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What should be expected?

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Good afternoon everyone.

I have searched the forum for a rough idea and have came up empyty. So here goes

I have gone through the application process from CFAT to interview but through the process all of the trades have closed which is unfortunate but understandable, My question is and i know it cannot have a gauranteed answer but many of you on here are very knowledgeable.

If in fact the canadian forces are expecting to pull out of afgan in July of 2011 what can we be expecting as far as fy2011 is concerned for recruitement i know the navy will most likly have a few trades available but i have alot of great friends in the Army, i will go navy if in fact its the only thing avialable for me to serve.

To some this may be a stupid endless question but a question none-the-less

Thank you very much for your time
Oh Michael0

Why, Oh Why, do you ask these questions, if you say you have been reading these forums?  These questions have been answered so many times over.  Please do some more research and you will find that some questions can not be answered at this time.  Others, have been answered, and the answer has not changed. 
Oh i know the question "what will be available" cannot be answered and im not even looking for an answer to that question my question is because of the pullout in your opinion do you think this will have a major effect on the recruitement process for the future
Let's see:

Yes =  Canada withdraws in on itself like a hermit crab and does no international deployments ever again.

No  =  Canada decides to send troops to some other shyte hole like the Congo, Darfur, etc.

No  =  The CF sees a large number of members Releasing.

Yes =  The CF doesn't see a large number of members Releasing.

No  =  The CF continues at a regulated pace to offset attrition.

Yes =  Canada decided to further enjoy the "Peace Dividend".

No  =  World War breaks out in Korea.

Yes =  The Defence Budget is cut.

I am recovering from a case of Food Poisoning, so my bouts at the keyboard may be brief........

It is hard to say what the future will "accurately" hold for Recruiting, as there are so many factors at play.

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