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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Anyone here know the answer to this?
with the brand new aircrew selection test the CF has implemented the following retest policy..

"Should you not meet the aptitude test requirements for your occupation choice(s) on your first test administration, you may attempt the tests again after twelve (12) months. You may attempt the CF Aircrew testing a maximum of three (3) times."

With the old policy, you had to acquire a private pilot license to try again. Back in 2008, when i applied for ROTP I failed the aircrew selection test. Now that there is a new test with this new policy, am I eligible to retry the test and VOT to pilot? I am currently a MARS officer posted to ship for a year. training is very slow onboard with the current state of the navy.

Thanks for any help.

I am contacting the BPSO tomorrow. I Was unable to get ahold of one the past few days so I thought id try my luck here
dtbmars said:
Anyone here know the answer to this?
with the brand new aircrew selection test the CF has implemented the following retest policy..

"Should you not meet the aptitude test requirements for your occupation choice(s) on your first test administration, you may attempt the tests again after twelve (12) months. You may attempt the CF Aircrew testing a maximum of three (3) times."

With the old policy, you had to acquire a private pilot license to try again. Back in 2008, when i applied for ROTP I failed the aircrew selection test. Now that there is a new test with this new policy, am I eligible to retry the test and VOT to pilot? I am currently a MARS officer posted to ship for a year. training is very slow onboard with the current state of the navy.

Thanks for any help.

Your comments are correct.  There is no longer a requirement to obtain a PPL prior to a second round of ASC.  The new requirements are as you mentioned and came into effect in approx Jun 13.  You can be re-tested for ASC, after 12 months have elapsed since the previous attempt.

Good luck!
Just curious where everyone has ended up so far. I am personally sitting on the BTL in a holding pattern. No info has been provided as to when my posting to Borden will be or when I will start course. is anyone else in this situation? Specifically to the other people going AVN have you been told anything yet? Or, if you have any contacts you feel like passing on please PM me.

Cheers Folks
Message is now out and should be available on the DWAN shortly.  See CANFORGEN 134/14 for details.

Good luck!
Hi, a question please:

Does the Cpl rank remain after a transfer from one Reserves occupation to a completely different other occupation within Reserves? Having served for a few years in Reserves, I understand that my IPC4 pay will remain the same, but not sure if it is allowed to wear a corporal rank before doing the new trade specific course. It would make sense that the rank on the epaulet would be dropped down to nothing, because it would be odd to have someone on trades course wearing a Cpl rank already? However, I am just verifying.

I can't comment on the Reserve system but just from my one experience during my QL3 Reg Force crse in Borden we were all no hook privates but we had a Cpl on course with us who was transferring from Inf to Admin Clk.
curious14sure said:
Hi, a question please:

Does the Cpl rank remain after a transfer from one Reserves occupation to a completely different other occupation within Reserves? Having served for a few years in Reserves, I understand that my IPC4 pay will remain the same, but not sure if it is allowed to wear a corporal rank before doing the new trade specific course. It would make sense that the rank on the epaulet would be dropped down to nothing, because it would be odd to have someone on trades course wearing a Cpl rank already? However, I am just verifying.

I do believe that provided you held the rank of Corporal (Substantive), then you retain that rank on VOT.
Whatever rank stated on the vot message is the rank you wear. It's just that easy. Cpls on ql3 courses are pretty common.
curious14sure said:
Hi, a question please:

Does the Cpl rank remain after a transfer from one Reserves occupation to a completely different other occupation within Reserves? Having served for a few years in Reserves, I understand that my IPC4 pay will remain the same, but not sure if it is allowed to wear a corporal rank before doing the new trade specific course. It would make sense that the rank on the epaulet would be dropped down to nothing, because it would be odd to have someone on trades course wearing a Cpl rank already? However, I am just verifying.


Just sent someone on their 3s this summer as a Cpl.  This information should be in the CFAO (49-something) on Career Policy - NCMs - Reserve Force.
I'm in the process of submitting a VOT from Veh Tech to either ACS or AVN Tech, and I've searched the forum but can't find anyone who's been down that road. For those with experience/knowledge/observations of either trade, I'd value your opinion on which you'd pick and why? Thanks
Think of it this way.....AVS is the air force version of an EO tech where as an AVN is more like a V-tech.

Do you want to work more on the electronics side of things or the mechanical?

Id go AVS since im an electronics tech, plus  I already have completed POET so I wouldn't have to do that portion of the training. But remember, its all personal preference.
Thanks, but it's ACS not AVS I'm looking at (in addition to AVN). I know AVN will be similar to Veh Tech, i.e. mechanical, but ACS seems to offer more variety, which I like the sound of.
haha my bad, read that wrong, sorry about that.

Looking at more of the welding and fabricating end of things. Not to mention it opens the door for non-destructive testing. My buddies always called the ACS guys pop rivet techs lol.

If you can, have a visit with some ACS guys, they can show you exactly what they do day to day, same with AVN. Its worth its weight in gold to have spent some time with them especially when it comes time to OT.
I just graduated my 3's for ACS.
The course ran about 12 months, not including common core and BEET.
It was a long haul but worth it.
I'm now on course in Borden since 14 of October. For EO tech though. It went really fast for me. My friend that is going avn is loaded on a course in January(franco). He's still turning wrench in Kingston until then.
aequitas said:
Just curious where everyone has ended up so far. I am personally sitting on the BTL in a holding pattern. No info has been provided as to when my posting to Borden will be or when I will start course. is anyone else in this situation? Specifically to the other people going AVN have you been told anything yet? Or, if you have any contacts you feel like passing on please PM me.

Cheers Folks

Your POC 'should' be the Borden BTL organization.  My experience on the BTL was you have to stay on top of things yourself and not expect them to be pro-active.  :2c: