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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Teeps74 said:
Holy cow, go away for a bit to actually, you know... Work. AND I MISSED ALL THIS!!! None of you called me?!

You are all off of my Christmas card list!

We can't help the fact that you have to work during summer leave  >:D

No wonder new posters get a jaded view of this site.  A new member merely wanted to post his experience in one of the many trouble spots on this planet, as a heads up to new recruits.  A public service in my book.  The hostility displayed here beggars belief, and I, quite frankly, am appalled at this shocking display by senior members of this site.

Now shove over, and pass the popcorn, it's getting really good.
Sorry I was off registering at an SADF forum to see if he pops up there, what did I miss?

BTW stop picking on and scaring the Brits joining us here. They may retaliate and make us eat their breakfast. :eek:
I say, steady old chap ! What's wrong with a good old British breakfast fry up  :p better than grits or is that your US brothers ?
MMMMmmmmm.... fried EVERYTHING... sometimes I get so homesick... anyone know if you can get Pukka Pies in Canada?
Having eaten a traditional English Breakfast on more than one occasion (actually eaten is probably the wrong word as it implies voluntary ingestion), I’ve figure out how the British Empire came to be. Hundreds of years ago thousands of young Englishmen were willing to brave thousands of miles of travel in decrepit vessels on cruel seas only to land on barren and often hostile shores where they had to toil for generations to build something. They did this without reservation as it ensures that they would not have to endure English cooking.

Hmm perhaps we have uncovered the reason for booties cyber dementia.
CDN Aviator said:
Good thing i'm in ASW. Not too many posers or imitators in our world. Nobody sits around their living room wanting to play "Awefully Slow Warfare" or kids saying "boy it would be awesome to spend the afternoon doing doppler tracking"

We can try for you, but your going to have to pay for the beer and cases of liquor it would take to make up a descent story (it may take a long time  8))
Whilst I do not wish to start a war with our Canadian brothers (and sisters), i will not back down from you casting dispertions on our cuisine, well food. Have you seen how many fat people we have in the UK now ? They don't pop to France to get that fat you know. My other retort would simply be

"Maple syrup and Buffalo bugers !"

I suppose we have to amuse ourselves until booty (is that booty as in ar$e ?) graces us with his presence. Unless he's scared of course...................................
British cuisine?! Well, bangers and mash is not too bad. I love me fish and chips. But for the love of god, lining the bottom of a haybox liner (food warmer, not sure what you guys call them) with toast, then piling on the greasy bacon, and then eating the toast afterwards (true story Royal Green Jackets, great guys)... Whoa....  :eek:

There is a lot of great food to be had over there... Just not when us troops are the ones making it I guess.

Teeps74 said:
British cuisine?! Well, bangers and mash is not too bad. I love me fish and chips. But for the love of god, lining the bottom of a haybox liner (food warmer, not sure what you guys call them) with toast, then piling on the greasy bacon, and then eating the toast afterwards (true story Royal Green Jackets, great guys)... Whoa....  :eek:

There is a lot of great food to be had over there... Just not when us troops are the ones making it I guess.


Haybox are called Norgie's over here. You can't beat a good range stew or all in breakfast out of a norgie, just remove the bit of chef's finger if you are veggie !

I hope you all realize that Booty has probably pushed the anglosphere into recession. Consider how much productivity has been lost on both sides of the Atlantic by the members of these three sites chasing his mangy butt through cyberspace. This could get him a honoured place in the Walt Hall of Fame, or is it on Waltapedia?

edited for spelling.
Teeps74 said:
British cuisine?! Well, bangers and mash is not too bad. I love me fish and chips. But for the love of god, lining the bottom of a haybox liner (food warmer, not sure what you guys call them) with toast, then piling on the greasy bacon, and then eating the toast afterwards (true story Royal Green Jackets, great guys)... Whoa....  :eek:

Gah!!  :p 

'Nutritional food' is an oxymoron there. 

Although I did love the fish and chips...
Okay who wants to take bets on when this Boot character is banned?

This is one of the best days so far this summer ;D

Greymatters said:
'Nutritional food' is an oxymoron there. 

I thought "British cuisine" was.... (I kid, I kid....)

Deadpan said:
Okay who wants to take bets on when this Boot character is banned?

The Ban Pool (c) - love it!
milnewstbay said:
The Ban Pool (c) - love it!
Yeah, we'll make money for Army.ca, and get more swag to sell.

And with all the Brits that are here now their bound to want in for a nice shirt, or hat.

We also use, or did when I was a young soldier, the term haybox. I have an old Field Service Pocket Book which explains in gory detail how to put the hay in a hay box. It also explains the British army's approach to field cooking. There are two ways to prepare food: boiling; and frying. The latter, the authors take care to explain, is boiling in hot fat.
Has anyone got the link for the 'booty' web site. (External internet site separate from the CA site)

Removed from his profile I think. It was refered too earlier

Its not Brit food that bothers me......

The Sr. NCO mess at RAF Kinloss, if you leave your meal unattended for 2 seconds ( getting something to drink) it gets taken away by the staff !!!

Oh and dont try to eat breakfast in any other room than the breakfast room !!
Has anyone got the link for the 'booty' web site. (External internet site separate from the CA site)

Removed from his profile I think. It was refered too earlier



I think you're looking for the sites I found and posted here:


