed and try to change to engineers officer or infantry officer. Unfortunately, it's too late for me to get my eyes fixed this year cause there is a 6 month waiting period after the surgery and I would have to reapply next year while I'm at a civie university (theres less spots for that). The recruiter says I have a competitive application and the new trades I applied for have some room. I was wondering what you guys/girls thought about this plan: Finish at RMC (if accepted), go through basic+infantry school, see if I can get my eyes fixed, and somewhere in there, try to apply for some combat arms trades. I know it seems slim but I understand that sometimes positions open up. I m not sure if this means anything either but I completed the Basic Parachutist Course last summer (I don't think this gives me any edge but not too sure). Also heard that getting out and then reapplying is a bad idea. Thanks, any advice is good advice
Here's my advice:  Do NOT apply for a trade thinking you'll be able to switch to another trade.  There is no guarantee that once you're in that trade, they (Career Manager, etc.) will let you switch when you want as it may not have enough people to justify transfers.

Go to university, get your eyes fixed if you want, then apply later.
billy.campbell76 said:
Just curious, are the chances of switching dependent on anything?

A lot of it is due to how many people there are in the trade you're trying to get out of, and how many are in the training system for said trade.  Basically, nothing you can influence yourself.
billy.campbell76 said:
Just curious, are the chances of switching dependent on anything?

In your case, it will be all about your eyesight.  You need to decide fairly soon.  Your choices of EME and Sig O are going to land you at RMC before you know it!    :salute:
If you did accept say EME Officer and wanted to apply for the Officer Voluntary Occupation Transfer Program (OVOTP), I  believe there is a requirement for 48 months service before being eligible to apply.  If you were successful you would be looking at a minimum of approx 5 years in a trade you may not like and, as always, applying does not mean being accepted.
So it is coming up on that time for the messages to start rolling out(anywhere between mid-april to mid-may) so I figured I would start this topic as a place for those of us who have a VOT in to post their stories about their process, their losing and gaining trades, and as the offers start rolling out, post to share their success.

Good luck all
Trying to get out of Comms Rsch to AC Op.

Went through quite the adventure getting to the point now where I am waiting for acceptance (hopeful).

I WISH I knew what happens with the paperwork once it goes from the BPSO office to the boards.... not very transparent.

If anyone has been declined, did they ever give you reason why? If it happens I would like to know what to improve my chances next time I apply (which will be immediately (god forbid) upon reading the refusal email.

If I keep hammering at that door perhaps it will be inclined to open!!
I believe it's a simple process.  The board sits and scores the applicants files.  If AC Op is taking 10 VOTs, and you are in the top 10, you will get an offer (assuming your MOSID has not met its outcap #yet).  IIRC, they do an initial set of offer msgs and wait for confirmation of acceptance.  If someone declines and/or no longer meets the criteria ( ended up on TCAT or C & P, etc), they go back to the list and offer to the next people on the list.

The waiting is hard, for sure.  Good luck to all who applied!
Stacked said:
I'll be submitting a VOT once the message is out.  Just got my ILP approved, need to complete two University credits for desired trade by December 2015. If I can't complete it in time due to sailing schedules will more than likely apply for a waiver. (Not really sure how that works yet though...)
Currently a Sonar Operator on our lovely Submarines, looking to go Military Police.

If you don't like that job in a sub under the water, maybe you would love it flying over the water looking for the sub?  You wouldn't be the first submariner to OT to AESOp.  It's the place where the grass really is greener.