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Weapons modification RANT.

421 EME said:
Memos can be great tools, but one that details a short coming to a weapon and a solution, should wind up in front of your unit Tech Adj the Maint O and ETQMS. They will look at it and see if it has any merit. If it does than it will be forward to DLR 5 or DSSPM 5 for them to look at. This route can take some time and may not get the results you are hoping for.

Or someone in the chain can grow some balls, but his foot down and say:"They need it, make it happen" until such time when someone from higher comes back and says yes or no.

Initiative is always an option. When I hear about how the system is supposed to work, all the while keeping people at the pointy end without tools they need, I loose my fucking mind. Especially if it required the approval of some tech guy or REMF.

#1) Its not about who will give me permission, its about who will stop me.
#2) Unless evidence to the contrary, the guy at the sharp end is right.
#3) Non end users should not dictate end user requirements.

Please understand that it is not the Jr NCO Weapons Tech that can approve weapon MOD's. We have no say in it. Yes or no to MOD's are done at the Snr Weapons Tech level ( LCMM ). If he cant see or cant be made to see the value in the MOD then forget it because its not going to happen.
Am I going to stop you from putting a RIS on you C8. NO. Am I going to stop you from cutting down the barrel on your 870 because you think it will be better for breaching. First I will see if I can shorten it without having to cut anything off. If I cant shorten it to your satisfaction then my answer is YES. Can I stop you from doing it, well lets just say I cant babysit you to make sure you don't.
Whatever you do next is up to you but you will be respondsable for the MOD that you are going to do to that weapon. I am not saying this too cover my ***. I have been in more **** with my CoC about doing MOD's or trying to find ways to make some of are weapons better for the boys, it just feels natural now. I will stay a Cpl for the rest of my career if I keep on bending and braking the rules the way that I have and the way that I will.
But the one thing I will not do or let be done is a MOD that will effect the safety of the user or will not allow the weapon to be put back into its original state. End of story.
One other thing EME are not REMF's. When the boys go out, so do we, at the sharp end of the stick.

421 EME said:
Memos can be great tools, but one that details a short coming to a weapon and a solution, should wind up in front of your unit Tech Adj the Maint O and ETQMS. They will look at it and see if it has any merit. If it does than it will be forward to DLR 5 or DSSPM 5 for them to look at. This route can take some time and may not get the results you are hoping for.
UCR’s……… I know that writing one may give you the feeling that you’re pissing into the wind but there are people who are reading them at NDHQ. They want to hear what’s wrong with the weapon in detail and not that it sucks or is a piece of crap. Also, the more UCR’s they receive about this problem from other people the better chance that they act on it. This route can also take some time.

Those with access to CSNI should check out CEFCOM's J7 page Topic Lesson Reports (TLRs). Big one on pers kit posted in Dec 08. This may be yesterday's news for some, but just in case.
dangerboy said:
I might be a bit slow tonight but what does the above quote mean?

Charlie-Mike means Continue Mission. Drive-On is just like keep on truckin, not a valid psyops message, but a good attitude to have nonetheless. Defecation(sp?) will Occur is the santized version of 'shit happens' i saw it in some amry publication once and i thought it was funny that they bothered to tone it down for official pub.

bascially what i'm saying here is my own personally army philiosophy: when your going through hell keep going. don't sweat the small stuff. do nothing which is of no use. stay goal-oriented. improvise. adapt. overcome. don't wait for perfect and you can't run an organization on a zero defects policy.

so Charlie-Mike or even CM, Drive on and Defecation Will Occur, get the idea across very nicely and with less verbage in my mind.

as for modifying weapons, i'm not personally so on about that, but other guys wanna do it, i figure what the hell, let em, as long as it's a non-permanent mod. i'm all about the personalized kit myself, 64-ruck, decent sling (missing the old web gear), ect. to me the way i see it; you wann hang all that stuff off your rifle, more power too ya, but it;s more weight, more bulk, more getting caught on things.

especially on a C8, which being a carbine is supposed to be lighter isn't it? for all the junk and i know some of it is pretty useful, if it was me, i'd personally rather have an FN. but why not be understanding about it? i've seen more than a few support recruits going through course who couldn't get the C7 into the shoulder, too big. i still find the thing aint long enough for me to a do a propper stand at ease or easy with arms unless i lean over (shopt fine though, wierd). why not canabalize a C8 butt for the munchkins and throw a few stock spacers on for me?
421 EME, my anger is not directed at you, sorry for not making it clear. I understand the system we have to work with and I appreciate you knowing how it "should" be done.

When I mentioned REMF, I was thinking of people up the chain.
OK, as a wpns tech, just rtn'd from the sandbox myself,( 1-08), I can say, if you are on the sharp end, use what you are authorized, as in what your boss says is ok. I am not talking about throwing a LMT 10" on a C7A2 lower, and then adding a crap sight, saying GTG as you bail out the back of your carrier. I am saying, if your CoC has done the leg work and gotten the green light on a list of approved 'accessories', then go with it. Guys had EOtechs on C7A2's and C9A1 on my watch, and there was no bones made about it. I have a word of caution, do not get feet dry in a hostile AO with unproven kit, as was stated earlier. We had the guys train on the kit as used in theatre, the CO had the blessing from the puzzle palace to do so. It wasn't the weapons mainly, it was the gear. TVs and FVs were the main case for mods.

I personaly 'accentuated' several pers wpns for users, based on tried and tested facts. I have had time on the kit, so I know what works and what doesn't I also know what is good and what is crap.

I admit, modded kit is bad in the eyes of the brass, but putting a C9 winter grip on a C7A2 or what ever isn't a mod, it is a personal thing. We are told as techs, if it doesn't alter the permanent configuration of the system, it is reversible, but there are limits. No Krylon cam, only the approved CF water based paint. Or, use the damn tape that so many hunters like to use.  Cutting the butt on a C9 and shortening it is a poor example of tuning for efficacy, and has been done, but it shouldn't have been. We cannot allow the troops to do stuff themselves, we have them bring it to us, and we do the stuff.

The snipers and recce boys do their own stuff, but have to follow the guidelines, as do everyone. We have seen RIS and aftermarket BUIS used, but MAGPUL stocks and pistol grips are not approved ( the people tend to damage springs and or lose them in the attempt). As well, the cutting of the upper sling loop on the butts of the C7A2 and C8A3 FTHB is considered as destruction of propoerty, when you want to put a CAA cheek piece on the weapon. We have the skills ( contrary to some beliefs) to do the work properly, and the work is done right.

  We do push for change, all the time. Hardly a week went by on work up that we didn't fab up a mod on our own weapons to try it out, and then pass it on to the LCMM's (life cycle maint managers) to see what they say. If they like it, they staff it. Hence the ambi selectors and mag catches, and I still say we should have gotten the Badger Ordnance Tac-Latch instead of that crappy fishhook affair we use now! As well, we have the Cadex front grip, and the 4 pos butt, ( a dream 5 years ago). You say there is no progress, look at the C9A2, and tell me there is no progress. All we need to do now is toss that damn C79 and get ACOGs, or something.

a weapons tech who 'gets it'