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Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)

Should go back to the old days where you were required to wear your DEUs to and from work and had to have a chit to wear PT strip if you wanted to jog to and from work.  I don't know what happen to wearing your uniform when flying on duty but that should be brought back too.  Should never be ashamed to wear your uniform in public and you should take every opportunity to do it and you should never disgrace yourself and the CF while wearing it.
Michael Dorosh said:
One of the troops in our brigade a few years ago was fined for going to a bar and singing Karaoke while in combats.

Another was fined for wearing DEUs to an event on the armoury floor, and disrobing in public while on stage (conducted a wee bit o' a sporran parade).

Stupid stuff, really. 

So, technically, simply going out for a pint would not get you fined, should you be witnessed?
In around Petawawa, having pints, in uniform, at a commercial establishment off base will get you HUNG!
I am unsure of the actual policies but, typically around a military base, occasional stop in shopping or social drinks into early evening is accepted(depending on base commanders directives) but as for say a reserve unit in a large city after a parade night, if you are dressed properly and conducting yourself properly with a reasonable excuse as to why you are out in uniform, you should be safe.Keep in mind, you can still be charged no matter what you say because if someone is out to get you, theres no escape from the dreaded 129.
Baloo said:
So, technically, simply going out for a pint would not get you fined, should you be witnessed?

As Armymedic's reply will show, there is a big difference between different bases, commands, and elements (ie Regular vs. Reserve).  pbi's earlier points were apt - lunch in uniform is not a big deal, maybe even supper before (or even after) a duty period (day for regs, evening for res).

You can't come out of the field, though, and go for dinner with smelly clothes and dirty boots (and why would you want to).

What it comes down to?  One idiot ruining it for everyone else by not using common sense.  Tell a guy he can go have a drink after work in his combats, and sure as hell you know some assclown will get drop-dead drunk, beat up a cop, urinate on a nun, or what have you, in uniform, and that will be the end of it. 
This issue involves a little common sense by all members of the CF.

Remembrance day, New Years day Levees, freedom of the city are examples of occasions where members of the Military wander out to civilian bars to go for a *ahem* pop or two after the parade. Mind you that you best be in your DEU's and should act accordingly in public. That I have no problem with.

I have a problem with the people who go straight from work to a bar and sit behind a VLT for 3-4 hours and are still in their combats(Naval Combats included!)

As a rule of thumb, if you are on the way home and it is close to your route or only a quick stop, do your errands. If it's going to take a long time to get there or complete the job, then go home and change.

As for a punishment.... Here are a few that they could make stick easily I'm sure:

NDA 129: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline
NDA 97: Drunkenness
NDA 93: Behaved in a disgraceful manner

Bottom line is that when you are outside the confines of the Base, you are in the eye of the public and stand out.... act professional.
Yeah it must be the clothes that cause that kind of behavior  ::)
Just a funny point to add-on to this!
Before i joined, i used to be a salesman in a hardware store. One day, i seen two guys walking around in combats. They were looking around like if they were "christening the ground". Looked like they were doing house clearing or something!.

That was pretty funny to me. Looked like "show-offs"!

I do some shopping around the base in combats (like everybody does in town here), but if i go further, civvies looked at you like you're a space mutant....

My 2 cents....
Yeah but most people tend to stare at you no matter what

When I would leave for work to catch the bus at 6:20 in the morning I would run to the bus stop and people would be out walking their dogs and stare at me.

I would always think who the hell gets up at 6am to walk the f***ing dog and why are they staring at me like I am the weird one.

I would run past this one house and the dogs inside bark like crazy and probably woke everybody in the house up so that was the only cool thing about getting up early.
honestyrules said:
Just a funny point to add-on to this!
Before i joined, i used to be a salesman in a hardware store. One day, i seen two guys walking around in combats. They were looking around like if they were "christening the ground". Looked like they were doing house clearing or something!.

That was pretty funny to me. Looked like "show-offs"!

You're an engineer.. When I was a 648 we were at the hardware store all the time, purchasing for jobs.. You can't honestly be expected to change into civvies every time you need to pick up supplies.
I remember one time being in Winnipeg at the Polo Park Mall. A young Air Force 2nd Lt was at the food bar without any head dress, his sunglasses nicely placed on top of his head tucked into his hair and his sweater draped garishly over his shoulders with the sleeves tied up in front. He was trying very hard to impress the young ladies off school and seemed to be awaiting a tennis match at the club, very preppy. I pulled him aside and as it was my duty to do so, informed him of who I was and with all due respect and tact that I could muster, asked him to wear the damned uniform Her Majesty issued you with bloody properly. He brushed me off with, "Lighten up Sergeant, it's none of your business." I noted his name and the following day sent a memo to the Base CWO. When I got back to my unit (RSS Thunder Bay), the reply was passed to me verbally that I should mind my own business and stop bothering the Airmen.

I would say that if you want to go pub crawling in uniform, do it in blue.

Peter  :salute:
I am in the PRes in Halifax which is fairly used to a military presense thanks to the Navy, Airforce, and Army (Dockyard, Shearwater, Amouries, etc, respectively). Anyways, it was always made clear to me that you DO NOT wear your uniform unless you are being paid to do so. With the exceptions being the one stop rule on the way home or to work.

I myself, and other in my unit always head out to McDonalds, or Wendys or the like for a quick bite to eat after our parade nights and then head home.. But I would never think about wearing my uniform to the bar or a sit down restaraunt even.

Also, at my university I've seen quite a few people in class in Navy uniform. They're always wearing it properly and what not, so I always assume they head to work right after, or were at work right before and don't have time to change.

I guess it just boils down to it's a work uniform, and when you wear it you represent a large organization by default, whether you like it or not. So it comes down to pure common sense. Just the same as when I worked at Blockbuster, I'm sure they wouldn't let me stand drunk outside the store in my uniform telling customers to F off, even if I was off the clock :)

Common sense, that's all there is to it.
To Feral..

Yes I'm now a 646 and i do have to pick up stuff at the local supplier. When we are in the area to do a job, i agree that we can't get changed before the pick-up. But, you're bringing money into the community and it's time to do the "PR" thing! You're now in the "spotlight" and your highers know where you are and what you're doing...
At the time, you're "on duty"...

Normal dress of the day being combats, there is nothing wrong there...

johnny_boy said:
Also, at my university I've seen quite a few people in class in Navy uniform. They're always wearing it properly and what not, so I always assume they head to work right after, or were at work right before and don't have time to change.

Many of these guys would be in the RegF and are given permission to leave work to attend a University Class and then return to work. As long as your dress is of a good standard, it is seen as a common thing to do here in Halifax.
Pbi That wouldn't have been a certain watering hole at King and Dufferin now would it?
"I have a problem with the people who go straight from work to a bar and sit behind a VLT for 3-4 hours and are still in their combats(Naval Combats included!)"

I love that statement, because I hate NCD's with a passion and I detest VLT's.

VLT's(video lottery terminals) have destroyed enough sailor's lives and families. I am was relieved when Stad and the messes got rid of them.

It got so bad in HFX, I had to go on a Supervisor's Gambling Awareness Course.

I would like to see NOMEX coverall's onboard and salt/peppers ashore and with dress patrol at the Brow and the gates.

Ol Joe Comeaus' aka North End Pub the real navy mess and casino.

Lovin it!
In around Petawawa, having pints, in uniform, at a commercial establishment off base will get you HUNG!

Have to disagree with that one.  Couple of times, after finishing a night shift early (which is usually in the winter -- the only good thing about that season) the bunch of us have hit Kelsey's for a late dinner and maybe a drink.  Never heard anything of it.  Now, does that mean I would do the same at Boston Pizza?  Of course not.  Then you're obviously going out of your way.  Once again, common sense.  I've hit the local bar in Deep River regularly on my way home from work (again at night) and sat having a beer (usually bought by the owner.  How can you say no to that?) while waiting for my order.  Then I'm off home to eat.

I think the above quote clearly shows that things need to be taken in context.  IOW, don't go out on a bender, but having a couple with your buddies at a restaurant (NOT a bar) before you head home is probably okay.  One just has to remember that when they are wearing a uniform they are representing the whole of the military, and should act accordingly.  It's not really fair to set a time limit on when you can't go out in public in uniform since there are too many of us who work nights on a regular basis and that "rule" could easily get shot down if you were charged because of it.
The person with the most brass or spaghetti makes the rules.   Local Base Standing Orders dictate the "local law of the land."   Depending on the CF Alert level and the imbiber's intent, a quick pint with a supper on the way home is not a chargeable offence.   The CF legal system is more transparent and balanced than some of the threads imply.   Having one pint with lunch or supper, depending your duty or flying status that day is hard to condemn.   Being an enrolled piss tank regardless of your mode of dress is indictable.   Two uniformed lawyers at a Court Martial would have a hard time condemning a man unless - Alert Status, local SOs or duty/flying status dictated otherwise.   I doubt you will find anything in the Dress manual or QR&Os that disputes ( I will check next week.)   Read sentence one for final authority, one standard would be hard to keep across such a diverse purple force.
johnny_boy said:
Also, at my university I've seen quite a few people in class in Navy uniform. They're always wearing it properly and what not, so I always assume they head to work right after, or were at work right before and don't have time to change.

Or perhaps they're having their education subsidized by the forces... don't know if officer candidates attending civillian universities are required to wear uniforms to classes...
