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What are the differences between BMQ and BOTC?

Mud Recce Man said:

Thank God he sorted you out.  I was wondering how we'd put the pin back into that grenade after the spoon had jumped out.
Shamrock said:
Thank God he sorted you out.  I was wondering how we'd put the pin back into that grenade after the spoon had jumped out.

Well you have to give someone a chance to clarify before you call "rounds on, fire for effect".

been guilty of that on more occassions on here than I can think of!
Is public speaking are part of officier basic training? what kind of topic will be chosen for the candidate usually?
I'm not sure if there is a public speaking component per se, perhaps theres and instructor around here someplace that can correct me. But there are a few times where you will be required to speak somewhat publicly. You (We) will have to deliver 2 lesson plans, one skill, one knowledge, as well there is a small party tasking in the field designed to assess leadership and teamwork abilities as well as a tour as either Candidate Platoon Commander or section senior, which also assesses leadership ability. I'll check at work tommorrow and see what else is on the sylabus for public speaking.
Catherine said:
Is public speaking are part of officier basic training? what kind of topic will be chosen for the candidate usually?

Yes.  It's an enormous portion.

A candidate's first exposure will be delivering about a formal, five minute presentation on him/herself; these are usually done before the entire course (which can be up to 60 candidates + staff) and are a soft assess.  Candidates will also be required to give plenty of O Gps; these are done at section level and are a hard assess as well as CPC O Gp which is not assessed (however, CPC is an assessed duty).  As CPC, candidates may be required to march the course to and from some locations and issue some drill.  Classes will be given on public speaking and speech giving.

During BOTP, candidates are required to deliver a speech to the course and staff, the topic can either be of individual choosing but military related or staff assigned.

Small party taskings are gone.  Candidates will be required to conduct something similar to them during LPAC (Leadership Potential Assessment Centre); however, the new syllabus has candidates conducting actual missions, such as VCP's, SAR, recce screens, etc during the final confirmation ex.
ArtyNewbie said:
I'm not sure if there is a public speaking component per se, perhaps theres and instructor around here someplace that can correct me. But there are a few times where you will be required to speak somewhat publicly. You (We) will have to deliver 2 lesson plans, one skill, one knowledge, as well there is a small party tasking in the field designed to assess leadership and teamwork abilities as well as a tour as either Candidate Platoon Commander or section senior, which also assesses leadership ability. I'll check at work tommorrow and see what else is on the sylabus for public speaking.

thanks for the detail and hearing from you again tomorrow.
Shamrock said:
Yes.  It's an enormous portion.

A candidate's first exposure will be delivering about a formal, five minute presentation on him/herself; these are usually done before the entire course (which can be up to 60 candidates + staff) and are a soft assess.  Candidates will also be required to give plenty of O Gps; these are done at section level and are a hard assess as well as CPC O Gp which is not assessed (however, CPC is an assessed duty).  As CPC, candidates may be required to march the course to and from some locations and issue some drill.  Classes will be given on public speaking and speech giving.

During BOTP, candidates are required to deliver a speech to the course and staff, the topic can either be of individual choosing but military related or staff assigned.

Small party taskings are gone.  Candidates will be required to conduct something similar to them during LPAC (Leadership Potential Assessment Centre); however, the new syllabus has candidates conducting actual missions, such as VCP's, SAR, recce screens, etc during the final confirmation ex.

Sound interesting, but 5min presentation is too long. I don't have much to say. Are there anymore details? what are VCP's, SAR, recce screen?
Shamrock, thanks for that, I was still under the impression small party crap was in, thank lord its not. but you're right I missed the O Groups and what not. They really have candidates doing recce screens, how forward thinking of them. again thanks for the info.
You're going to have to think of something Catherine. Some of these exercises like the presentation, is used to gauge YOU as a candidate. Honestly, if you're shy and timid, you may have to work on it a little bit. Keeping in mind the occupation route which you have chosen, you have to assertive and loud at times too. Not saying there is anything wrong with being quiet or timid.

It also goes towards confidence. The more confident ( not arrogant ) some one is, especially a leader, it may inspire confidence in their followers or peers. I wish you luck! :)
Catherine said:
Sound interesting, but 5min presentation is too long. I don't have much to say. Are there anymore details? what are VCP's, SAR, recce screen?

military slang is one thing you will learn very quickly.

VCP=vehicle check point

SAR= Search and Rescue

Recce Screen=you occupy OPs (observtion posts) and watch a target or a target area for activity.  Main objective is to "see without being seen" while gathering the information you are after.

You will learn a whole new language and in a few short weeks you will be able to speak in abbreviations and acronyms in a way that your civie friends would have NO idea what you just said.  ;D

"I went down to get the IMPs and NVGs from the SQ, but he was gone with the SSM to do that DP.  We are going to need them for the OPs, and the LARs too.  I want you to make sure the troops know the MBTs, MICVs, AIFVs, SPGs and A/Cs we are expecting."

Thats all gobbly-gook now but...you'll soon be able to talk in confusing sentences to your civie friends!
Catherine said:
Sound interesting, but 5min presentation is too long.

Its not like they give you a choice.

If you think 5 minutes is too long, how will you handle your duties as an offficer in the future ? How will you handle instructing ? How will you handle breifing senior officers on various projects ? How will you deal with the media ?
Mud Recce Man said:
military slang is one thing you will learn very quickly.

VCP=vehicle check point

SAR= Search and Rescue

Recce Screen=you occupy OPs (observtion posts) and watch a target or a target area for activity.  Main objective is to "see without being seen" while gathering the information you are after.

You will learn a whole new language and in a few short weeks you will be able to speak in abbreviations and acronyms in a way that your civie friends would have NO idea what you just said.   ;D

"I went down to get the IMPs and NVGs from the SQ, but he was gone with the SSM to do that DP.  We are going to need them for the OPs, and the LARs too.  I want you to make sure the troops know the MBTs, MICVs, AIFVs, SPGs and A/Cs we are expecting."

Thats all gobbly-gook now but...you'll soon be able to talk in confusing sentences to your civie friends!

Speaking of acronyms and abbreviations is there a list somewhere around in the forum? Some times I have no idea what people are talking about.
How about here...

AverageJoe said:
Speaking of acronyms and abbreviations is there a list somewhere around in the forum? Some times I have no idea what people are talking about.

"Search".  What a marvelous function that Mike Bobbitt incorporated into his wonderful sites.  A simple "Search" found Acronyms & Abbreviations of The CF which was followed by Common acronyms & phrases used on Army.ca for newbies, and Terms and acronyms, and Flight Acronyms, as well as several other topics that included information such as Curious Acronyms.  Try it some day.  You may find things much easier.   

Now I can get back to surfing the site for my own reasons.   ;D   
is the first 2 months going to be IAP and the 3rd month til the end of the course is BOTC? What happen if I pass the first part and fail the second?

You will either be recoursed or released, depending on your situation.  But search!
From my first reply...





Check out the "Weekly Schedule" (for both courses).   ;D
