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What is a Canadian Soldier?

Yo, Armyrules! I wish that E-mail you quoted was really accurate. Unfortunately, it ain't, at least not the fitness bit. I don't know what unit you're in, but I suggest that the next time you happen to be formed up in three ranks,you take a good look around- there are a lot of chubby bellies sticking out. The truth is, that while the IDEAL for the soldier is "fit, motivated, etc.", the reality, at present, is quite different. I would say that, objectively, EASILY 1/3 of all personnel in uniform today are- and here I must apologise in advance to the Orwellian Eyes- fat ***** who do NOT, by any stretch of the imagination, match the soldierly ideal. This doesn't necessarily mean they're not acceptable in the performance of their duties, but it does mean that, as an Armed Force, we have lost our way vis-a-vis THE SOLDIERLY IDEAL. What is a Canadian Soldier? Whether he knows it or not, he is the inheritor of a proud tradition, which we are ALL well on the way to squandering on the altar of Political Correctness and the institutionalized lowering of soldierly standards. Does that help answer the question?

Modified for swearing.
Some words I use to describe a Canadian Soldier are  Courage, Commitment , Determination , Loyalty , Pride , Judgement , Scarfice , Freedom , Justice, Honour, and Respect.

I believe that when you become a Soldier you become a piece of your Country and a part Freedom
I know that may sound cheesy But I have the most respect for people that are willing to Scarfice their lives to ensure the Freedom and Safety of their Country.

Just my thoughts
Dont worry Polish Possy all of the quotes on this thread are cheesy. I think Im going to go and be sick now.
I could only read the first page then I had to stop. If you guys were all trees I would have some wicked maple syrup for pancakes. what a sappy post.
I think a Canadian soldier is the guy who orders the sandwich at the drive through at Tim Horton's when all you need is a coffee, the guy who always has stale coffee and cigarettes on his breath, the guy who leaves work everyday at ten minutes to four, the guy who is always right and you are always wrong, The guy who is an instant expert on every topic and in every trade in the Forces, the guy who always says "its all pensionable time", the guy who never wants to do better than just a pass on his PT test. This post was in jest, try not to take it too seriously.
or the guy who eternally says  "i am going to get in shape and try for JTF" and never does
Gramps said:
I think a Canadian soldier is the guy who orders the sandwich at the drive through at Tim Horton's when all you need is a coffee, the guy who always has stale coffee and cigarettes on his breath, the guy who leaves work everyday at ten minutes to four, the guy who is always right and you are always wrong, The guy who is an instant expert on every topic and in every trade in the Forces, the guy who always says "its all pensionable time", the guy who never wants to do better than just a pass on his PT test. This post was in jest, try not to take it too seriously.

These are not all Canadian soldiers, by a long shot. But, all too sadly, this type does exist. They actually hate the military (or at least the idea of the military as a profession...) and every day that they stay in they are stealing their pay cheque. They are the first ones to submit a grievance about anything and everything under the sun, and to constantly counsel others how to screw the system. They fake PTSD, dishonouring those who have suffered psychological injury on ops and weakening their units by their absence. They are the ones who spread stupid, baseless rumours about important issues because they could never be bothered to get off their asses and find out the truth. They are the "MIR Commandos" who know how and when to get a sick chit to get out of everything. They are the ones whose families never come to family support briefings before deployments, then have hideous domestic disasters and afterwards lie that :   "the Army never done nothin fer us". Good riddance: go get a Mcjob somewhere.

I believe the defination of the Canadian soldier is that they are resourseful, smart, strong, diligent, and above all else have sworn to serve their country and God for the better of their fellow citizens and man. They are the ones who will rise to the call when no one else can or will do it. Statements like this can be seen in acts like the invasion of Rome in WWII, spearheaded by our boys! :cdn: :salute:
pbi,  you are 100% correct in your assessment of my last post. That is exactly the reaction I was going for and I couldn't agree more. You are right, they do exist and are all to common. I have worked with and worked for this type of person more than once, I see them every day and they are on every Base/Wing and Unit and they really do sicken me to no end.

[invasion of Rome in WWII/quote]

Really? I thought the US Army was first into Rome. We were on the other side of Italy, weren't we?

It was a joint US Canadian operation that spearheaded the attack. They were known as the devils brigade and are now known in Canada as "Joint Task Force 2"  ;D :threat:
Wow Hunter. I always thought the JTF2 guys were younger.

Found this somewhere,

He is profane and irreverent, living as he does in a world full of capriciousness, frustration and disillusionment. He is perhaps the best-educated of his kind in history, but will rarely accord respect on the basis of mere degrees or titles. He speaks his own dialect, often incomprehensible to the layman.

He can be cold, cruel, and even brutal and is frequently insensitive. Killing is his profession and he strives very hard to become even more skilled at it. His model is the grey, muddy, hard-eyed slayer who took the untakeable at Vimy Ridge, endured the unendurable in the Scheldt and held the unholdable at Kapyong. He is a superlative practical diplomat; his efforts have brought peace to countless countries around the world. He is capable of astonishing acts of kindness, warmth and generosity. He will give you his last sip of water on a parched day and his last food to a hungry child; he will give his very life for the society he loves.

Danger and horror are his familiars and his sense of humour is accordingly sardonic. What the unknowing take as callousness is his defence against the unimaginable; he whistles through a career filled with graveyards.

His ethos is one of self-sacrifice and duty. He is sinfully proud of himself, of his unit and of his country and he is unique in that his commitment to his society is Total. No other trade or profession dreams of demanding such of its members and none could successfully try.

He loves his family dearly, sees them all too rarely and as often as not loses them to the demands of his profession. Loneliness is the price he accepts for the privilege of serving.

He accounts discomfort as routine and the search for personal gain as beneath him; he has neither understanding of nor patience for those motivated by self-interest, politics or money. His loyalty can be absolute, but it must be purchased. Paradoxically, the only coin accepted for that payment is also loyalty.

He devours life with big bites, knowing that each bite might be his last and his manners suffer thereby. He would rather die regretting the things he did than the ones he dared not try. He earns a good wage by most standards and, given the demands on him, is woefully underpaid.

He can be arrogant, thoughtless and conceited, but will spend himself, sacrifice everything for total strangers in places he cannot even pronounce. He considers political correctness a podium for self-righteous fools, but will die fighting for the rights of anyone he respects or pities.

He is a philosopher and a drudge, an assassin and a philanthropist, a servant and a leader, a disputer and a mediator, a Nobel Laureate peacekeeper and the Queen's Hit Man, a brawler and a healer, best friend and worst enemy. He is a rock, a goat, a fool, a sage, a drunk, a provider, a cynic and a romantic dreamer. Above it all, he is a hero for our time. You, pale stranger, sleep well at night only because he exists for you, the citizen who has never met him, has perhaps never thought of him and may even despise him. He is both your child and your guardian. His devotion to you is unwavering. He is a Canadian soldier.

--Author unknown--
2332Piper said:
Oh my. Who wants to take this one?

At risk of stating the obvious, JTF-2 has no direct relation to the First Special Service Force.  Neither did the Canadian Airborne Regiment, who took the Battle Honours of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.  The 1SSF were known administratively as the 2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion.