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Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

Way to rub it in  :P. You should be extremely grateful it was that fast.

Google searched Barrie just to find out where it is. Would the fact that it's located in Ontario be the reasoning as to why it would be so fast?
HeadLamp said:
Way to rub it in  :P. You should be extremely grateful it was that fast.

Google searched Barrie just to find out where it is. Would the fact that it's located in Ontario be the reasoning as to why it would be so fast?

I'm sorry, in no way am I rubbing it in. Just extremely excited thats all. As to the speed related to where I live, I wouldn't want to speculate. I don't THINK that it would make a difference. Mayve someone else in recruiting actually knows??
I'm sorry, in no way am I rubbing it in. Just extremely excited thats all.

Haha, I know you weren't. I was just joking with you, that's why I used the ":P" symbol. I can definately understand the excitement! Gratz on getting in so quick!
Man, you guys are lucky! ;) I'm still sitting tight after sending the rest of my med docs, should take a few weeks for snail mail. Maybe I'll get there with you guys in Jan?
ringer98 said:
Got my call today. One week to the day of my interview. Going to BMQ Jan 5th St. Jean Quebec

Me too I'll be there as well! I leave Moncton NB. Jan 4th PM me we'll get some Sociallizing Before we head out! :salute:

Sorry for the delayed response. My CFRC is Mississauga, Ontario.  Judging by the fact you do not know where Barrie is, I'd assume you weren't from Ontario.

Keep us updated, as we are in a similar situation and I would be interested in hearing your progress.

Stay positive people. It does make one anxious to wait but use the valuable waiting time to go over


and prepare. Good luck!
Hey guys!

I just passed the medical at CFRC Toronto today, one of the guys behind the front desk said I just missed the Jan 5th date but I should make it out for the one on the 19th or the 26th at the latest. Maybe I'll see a few of you during BMQ  :) :-X ;D :salute: :) ;) ??? :-X :)

Aha man, I've been reading this board since I was 16 and here I am five years later on my way out the door.

If you're on the Jan 19th or the 26th PM me and I'll give you my msn.
Hi guys,
Quick Question here...

I recently applied and the end of november 2008 and i did my CFAT, Med Exam, and Interview. I passed all of them and they requested that i get my asthma sheet filled out from my doctor and my deppresion form. Those are both medical conditions i have 1.5 Years + ago. Doctor cleared them and i submitted them to my petty officer. Now they said it was sent off to quebec awaiting call. The petty officer said my file looks like there should be no issues etc. Now its almost christmas and no call im pretty curious whats up...any suggestions? i have been training like crazy for BMQ and this is what i really want.

should i be concerned fellow applicants?

Hey, best of luck to all of you going out this month! I just got the call this morning and I'm on the February 9th course at St. Jean  ;D
See you there Ocd.pizza.All this waiting is killing me though =( but its great for some more pre-training time.
Bad luck's beating me with a stick. File got closed while I was sending the rest of my requested papers up to Ontario, but its all cleared up. Then I had to re-open it and sign an extra handful of papers from BackCheck. Woohoo. The jolly guy at the recruiters office told me I'd be 14 days before I recieved a call, so I shouldn't be waiting too long. I might be out of here by March, hopefully.
Hope you guys are doing good, and happy V-day!  ;)

Fingers crossed,
good luck!  I'm still waiting......  no reason other than I can't go yet.  just... waiting.
I am also waiting for the call to get sworn in. They told me it would ''probably'' be 1 to 2 weeks for the call. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since. Hoping for the call tomorrow!!

Lemme know if you get that call, eh? Here's hoping for you.


The waiting games pretty tiring, but at least it gives us more time to prep and get our asses in shape. Just keeeep swimmin', just keep swimmin'.  :P
I'm a pro at waiting by now.  Not that I enjoy it - but it is what it is.  Damn, I forgot about swimming... I gotta really work harder on my push ups.
So if your waiting for the call is it possible to get one to start BMQ before the new f/y(April 1) or is it most likely you will not receive one till then?
SoldierInTheMaking said:
So if your waiting for the call is it possible to get one to start BMQ before the new f/y(April 1) or is it most likely you will not receive one till then?

Based on personal experience, yes it's possible.

I believe it's a matter of whether or not there are still positions open for the MOC you selected.